ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Mask Complex Images?

Aug 15, 2009

...for example, I'm trying to import a sun shaped PNG... I want the suns rays to act as the masking object... so I can see what's beneath it through the rays. Think of taking the paint brush, making a circle and then the rays are just again a paintbrush stroke.When I set up the mask however, though it's a transparent png, it ignores the actual shape & turns into a rectangle.

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Flex :: Use Transparent Images To Mask Images And Add An Eventlistener?

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the easy part is to create the image and the mask for it:

// The jpg
var elementImage:Image = new Image();
elementImage.source = "/assets/materials/9/main-body.jpg";


but that's not working here. the event listener reacts even if i hover over the trasparent parts.

if i draw an vector graphic and use it to mask the image it works just fine...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Images Into A Mask?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use An Mc To Mask Dynamically Loaded Images?

May 26, 2009

I have created a custom 3d wall gallery and I would like to mask it to give it right and left fades. I have posted the code that places the images on the stage but for the life of me I cannot mask it. Themc in the library mask_mc already has the correct gradient so now how do I add it to the top of the dynamic gallery?

private function viewCarousel():void {
viewport = new Viewport3D(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, false, true);

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Applying Mask To Multiple Images?

May 7, 2011

I am writing an application that looks into an XML file and pulls out the images within. I would like to pull out the raw images and apply a mask to them dynamically.As you can see below i create a blank movie clip and put the images into it.. At this point i want to create the mask.

var thumbLdr:Loader = new Loader();
var thumbURLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(galleryDir + thumb);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mask Multiple Images Adding To Stage From The Library

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Professional :: Header Banner - Mask Text On Scrolling Background Of Images

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alpha Mask - Area Of The Loader Outside Of The Mask Will Visible When The Mouse Is Down

Sep 10, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scriptable Mask - Large Mask Behind The Whole Of Flash Site?

Aug 19, 2003

what i am doing is to make something along the lines of the "scriptable mask" tutorial Inigo was kind enough to put up.My idea is to have a large mask behind the whole of my flash site, this masks a colour image with a black & white one (nothing tricky). The image I am using is actually 5 separate images combined, and each is a pic of certain parts of the site.I also have a very basic set of buttons along the bottom... each corresponding to each section.

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Create Own Mask Around A Jpg Image By Drawing Around It On The Mask Layer

Dec 4, 2009

maybe point me towards a better way to mask. png file is way too big. I have been using the mask layer option to create my own mask around a jpg image by drawing around it on the mask layer. There has to be a fetter and faster way to do this. Is it possible to maybe have a specific color range have an alpha value of 0. Similar to green screening whereas If I put the item I want to clip on a green background flash will auto take out the green for me. and by auto I mean action script maybe. I think this can be done but im not finding it.

how are these guys clipping these images [URL] they have the movie clips set up where the black background on the 3 layers of shoes is getting masked out. When I go into the shoe movie clips I see there is a black background but it just disappears when I go back to main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shape.mask=mc.mask In As File Not Working

Apr 8, 2010

ive gotten one movie clip to mask another in the actions frame but i cant seem to be able to mask the flames which are a shape with a movieclip in this as file. im not getting any errors but the mask isnt covering anything look near the bottom at s.mask=mask_mc; there are about 20 "s" shapes spawning per second if that has anything to do with it

//this package turns an mc into a flaming button that calls a javascript function
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript Code:
Error opening URL '[URL]'
Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. [URL]&List={76269379-92F6-4418-8605-0A5414F91AA9}&View={9F672220-5766-409C-9C90-D746C4B85223}
at SharepointXML_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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IDE :: Optimization Of Complex Graphics?

