ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup A 2D Array?

Sep 13, 2011

i'm trying to setup a 2D array, but not geting very far. here's a simple bit of sample code i've got.

var temp:Array = new Array();
temp[0] = [1,3];
temp[1] = [2,4];
temp[2] = [3,6];

as far as i understand, that trace should output 4. but instead it gives me undefined

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup An Array Of Classes?

Apr 6, 2005

heres my code for making one class

cwall = function () {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.vwidth = 0;
this.vheight = 0;
_global.wall_A = new cwall();

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May 7, 2009

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[Code] .....

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Having spent three days reading and attempting most online solutions I couldn't find a method which worked 100% without failing in some way or another.

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clipArray[i].mouseChildren = false; //Hidden bugbear

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var clipArray:Array = [btn_1,btn_2]; // Movieclip's called btn_1 etc...


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But always get the error:

SecurityError: Error #2018: System.exit is only available in the standalone Flash Player.    at flash.system::System$/exit()    at menu_fla::MainTimeline/sair_fc()
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the traces Show what data I want to have access to and the rest I but you all will fine right simple to this

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//s_array[futureObj]["Dicsriptions"] = DicsriptionsArray[i];


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con.x = this.width * 0.5;
con.y = this.height * 0.3;


but none of these methods seem to work,, possibly because you can't do the same things to Planes that you can to movieclips...(?)the scene.numChildren seems to work though.

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Initiated variable; = 0

The code I'm using right now;

on (release) { += 5;

the variable I set the dynamic text box too;

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Apr 18, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup A Dynamic Xml Portfolio?

Sep 15, 2010

I'm pretty new to the action script side of things, but am starting to get the hang of it. I've been following a computer arts tutorial to set up a dynamic xml portfolio, which has been going well, however the problem is the tutorial is just for a one page portfolio, when I try and link more than one page I hit a problem, the menu info on first won't go away.

What it needs is a line or two of code that closes the previous movie clip, when a new one is loaded, if any of you out there can help with this I'd be massively grateful - this problem has literally had me pulling out hair for the last week.

here is the relevant bit of code, if it helps I can upload the fla and xml too.


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Setup Gradient Mask Flash Cs 4?

Jan 27, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup And Create Classes?

Apr 5, 2005

does anyone know the format for setting up classes in AS? Also I was wondering if anyone knows if there is "type." A type in some programming languages is exactly like a class but its much easier to call into a program. Okay right now I just need to find out the format for classes

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup An Application That Has Certain Movieclips?

May 31, 2009

I'm trying to setup an application that has certain movieclips that have to chance position depending on a selected option. The application basically has the main stage with a movieclip called "Options" and a movieclip called "Objects". The selected options in the movieclip "Options" define what positions the movieclips in the "Objects" movieclip have later on.

I figured that I had to script it so that if I click "Option 1" in the "Options" movieclip, that it defined 2 variables called "option1_x" and option1_y" and when selecting Object 1 in the movieclip "Objects", that it would set the X and Y values of "Object 1" to .x=object_x and .y=object_y

However, I'm rather new to AS3 (read: very new) and I'm struggling to figure out how to get this to work, because my attempts so far have been.. rather bad.What I have right now is this for the "Options" movieclip:

var object_x:Number=0;
var object_y:Number=0;
option01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Click01);


But this doesn't work at all?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup Library For Classes?

Jun 19, 2009

The one thing that was never covered (that I read) was how to set up your library. As a result, I have been guilty of starting a project folder and copy/pasting all of the classes I need into each project folder. (As a result I have like 30 copies of TweenLite on my PC). I have done some searching, but the topic seems elusive... I have also read where most people use a reverse web address format (e.g., ""). So my questions: Is there a standard way of setting up a library for your classes?WHERE does the "com" folder live on the directory (ex: c:com, or c:Adobecom, etc).How do YOU have your library set up?

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Jun 22, 2010

I have my scrollpane all set up and ready to go, but I would really like to set the scrollbar to a specific height--one much smaller than the scrollpane. I'm using as3 in cs3. The name of my scrollpane is "scrollpaneabout."
import fl.containers.BaseScrollPane;
import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
import fl.controls.ScrollBar;
scrollpaneabout.source = scrollcontentabout;
scrollpaneabout.addEventListener(Event.ADDED,spCom plete);
function spComplete(event:Event):void {
However, the height property has no effect.

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Oct 3, 2009

setup a query string (ID) to an HTML.

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