ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup An Application That Has Certain Movieclips?

May 31, 2009

I'm trying to setup an application that has certain movieclips that have to chance position depending on a selected option. The application basically has the main stage with a movieclip called "Options" and a movieclip called "Objects". The selected options in the movieclip "Options" define what positions the movieclips in the "Objects" movieclip have later on.

I figured that I had to script it so that if I click "Option 1" in the "Options" movieclip, that it defined 2 variables called "option1_x" and option1_y" and when selecting Object 1 in the movieclip "Objects", that it would set the X and Y values of "Object 1" to .x=object_x and .y=object_y

However, I'm rather new to AS3 (read: very new) and I'm struggling to figure out how to get this to work, because my attempts so far have been.. rather bad.What I have right now is this for the "Options" movieclip:

var object_x:Number=0;
var object_y:Number=0;
option01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Click01);


But this doesn't work at all?

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<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
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PHP Code:

var con:Sprite = new Sprite();
con.x = this.width * 0.5;
con.y = this.height * 0.3;


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Initiated variable; = 0

The code I'm using right now;

on (release) { += 5;

the variable I set the dynamic text box too;

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