Jul 28, 2009

making a flash game that has a lot of rather complex illustrator graphics. In the game you walk down a street, so all the graphics has to be moved every frame. In some levels where there are a lot of objects in the street the game starts to lag. after importing it to flash and making a mc of it, break it apart to save flash from drawing all the shapes that aren visible anyway?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complex Nested MovieClips?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm building an event calendar as part of a website .The calendar is divided into two sections, "calendar" on the right with the actual calendar displayed, and "calendarContent" on the left, where information about the evnts is supposed to show up. The different frames in "calendarContent" are all labeled. Within "calendar" I have different movieclips for each month, and inside each month I put the buttons that open the event descriptions in "calendarContent."
Now, for some reason it's not working. The function I'm trying is the following:

MovieClip(root).pages.calendarContent.gotoAndStop("artsundays");where "pages" is the name of the parent movieclip that "calendar" and "calendarContent" are both inside, and "artsundays" is the label for the frame in "calendarContent" I want to go to. The function is placed within one of the month movieclips. I get the following error:TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.I've also tried usng MovieClip(parent) instead of MovieClip(root).pages (since "pages" is the parent), as well as a few other variations, but the problem remained.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Complex Button?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm pretty new to flash and action script, and I'm trying to create a complex button. But when I test the scene, it won't stop it keeps looping. I checked for errors and its come up with syntax error: expecting semicolon before leftbrace.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild In Complex Situations?

Jan 15, 2011

If I have a button inside a movieclip inside another movieclip and so on, how do I remove a child of the stage or a child of a child of the stage from somewhere several layers up from that? I am having trouble understanding stage and movieclip heirarchy I guess.If that's not clear, here's another example of what I don't get.

a_mc contains b_mc which contains c_mc which contains d_mc which contains e_mc. If I have a button inside e_mc called f_mc, how do I remove c_mc from that button?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Complex Behavior Of Flash

Apr 22, 2009

When you open the website and load the contaner with all mc,there is two situations:

1) Load perfectly and my container 3D effect is not so CPU Intensive and works smooth
2) My container with all _MC is very slow and eatin the CPU. The 3D effect is totally screwed up. The container is scaling it self all the time on the x-as and y-as.

Open the a new browser and set it to max view (not fullscreen) then open the domein URL...I use Tweener addTween() for the 3D effect... off course if i turn it off its all fine.. But i like this 3D effect so much.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Complex String Handling?

Apr 20, 2004

Data=["M", "XYZ", "1/1/00"]
Attributes=["sex", "name", "date"]
Search=["sex", "name", "date"]
var orignal="{sex}<b>{name}</b>{date}"

I am getting a string from XML file in the above format which i am storing in original varible. But at the time of showing the output, I want values of the variables ( {sex} ..those are in culy braces) to be displayed which are their in array for sex value is M ..for name it is xyz...etc...and the values should be displayed in a format defined in the how do i create a new string which would look like this...newstring="M<b>xyz</b>1/1/00"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Complex Drop-Down/Layering?

Sep 2, 2004

I have 7 main navigation items, some of them have pop-out menus to the right with subnavigation. Current Example I'm trying to get it to behave like this:- You roll over Nav item 1, and Nav1's subnavigation shows to the right- You are able to still click on Nav item 1 or it's subnavigation and each will bring up content- When you roll off the area (nav1's area + subnav1's area), the submenu goes awayAs you can see, I've got Nav1's rollOver and rollOut working, but now I need to place a button area over "Musical Arts Center" (Nav1) so I can have an onRelease for that item

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Complex Button Timeline

Feb 21, 2007

How I can get the complex button, when pressed to goto a certain frame of the main timeline and not the complex button timeline. Right now I have it set when press and release gotoandplay(2)... but it plays the button timeline and not the main timeline:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){
this.onRollOver = function(){
rewind = false;
}this.onRollOut = function(){
rewind = true;
}this.onRelease = function(){

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving A Ball (complex)?

Jul 17, 2003

There are two stationary balls-ball A and ball B. There is another ball- ball C, which has to move from ballA to ballB.The problem is that when the I "run" the movie, ball C is automatically placed at the position of ballB. That is, I do not see ball C moving from the position of ball A to the position of ball B.I have used a line-drawing algorithm to move ball C. Also, the entire stuff is written in Actionscript. PS:this._x++ and this._y++ will not work because ballC has to travel the exact path between the two balls

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If Two (rather Complex) Arrays Are Exactly The Same?

Mar 28, 2009

I need to check if two (rather complex) arrays are exactly the same. I know that I can simply loop through everything & set a flag in case something is not the same, but I was wondering if there would be some easier way than this using a pre-built method?

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