ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving And Running Main Content From Second Or Third Frame?
Sep 5, 2011
I've been able to connect with a DB, use a server side ASP script to check a user name and password in the SQL Server DB and get back a score number.
function sendData(event:MouseEvent):void{
var userName:String = username_txt.text;
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I have 6 frames on the main timeline each with a different movieclip. Is it possible that when one movie clips finishes running it will go to he next frame on the maintime line and run the next movieclip on the next frame with AS3?
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Apr 28, 2011
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I am in the learning process. Working with FlashCS5 and AS3. if the issue appears to be too simple for you. Placed a movieclip(mcassessJohn) on the main timeline and moved to the frame labelled "johnFeedback" in the movieclip timeline using the following actionscript code.
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var loadAnimBox:Loader = new Loader();
var vid_mc:MovieClip;
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see the code and comments
public function mainClass()
//stage declaraction
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
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Jul 26, 2011
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Jan 20, 2009
I am making a project and using XML to bring in the data externally. However i have ran into a little snag. My code to query the XML works, but if i don't start with the first button, the rest of the buttons dont work.
If i click on the first button which takes you to a new frame and loads in the XML data into a text area the rest of the buttons will work and go the frame they are supposed to and work as intended.
However if i do not click on the first button first, the button will take you to the frame that it is supposed to take you to but the XML does not load.
The buttons are on a grid and are supposed to be clicked in any order and bring open the right information, which is why this is a problem.
here is the code that is on the second frame. All the other frames look just like this one but with the names changed to fit the names of the buttons.
//this makes the xml request
var jeapordy_xml:XML;
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Jeapordy.xml");
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Feb 15, 2010
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Jul 27, 2007
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Jun 8, 2011
I have a fully functioning scrollbar (MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_MOVE) and a fully functioning mouse wheel scroll. But I would like some code to move the scroll button according to my contents y position, when using the mouse wheel scroll.My scroll bar code:
ActionScript Code:
thumb.buttonMode = true;
thumb.visible = false
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Aug 3, 2010
My project works as intended, but after making a minor change a short while ago, something unbelievable happened. As far as I know, I only changed a button images, but now my preloaded does not load the swf beyond frame 1.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a simple flash game with two frames at the moment.Most of the stuff that happens is in as files linked to different movie clips.I orignially only had one frame my background frame and when testing I just press ctl+enter and bamm away it goes the actionscript runs as soon as the movie/game starts and ergo the game plays.My problem is this, I now want to have a start/home frame at the beginning (of course) which has the start game button on which when clicked THEN starts the game.Currently the game starts in the first frame along with the start button.How do I stop the game running straight away and my first frame only contains the start button, which when clicked then goes to the 2nd frame and starts the game?
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a xml gallery on one frame (each frame represents a webpage) and when i click on another frame the frames content appears but the xml gallery is still running on top of it, why how to stop the xml gallery running before going on another page. Is there like a stop function ?
the code in as3 i used for the gallery is as below:
var xml:XML = new XML();
var img_count:uint;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var img_holder:Sprite=new Sprite();
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Nov 17, 2010
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package {
import flash.display.*;
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Jun 23, 2009
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May 20, 2009
Im trying to create a gallery application in flash. I created a movie clip and inside of it I create a loader variable. After loading it i want to put it on the stage but not using the same loader. What I am trying todo is to load the information, and the copy the loaded information to a different loader that lives on the main timeline (root) and then use the addChild to put it on stage but its got to be on the main timeline or a different movieclip, not the same movieclip that loaded the object.
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Dec 20, 2010
RIGHTNOW, Im doing my game development but I have problem based on my game control.this is my question..
I have two frames. the first frame is on running movement of the character and the second frame is on standing position.This two frames has only one kind of character,but I seperated the two movement in two frames witch are running and standing problem is how can I do the mouseEvent,if onclick the character will continue on running and if on release the character will do is to standing position.
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May 10, 2010
In one of my project, I will load a swf after a button click. I use Loader and try to access the document class by Loader.content as Movieclip. But I find if the target swf contains TLF and if you set the publish property to RSL instead of "merge into code", the content of Loader will be set to some "__Preloader__".
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Dec 9, 2006
i have a main swf with 5 menus and i want to , when i click on one buton the meuns will apear ( they have exactly the same size as the main movie)im trying with loadMovie but i cant make it work cause, when i load the new menu, i cant go back to the main one.
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Apr 21, 2009
Is there a way to dynamically tell if the main timeline's (or a MovieClip's) playhead is moving or has stopped? I know I can manually set a boolean variable and then toggle it between true and false:
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Sep 7, 2010
onClipEvent (load) {
MinX = 0;
MaxX = 200;
FRAME = _root.p1;
p1 is the instance of the movie which I am trying to move with slider. When I apply above code on the handle of the slider with instance name 'handle' everything works perfect. Slider moves and so do the movie. Now instead when I bring the same code to the main timeline to do the same, onClipEvent does not work, it gives error. So I replaced it with the code written below. Now I can move the handle but movie is not moving.
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Mar 31, 2011
i am new to flash actionscript 3 and trying to learn. I have a made a simple menu that has "start game" option. When the uses preses "start game", i hide the menu and the game starts. Now if i want to go "quit" and go the menu screen, how can i do this? How do i erase/stop the game that the user just played?
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