ActionScript 3.0 :: Select A TextField Using A Button
May 5, 2009
I want to select a textField using a button. For example: when I click the button, the text field content is erased and automatically selected so I just have to typ the text.
Flex 4 Combobox is extended with a Text Input that helps in getting to the item that is searched for.I have created a Check Box as an itemrenderer for this Flex 4 Combobox. I would like to Add a Select All and Select None options in the drop down of the Combobox. I know that i could accomplish by editing the dropdownfactory in case of a Flex 3 Combobox. But in Flex 4 the dropdownfactory doesnt exist.
I want to find a text in the particular text field when we enter a word in the find text field and click find button. I have the following objects on the stage.One big input text box (input_txt), one small text box (find_txt) and one button (find_btn) on the stage. I have written following code in action.[code]But it finds and selects only one word and stops. It is not finding another word if there is one more similar word.For example, if there are two words "story", it finds last entered word "story" in the input_txt and stops. I want to find and select all similar words one after another in the full text field as in the normal text program like notepad and word.
I'm creating a text editor and I want users to be able to select only part of a textfield and change the color.The problem I'm running into is the ColorPicker gains focus (I'm guessing) and the textfield loses it's "selection."All examples of text editing show the entire textfield changing color.
I have many buttons (symbols). This is what I want it to do: -Select a button on the screen, and then a movieclip plays. - If the user selects any OTHER button on screen, a message box displays a message.
I have a comboBox and values like basic and advanced. And viewstack container conatains 2 grids.When i select the base option in Combobox, the first grid has to be selected. select the advanced value in comboBox, the second grid has to be selected.
I have a combobox (called "style_cb") and as you might have guseed you can use it to select a "style".The site also has pictures and I'd like users to be able to click the pictures (which are buttons) and have the comboboxautomatically set to that option.So, if the options in the combo are "oranges, apples, pears, cherries" and the pictures are of the same fruits,then clicking on a picture of a fruit (let's say "cherriesBtn") would set the combo box to that option.
I have a flash banner rotater and I have little squares at the bottom that are dynamically created which represent the slides in the banner, for example: if there are 4 slides in the banner there will be 4 little squares. Each little square is a button and if you click on a square it will take you to the slide that it represents. My problem is this: When I try to add numbers to each little square by dynamically creating a TextField then the text overlays the square so the button doesn't work.
My question today is dealing with a dynamically generated button with a textField.I have the button copy in XML and I need to add a buffer of 10 pixels to either side of the textField. I tried to CENTER my textFormat, but then I could not see my text because the button is for some strange reason 545.45 instead of 88 like it should be. When I change the alignment to LEFT then I can see my text, but still the larger issue is my button size is horribly off.[code]
I am a Flash illiterate trying to learn AS3. I barely get time to work with it and I only got it about four months ago. I have got really far since then, but I still have some trouble with Flash. I am making a game and I need to know how to embed a button into a textfield. I want it so when you are scrolling down the textfield, at the end, there is a button that returns you to the menu.
Is there any way to have a text field and a particular string in that text field work like a button. For example if I have the following text placed in a textfield via mytextfield.text = Code: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed sem neque, a dapibus velit. READ MORE, id feugiat est. Quisque bibendum cursus varius. And I want to attach a listener for mouse over to the read more text but not any other part of the text is there any way to do that using htmltext.
Can buttons take variables? Right now I'm trying to pass a string into a buttons text field with: this.button_btn.one_txt.text = "hey"; It doesn't work, and the path is right? Is there something special I need to do?
I have a button on one layer and a dynamic textfield on a layer above it. The dynamic textfield gets populated from an XML file. When I test the movie, the dynamic textfield actually blocks the functionality of the button. It can't be clicked and the cursor doesn't change when rolling over the button.
I've been trying to put a textfield in a button and it's not working.
myButton_btn.myText.text = "this is text";
where myButton_btn is a button and myText the textfield. The button is on the stage, the text in the actions panel. The text is on a layer spanning the up, over, down frames in the button
It seems simple enough but it gives me the error below as if myText doesn't exist:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
Is it not possible to make a button with a dynamic textfield in AS3?
I am working with xml and a textField. The problem is that when I load another xml text by pressing a button, the old one stays is the textField. They load one on top of the other.
I have another problem I create a button in the library, it has a background graphic on a layer and a textField, the textField has a instance name defined in the properties panels and some text. I manually place some instance of the button on stage, I give them different instance names and voilĂ a new problem arise when with actionscript I try to assign a new text to the textField inside a button it throws me error 1119. A quick look at the menu option debug ->list objects, shows me that the instance name of the textField inside the button it is not what I defined but it was replaced with some random name like "instance66"I did a test with a movieclip instead of a button and I can correctly access my textField with the instance name that I manually defined. Why that can be the same with the button? And if for some arcane reason cant be possible to access a manually defined instance inside a button WHY flash give me the possibility to give an instance name to a dynamic textField inside a button?
When I put a dynamic texfield in front of a simple button it blocks the action. If I include the textfiel in the button, I can´t change the text later.
I have create a TextField over a button inside a movieclip and when I roll over the part of the button where the TextField is the rollover is not registered. Is there a way to prevent the mouse from seeing the TextField so the rollover just happens? I've set the selectable parameter to false, but that hasn't fixed it.
I have two textfields (txt_name and txt_description), as well as a button btn_pasteasplaintext). I'm trying to make it so when you hover over the button, both the text fields change. This is what I have so far:
I created a button (button symbol), inside this button symbol there is a vector shape which will change colours in mouse over and a dynamic text field. i want to use this button symbol in more than one locations in my stage. so i need to change the label of these instances (by changing dynamic text ). but i can't access the dynamic text in as3 using following code,
btnsample.txtbtnlabel.text = "button label"
this code is working fine for a movie clip symbol but not for a button symbol.