ActionScript 3.0 :: Popup To Disappear If The User Mouses Off The Original MC?

Feb 23, 2011

I've got several MC's on the stage set up so that when you Mouse Over one, another MC will popup with more info. However, the MC the pops up overlaps the original MC, so if the user moves their mouse over the popup (while still remaining over the original MC), it makes the popup go into an flickering loop since the roll over/roll off events are triggered over and over again to add/remove/add/remove the popup.

How do I make it so that Flash ignores the popups if the user mouses over them? I only want the popup to disappear if the user mouses off the original MC. So even if they mouse over the popup, the popup stays until the mouse is actually off of the original MC.

EDIT: I had to set mouseEnabled to false along with mouseChildren to false. I only had mouseEnabled turned off...but the MC's inside the popup were still accepting mouse events.

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} on (release, rollOut, dragOut) {
} on (press, release, dragOver, dragOut) {
_root.x +=2;

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<views:ScenarioView width="100%" height="100%" id="scenarioView"/>


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Feb 22, 2011

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See the interactive in question here:


We've had many, many requests to have an option where the reader can get a copy of his/her choices that he/she can print out. I've thought about having a movieclip pop up that shows those choices (and that would be simple enough), but in addition to that, what I'd really like to do is have a way to download those choices to the reader's computer as a text file or maybe have a "Print" button on the movieclip showing the choices that would print just that movieclip. The database we have wouldn't really be suitable because it's set up to simply show which were chosen and which not, and the names of the submissions and choices are variables that don't really mean anything except to us when we put it all in an excel file.

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What are the alternatives to passing the audio through my server to the users?Is it possible to create a link between two users so they can exchange their stream of data (audio in this case) so that it doesn't pass through me, while still being able to control the time they've been connected to each other and some other information?

As for now it's just an idea I have in mind but I don't really know what to look into. I think it will probably need to be some plugin dependant solution so that's why I tagged the question like that.

I'm not looking for a concrete solution, just a little push in the right direction from someone who has been through something similar.

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