ActionScript 3.0 :: Method Of Handling Galleries Of Images?
Jul 13, 2010
I am working on a Flash/AS3 site used to view galleries of images. When the site is loaded, it loads an external XML document which contains the relevant information. An example of the XML looks like this:
I am fairly isolated from any sort of programming community (aside of course from this website and some others) and am curious if this is a reasonable method to manage externally loaded data?Are there other methods that could be recommended?The above functions are wrapped inside of a class of their own. I just pulled them out for the example.
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Mar 15, 2009
I need a simple way to use xml and create a multiple gallery inside 3 main galleries so basicly like this: (Everything would be in the same page, list view, when clicking into one it would open it)
GALLERY 1 (Will include numerious galleries)
-Example 1
-Example 2[code]....
Basicly when clicking the link it would hover the pics with a scrolling effect in the flash file (that all should be sorted out)
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Nov 7, 2006
I'm using the Flash 9 AS3 Public Alpha IDE. I'm loading a suite of 256 external png images using the Loader class. There are multiple "suites" of these images, but once the .swf starts and a couple of settings are loaded, only one of the suites actually needs to be loaded for that session. Only a small handful of these images are displayed at a time, but this handful changed rapidly. Images are quickly loaded, animated, unloaded, etc. Currently I'm using the Loader class to load the images whenever I need them and then I remove them from memory when I'm done. Because they are used so often, and without much forewarning before they become needed, this solution is no longer effective.
If I place all of these images in the Library and setup their linkage properties individually, everything works fast and efficient loading them with getDefinitionByName, but this is not practical to have to recompile my .swf file everytime the images change (not to mention setting up the linkage for 256 images is very tedious). The other complication is that multiple classes that are not directly connected with each other need access to these images, which means the images need to have some sort of global access (like they with getDefinitionByName). most effecient way to load all 256 images into memory and then give them global access to be *quickly* reproduced, duplicated, multiplied and animated by any class?
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Sep 30, 2010
I want to use setter method for my xml object which is contain Images path. Actually I want to load images in swf using xml so for this purpose I make a xml object using URLloaing class and I want to setter and pass these object to other class ImageLodingClass. My question is how to receive this object in ImageLodingClass IS it is String so how to Convert in Array for storing All path of images?
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Oct 11, 2007
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Is there anyway in ActionScript to create an instance of an image asset in the library?
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Aug 26, 2011
I'm using an xml menu and have the code in a .as that loads as2 & as3 swfs, but I can't load these externally created image galleries (externally because I created them using another software).I want to load 1 of these galleries into a movieclip when I click a button, and load another one when clicking another button, of course the first one should unload first.The Image galleries I have are: carrera, Col_Imanes, Cons_Base, Cons_Hapas, Cons_Imanes, Gallery, and 1.[code]...
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Jan 6, 2006
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Aug 3, 2008
I have two buttons on stage, to load pictures from gallery 1 (gotoAndPlay ("slider1")) and gallery 2 (gotoAndPlay ("slider2")) respectively. I changed the variable in _root.xmlfilein the second set (slider2)mybtn1 loads gallery1 without any problemmybtn2 loads only one picture from gallery2, nor the text is loaded.
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a several galleries that I will be loading via several xml files. Gallery1 will load on start and the other galleries will load through buttons using their instance names (i.e. "gallery3" button will load "gallery3.xml"). Currently I have a function + listener (called "home") to initiate gallery1 on start, a function + listener (called "goSection") to initiate the other galleries via button instance name, and a function that loads the gallery (called "fileLoaded") with the listener located in the "home" and "goSection" functions. There is a lot more code in the fileLoaded function that controls the thumbnail and full size images functionality that I am excluding because its probably not necessary for my problem. Im not sure the most efficient way to set this all up so I unload the existing gallery before I load a new gallery. Ive tried to use removeChild and removeEventListener on urlLoader without much success.[code]...
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Jan 3, 2009
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May 22, 2007
I now have another issue that is preventing me from making this thing work properly. I have attached a zipped file of both the XML and the Actionscript. And here is the link to see what is happening at this point. Here's what I'm needing to do:I have 15 images. 5 images need to rotate in a single movie clip inside my flash movie. So I have 3 movie clips rotating 5 different images. The 15 images are in the XML file in three different categories (this will make sense if you look at the XML).I have the gallery kind of working, but the rotation of the images is not working properly. Again, I think all of this will make sense as to what I'm trying to do by looking at the XML and the link above.
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Feb 25, 2010
I bought a template and althought I'm usually ok with Flash, I cant put my head around this one.I've got a category section that should link each time to a different catalogue (galery), see screenshot attached. Well after 2 days of trying, I think is fair to say that I dont know how to do it.
There is the following in the Action Layer of the main movie clip:
_root.link_gall = 1; = 1;
_root.D = 0;
And if I check the AS for the button of each category like "Water Colour", I found this:
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Mar 30, 2010
I downloaded and am using kirupa's flash gallery with xml. It works/looks great. but i'd like to have it behave a little differently. i've seen sites where the thumbnails continue to change their alpha indicating they are loaded and loading while i'm viewing an image. are there any tutorials/samples out there for that? i simply want to see how it would all work together. maybe having 10 thumbnails and an image using xml.
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Apr 27, 2010
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This is the code from my index file:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
[Code] .....
