ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Multiple Items At The Same Time With Tween?
Dec 20, 2011
I wish to move multiple items at the same time with tween.
I'm currently using a loop that calls for the same tween for each item.
I then want to do something when the tween has finished using the tween listener. The problem is that it is being called each time for every item that is being moved. I know I could do some variable that changes from true to flase if its been called once, but is there a better way of doing this?
I'm currently creating a word game where I would like to place tiles, but if possible I need it to be possible to drag select groups of tiles (preferably with a visible selection box as you drag) and move them around all together.. is there a simple way to implement this and still have the tiles snap to a grid ?
I am animating a number of items using the Move effect. I am adding each item to an array after it has been added to the display list and once all items are added calling the play method, passing an array of the items to it. Only the last item plays in my animation.
Here is my code: MXML: s:Move id="coinFall" yFrom="-400" duration="2000" /> public function showCoins(n:Number):void{ holder.removeAllElements(); var targets:Array = []; if (n>=2.5){ [Code] .....
i've got multiple clips on stage and i want to move them all say 20pixels to the right. I want to do this with one Tween and have a nice elegant mathematical solution (i don't want to have to take position stamps etc etc unless its absolutely necessary). Here's an example. 4 clips randomly dragged on the stage and put in an array, Then one tween to move them all (for performance reasons):
I have a bunch of MCs that when you click each individual one it will start to move up and down with a yoyo-ing tween. I would like all of the MCs to move up and down at the same time rather than start exactly when you click on them so they are moving at different times.
I am having a problem with a scripted animation. I am trying to use the tween class to send three objects across the screen at once. For some reason, this tests fine in "test movie" but the swf stops the second two tweens at their initial points and tweens only the first one. As you can see from the code, they all have different var names and object names.
var medTween:Tween = new Tween(logo3D4, "x", None.easeNone, 1200, -1000, 6, true); var bigTween:Tween = new Tween(logo3D3, "x", None.easeNone, -500, 600, 8, true); var smallTween:Tween = new Tween(logo3D2, "x", None.easeNone, 1000, -1300, 5, true);
So, I have a tween where a movie clip starts at 0 alpha and ends at 100.. I want to move the clip to a new place on the stage, but when I do it creates a motion path.. Edit multiple frame doesnt work either, so how does someone move a tween if the tween doesnt have a tween path?
I have a map with a list of items to the side. I want the list to work as buttons and highlight both the button and the particular image on the map... and when you click you link to a certain location.I also want to be able to MouseOver the map, have both the image on the map and the corresponding 'button' from the list highlight - but when you click, you go to a different location than if you would have clicked from the list.I have it set up - but something is conflicting. Here is how I have my code set:
Code: BUTTON_ONE.onEnterFrame = function(){ if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { this.nextFrame();[code].......
I'm working on creating a new look for my portfolio and had a concept.I would like have one movie clip tween in real time 365 frame increments, while another moves in real time minute or second increments.Along with this, I would like to be able to override the passage of time by scrolling an associated scrollbar.The two tweens would be independent of one another.
What I am trying to do is have the pages animate out when you click on a different menu item, it would just disappear and tween in the next animation.The site is setup so the buttons are all on the main page, when you click a button the buttons fly away and the content flies in. There is a back button on the content box that makes the content fly away and the buttons fly back in.Here is the code I used to get it to work, this code is for a site I'm currently working on, this is the main page AS:[code]However the site keeps working perfectly, it just tosses this error in the output tab.There is also a strange delay after clicking away back to the main page.
I have an MC that is a giant text box that contains 20 different items laid out vertically, like this for example[code]...
I want to make the list infinitely moveable/draggable on its y position, meaning the user can drag this list up and down but the list never ends.....In other words when the user drags to the last item in the list, the list, the list starts over again. And the same works in the reverse; if the user is dragging up and gets to the first item, the last item pops up after and then goes in reverse. In other words no ending. Think The Price Is Right Wheel or the alram clock on the iPhone or iPod touch.
