ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Around Internal Point On Click?
Sep 24, 2010
greetings, first of all sorry for my english. This question will probably looks more difficult than it is.
I have movieclip which I want to rotate around internal point few angles with click on certain button, and I manage to do it, but I want to see motion, or even put ease not only to immediately pop up in the place.
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import fl.motion.*;
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how to get XY, after rotation ( changeing point.rotation property to specific degrees of rotaion )
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[edit] rotation point, aka, registration point.[/edit]
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racer.rotation += 5;
rotates from the upper left corner. How do I rotate from the center of the car/sprite? I've tried putting it into a container but I'm unsure on the coordinates of the container because I tried to set the x,y coordinates to half the sprite image but y'know, it's not doing what I expect it to.
ActionScript Code:
if (arrowLeft) {
var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
I will never sneer at another racing game! I didn't think it would be this hard to do a simple rotate of an image!
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function drawClick(e:MouseEvent):void{
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I think in brief what I trying to accomplish is
arm._x=simulated_x (where elbow would be)
arm._y=simulated_y (where elbow would be)
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Here is the object with no rotation:
Here is the object rotated exactly 45 degrees:
And here is the object rotated exactly -45 degrees:
I need the object to rotate the same as it did the first time but in reverse, otherwise "45" and "-45" are generally worthless numbers to refer to. Is it something to do with the pivot point? I made sure the registration point was in the center when I created the symbol. It doesn't seem to be pivoting the object around the center though. How do I rotate about the y-axis using a pivot point that is actually in the center and gives the same (but opposite) effect when rotating it one way versus the other?
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var shape1:Shape;
Then I want to rotate the shape at it's center point(200,202) by using shape1.rotation=50,but I find the shape don't rotate at the the center of it's shape. How to realize the function which make shape rotate at its center point?
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May 22, 2011
I'm trying to convert a Sprite that I have into BitmapData so I can perform some collision detection. There are a few things about the way the Sprites are used that is making this more difficult than I expected:
The Sprite itself is a container which holds another Sprite that actually has a box drawn in it. The inner Sprite is positioned negative half its width & height so that it can be rotated from the center via the container. The container may be rotated at any angle at any given time
So my approach thus far has been attempting to draw the outer Sprite onto a new BitmapData object with a Matrix to account for the difference. Whilst I can use a Matrix to make this work for one particular rotation angle, I cannot find a way to make it work for any rotation.
Here's what I'm doing to draw onto the new BitmapData:
var p:Product = getProduct(); // Product is the container with the inner sprite
var bounds:Rectangle = p.getBounds(stage);
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(bounds.width, bounds.height, true, 0x00FFFFFF);
Translating by the same amount as the previous example will no longer work here, and the box will still be cut off. I've looked around at some solutions posted before or suggestions from other people but they don't seem to work for me due to my container Sprite and rotation.
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Feb 2, 2012
how I can count the B point's coordinates (see attached image... or not as I am a new!). I know the arrow's rotation - so the angle (let's say it is -120), A's coordinates (0, 0) - A is the middle point of the arrow, and that the distance between A and B is 50 px.
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Mar 30, 2011
I have set up a motion tween using the flash tween class to rotate an image 180 degrees. However, if I should want to work wit hthe image from that point (say click the button again and have it rotate another 180 degrees back to its original position) I can't. It will simply run the tween again because my function specifies to go from 0 to 180. How I can use the tween class to rotate this image 180 degrees on each button click?
Code is below:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
rotation1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotateThePicture);
function rotateThePicture(event:MouseEvent) {
//IMG11_mc.rotation += 180;
var PicRotation:Tween= new Tween(IMG11_mc, "rotation", Strong.easeInOut, 0, 180, 5, true);
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Jun 22, 2009
I was working with the sample code from the Click and Zoom 3D Carouse tutorial and was wondering if anybody figured out a way to have full rotation?
When the demo tutorial files first load the first image is the energy drink. The last is the cat. When you click on the cat first, the carousel, rotates all the way around to it rather than just one slot back. Similary, when at the cat (the last image) and clicking on the energy drink (the first), it rotates all the way around back rather than just one slot forward.
How do you make it rotate seamlessly both ways?
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Feb 19, 2009
How do you determine the "rotation point" (axis?) of an object?
A sprite/movieclip that has been loaded using a Loader has its rotation point set to the upper-left corner. What I want to know if how I manually (using ActionScript) set it to the center.
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Oct 9, 2009
well so far i have this [URL].. and there are some collision problems
the player is _root.loadplayer
the walls are _root.block
the player mc is _root.loadplayer.MC
i'm not sure how to fix this problem :s
but heres the AS code for you to look at
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Mar 30, 2009
So i have a button and when u click it, 1 point is subtracted from your score, and it takes you to frame 2. So i said this:
This works okay, but it only plays frame 2 every other time you click it, but adds one to your score everytime you click it. What can i do
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May 5, 2011
It's the beginning of a Monkey Island / Grisworld The Goblin kind of ultra short and simple game. Actually this is the only think I have to figure out.
Actually it already works if you click the x where it's positioned on the screenshot, but it doesn't work other places. And yes I've tried everything, and I'm just nok smart enough to figure this out.
More precisely it's the alternative path, after the arrow collides with the circle, that's causing me problems - since it's going to find it's way to the point clicked on stage.
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Feb 14, 2011
My Original Post:I have been designing a visual presentation in Flash CS5, there are a few movie clips on the stage that are set to play at a certain time/frame. The problem I am having is that I am not familiar with coding/actions. I want to have a play and a pause button so I can pause at any point (not a specified frame) and discuss with the audience. Then I want to be able to click the play button to resume from that point (wherever I paused from). I hope to get help and be able to learn from your answers. I don't know how clear my question is, but I can clarify if you need me to... A Reply:you can stop/play any movieclip by using the movieclip's reference:
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a site which is basically made up of two swfs. TopNav.swf, which is a dropdown menu, and container.swf. TopNav.swf is loaded into the container.swf. Right underneath TopNav is a movieClip that serves as a link. But for some reason once the dropdown menu rolls over the movieClip, the link disappears and is no longer clickable.
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Jun 26, 2009
I am unknown about internal in OOP. Is there any body about internal. How we can use this in pratical world
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a movieclip and when I do 3D rotation from Transform panel, It rotates perfect, center is in the middle of image, and when I apply mc.rotationY, rotation center is in left of the image, aren't 3D rotation from Transform panel and mc.rotationY from AS same? what's up?
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