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Oct 18, 2010
1. How to get the height and length downloadable images into a movie clip?
2. Help write the gallery without the use of thumbnails to the gallery to upload images of real size, and then decreased to the size of movie clip
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Oct 8, 2009
I have a SlideShowPro component on my stage and some buttons I've made which I want to load the different galleries when clicked. I've tried tons of different ways of writing it, but just can't seem to get the code right.
function albumChange(event.Event, url):void {
[Code] .....
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Jan 16, 2011
I saw many examples in jquery compenents which takes image urls from HTML DOM. But flash photo galleries always need xml configuration files as i have seen till now. I need flash compenents which doesn't need any configuration settings from server. If it is possible to do that flash can get image urls from DOM or even by javascript. Is there such as flash photo gallery compenents ?
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Sep 18, 2009
I've created a photo gallery that dynamically loads images into a movieclip entitled 'gallery'. Right now the images are listed in an array. how would I make it so that different arrays could be loaded for different image galleries on the site? For example clicking a certain button would tell the movieclip to load different sections. It would load an array that goes
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Sep 25, 2009
I've created a photo gallery that dynamically loads images into a movieclip entitled 'gallery'. Right now the images are listed in an array. is it possible to make an Array of Arrays so that I could load different Arrays for different image galleries? Is this somewhat how it would work? Lets say I were to switch to a section entitled 'landscapes' which we will pretend is the array "var a:Array = new Array();" for now.
ActionScript Code:
var a:Array = new Array(
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Dec 10, 2009
I've created a simple thumbnail gallery script that my students can use for portfolio projects. I'm also making it available for public download along with video tutorials in how to use it. I had developed a nice AS2 script, but those days are over and I've been hammering away at AS3 with pretty good success, but am still learning.I have a workable gallery, but if I add a second gallery on a different frame, all the functions and variables of the second gallery conflict with the first one. I'm missing some simple way to reinitialize the gallery. It may be that I need a Gallery Class but this is just a hair beyond me right now. Can anyone take a look and point me in the right direction? Files can be downloaded from URL...The actionscript files are external and brought in with an include action.
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Jan 12, 2010
I am loading some separate .swf image galleries in my main .fla; when you go to different sections the image galleries still stay there. How do I make them go away? When you click on the background it takes you to another spot on the timeline and the gallery should disappear, but it just stays there.
View 9 Replies
Feb 14, 2006
I have just started to learn more about XML in Flash but so far it's all a bit confusing. I have this photo site that I'm working on at the moment and I can't figure out how to load dynamically specified photo galleries. I load in my XML on the first frame of the root timeline with this script:
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Jul 13, 2006
Right now, I have a successful combo box that loads an external jpg to flash from a folder where I store all my images. However the information that is given about the pictures are all in the flash code. I have an xml document, and I was wondering if there's any way I can load information from the xml file rather than supplying it in the flash code,
this is currently the flash code:
combo_cb.addItem("0001 The Assasain", 1);
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Apr 21, 2007
I've been trying to add more galleries the Kirupa Photo Gallery but so far unsuccessfull - i've modified things alittle, but it's mostly the same.
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
image = [];[code].....
This is as far as i can get before i get errors i cant get out by displaying image[i] in gallery[n].at the current time i can only get the number of galleries and display the images in the first gallery - not change between galleries.
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Mar 1, 2010
how to make image resizing galleries using AS
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Apr 18, 2010
I am making a set of image galleries which will have looping background music. What are your opinions about the recommended method to bring music in? I am happy with the attachSound and loadSound methods, but wondered whether attaching a soundtrack.swf using loadMovieNum would be better. If so, I only know how to stop and start the music, not pause it and restart where it left off, which is important if I add a narration. Sound Objects seem more versatile because they let you use "position/1000", but from what I have found on the forums I have searched through, I may have to load the swf into a Movieclip or perhaps use _level somewhow?
Here is the code, which works well, but does not "pause" the music, it just stops and starts at the beginning. Code is in the root timeline of my soundControls_mc (play/pause button).
[Flash 8 - AS2]
loadMovieNum("includes/number10.swf", 100);
soundOn = true;
this.onRelease = function() {
if (soundOn == true) {
[Code] .....
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Apr 13, 2011
I already have a photo gallery running on my website, but I would like to add 4/5 more. The script I am currently using is;
var autoStart:Boolean = false; //true, false
var secondsDelay:Number = 6; // 1-60
I've obviously changed the first and last frame part of the script to suit where I have put my images. And I have also changed the next and prev button to be next1 and prev1, however the rest wont work, i'm guessing I need to change a lot more but I don't know enough about scripting.
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm trying to dynamically load in 3 photo galleries into a file. They are all SWF files. When you click the button for the thai gallery, it'll pop up. But if you want to navigate to the alex gallery, the thai gallery is still visible underneath. And the same problem with the 3rd gallery only all 3 are visible at this point. Is there a way to make these not visible? I'm using CS4 with ActionScript 3.0. I've got 3 separate buttons set up for the 3 galleries. Is there a better method? I've tried using the removeChild(); but I don't think I've used it correctly as it throws errors all over the place when trying to use it.
Actionscript Code:
thai_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadImages);
function loadImages(evtObj:MouseEvent):void {
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("thaipix.swf");
[Code] .....
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