I am making a navigation for a site, and the client wants a box behind a menu item to show that it is the active option. He wants that box to move to behind the new option when selected. So my navigation goes along the x axis; home contact about etc. Initially the box, which I have given the instance name 'tab' is behind 'home' as its the homepage.
So by clicking on say, the third option, the box will move from home to the third option, and say the user then clicks the second option, the box is to move to behind that. I got 4 navigation items, all are buttons, all on their own layer with the box being on its own layer too (obviously below the layers for the buttons so it appears behing the menu item).
I thought it would be quite simple, have some code which effectively says: buttom1.on(release) { tab.moveto(x value, 40); }
This is probably one of several ways to do this..."myData" is an array that contains information displayed in "myDataGrid". "toBeMoved" is a variable containing, um, the item to be moved.
btn_up.onRelease = function() { // this is a button to move items UP in the list
whoseSelected = myDataGrid.selectedIndex; // gets the index # for the selected row/item if (whoseSelected > 0) { // makes sure you dont have the already top item selected toBeMoved = myData[myDataGrid.selectedIndex][code]...
Ok -- so I figured out how to tween in CS4, but how the heck to you adjust the tween? If you decide you want it to be a few frames longer or shorter? It wont let you drag the tween point! The only thing I've found that works, is deleting the tween and then making a new one. Which, is absolutely rediculous -- I know there has to be a way to edit it once you make it.
i use loadmovie() to load youtube videos inside my flash website but when i load another video the old one doesn't stop, so i tried unloadmovie to destroy it but it seems that i did a mistake in my code
This is how the code looks to stop the old one an load the new:
As you can see, there are a bunch of images in an array that load with the page. I want these images to fade in one at a time in quick succession when the page loads, and then do the same thing when one of the arrows is clicked and it moves to the next set of images. How do I accomplish this?
My code for the array:
Code: import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.easing.*; var linkageID_array:Array = new Array();
When using AS2 a mc when moved via AS would slide to the new position. I have some AS3 code, which when the left or right buttons are pressed moves the mc to a new position, but it just jumps to the new position instead of sliding.How would I alter the code so that it slides to the new position instead of jumping? I've searched everywhere and tried to add tweenLite but I really am stuck
Here's the code I'm using -
illleftButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP , leftbuttonill); function leftbuttonill(event:MouseEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(root).mainContainer.illustration.x < -40){
I understand that motion tween is a new form of tween in CS 4 however I am unable to move a keyframe within the time line? am I missing something? I would hope I could select the keyframe (diamond shape) and move it around the timeline but apprently Im missing something.. I am not able to do a cut and copy either... is this normal behavior?
I start the animation on a button press.Code: stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,key_down); When I click the button the animation of the instances seems ok, but if I click the button quickly sometime the animation doesn't end, the object seems freezed in the middle of the screen and also the MOTION_FINISH isn't called.
I have entered the following code and both items do import, but i cant control the label of the second library item called "Cool"After doing some digging, i think i found out the class name of the second object was called "Cool" and the base class was "import flash.display.SimpleButton;" so it looked like i had to import that class at the top like i did! But still not working. and still no joy!I think i need to add in "public class Cool extends SimpleButton" so it inherits the SimpleButton class after the first public class and then create a new function called "public function Cool() " and then add the function body but when i go to do that it all goes wrong. Am i on the right track or am i missing a trick!!
I have a horizontally scrolling flying game involving a character and diferent types of food moving across the screen from right to left which the character has to collect ("hit"). I have the hitTestObject working for 2 different food movieclips with one item belonging to a healthyList, and the other to a junkList.
how to add more items (movieclips) to each of the lists, so that I have for example 6 items in the healthyList and 4 items in the junkList.
Below is the code in my file. The red highlighted text is the code that creates the problem. I thought that I just needed to add this line in order to add another item to the "healthyList" of food types, but I obviously have it in the wrong place or have the wrong code completely.