ActionScript 3.0 :: Play A Sound File One Phrase At A Time?

Aug 10, 2010

I am have written a flash "reader" which I use as an aid for language studies.  Various narrations are loaded into a combobox via an XML file, and the user can play the selected narration in a "sentence mode", a "passage mode" (several sentences) or in "continuous mode".  (I use Soundbooth to set navigation cue points at the beginning of each "sentence".)
I would like to add a "Phrase Mode" which would cause the player to play the sound file until it hits a pause / quiet spot.  In other words, if the user selected "phrase mode", the player would play to the next spot where there is no voice for x period of time.  He/she will then be able to select 'repeat' to replay the phrase or 'next' to play the next "phrase" - as with the other modes.  I am using FLVPlayback to play the .flv files.

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How do I make a command saying:

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Jul 22, 2011

Having trouble figuring out the logic for this, I have an enter frame event that I move a character around trying to select correct numbers, using hit test. If they land on wrong number I have a sound that should play once but since is in enter frame it plays a million times, this seems like should be a common issue but haven't been able to find any solution on the internets. This is the basic idea:

private function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
if ( Collision(_player, _number )


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class MyClass
[Embed(source='data/test_snd.mp3')] private var TestSound:Class;
private var testSound:Sound;//


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[Code] .....

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Jul 25, 2011

Here is my code

onFrame (1) {
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.loadSound(" ");
mySound.start(0, 0);

that play .mp3 file from my website at the first frame. It's work for me!

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Is there a way to incoporate a "stop the other SWF files playing" in this somehow?

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//start of sound section is for sound
var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("FlashFiles/audioFiles/mySoundmp3");
var sound:Sound = new Sound();


The above plays the sound as soon as the .swf file is loaded. But I want to play at certain point in time, say frame number or frame label. I want to be able to put all my action script on frame one (or one location) instead of all over the time line.

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Apr 30, 2009

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var myVar:String = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters.myVar;
var snd:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest(myVar)); var channel:SoundChannel =;
Here is the HTML embed:


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Play Sound File Across Multiple Scenes / Movies?

Jan 18, 2010

Most of my flash movies have been reasonable sizes, but the one I'm working on now is kind of a beast. It's up against the 16000 frame limit, so I'm looking into ways to chop it up. The problem is that I need a way to keep my background music playing across multiple scenes or movies. Is there a way to start a sound file in one movie, and have it continue when another scene is loaded or when a second movie file is loaded with ActionScript?

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Apr 13, 2011

What I have are several items on a stage and when they are clicked I want to capture their names so I can use it to play a sound file that relates with the object clicked. For example: say I have a square, rectangle, and a square on the stage and when the user clicks on "triangle" it would play the sound "triangle_snd". This is what I have so far and the error I am getting from it.[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pause, Stop, Play A Sound That Is Loaded From The Other .swf File?

May 6, 2009

Pause and Resume external SWF sound filesI have this code that plays the sound through linkage. It reside in scene1.fla -> scene1.swf.

var mc:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc",1);var myLoop:Sound = new Sound(mc);myLoop.attachSound("bg_sound");myLoopVolume=0;myLoop.setVolume(myLoopVolume);
mc.onEnterFrame = function () {  if (fadeIn01==1) {  


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Sound File From The Library To Play It In One Frame?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a flash file with several frames. In each frame I need to play a sound file.I've added all the sounds to the library and done all the necessary steps to export for actionscript.Here's my code to play the sound in one frame.
var sound1:Sound = new Cal10101();;

This works great to play the sound. I am using buttons to move to the next frame. When I click the button to move to the next frame, I need the sound from frame 1 to stop and a new sound which would be Cal10102 to start playing.How do I stop the sound from frame 1 from playing when I go to the next frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load And Play A Sound From Within A CLASS Definition File?

Aug 3, 2009

I need to know how to load and play a sound from within a CLASS definition file. I know the normal way of doing this, but Flash MX rejects that syntax, so there must be some special way of using sounds in a class file.

I need to know how to code for "if the score increases by any value." So, if the score goes from 0 to 1, the sound plays ONCE. If it increases from 1 to 2, the sound plays ONCE again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Sound File With Play Stop And Mute Button

Oct 6, 2010

the method for stopping/playing sound in 2.0 don't work for 3.0. i can stop the sound by going to a different page/frame on the site.but i want the buttons.

1. play button?

2.stop button?

3.mute button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Sound File To Project With Controls To Stop And Play And Volume Slider

Dec 6, 2009

I'm new to Actionscripting and I want to add a sound file to my project with controls to stop and play and a volume slider. I'm using this actionscript for the controls. It works but right now you need to click the play button for it to start. Is there a different way to write it so that the music starts playing when the scene starts, and then the user can stop or play it again and change the volume?[code]

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Drag and drop game. I'd like the instance to tint red when rolled over after it's been successfully dropped. I'd also like to play a sound file when clicked after successful drop. Here's the code:

ActionScript Code:
addEventListener("dropped", dropper);
function dropper(e:Event):void {


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