Flash :: Empty Sprites Or Movieclips Slow Down A Application?

Feb 10, 2010

Just curious to know if empty movie clips or sprite can slow down a application or game.Reason being is because I want to use multiple sprites as containers for my object. So I can easy manage what objects are in front of others. Some points in the game, layers will be empty so I am just curious if I should just make those layers null if they arent being used or will that even make a big difference

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Flash 9 :: Slow Moving Of A Flash Application From Background To Foreground

Oct 23, 2008

I have created a Flash application running in a browser (Firefox 3 on Windows XP). When I move this application from foreground to background and (after some time) viceversa, I notice a considerable slowdown, i.e. for about thirty seconds the application becomes unusable.

My swf is very small (~200 KB), but this swf creates *many* buttons and *many* other graphical widget (with statical images), so the RAM occupied is considerable (~150 MB).

I initially assumed that was caused by the swap mechanism of the operating system or of the browser. This was *not* true, and it was confirmed by the fact that, by default, Mozilla Firefox prevent Windows from swapping out memory when the program is minimized (see config.trim_on_minimize option). Nothing has changed even disabling the paging system of Windows.[code]...

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Flash :: Calculate Memory Added Up By Adding 10,000 Empty Movieclips On Stage?

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for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10000 ; i++)
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip()

What is the memory accumulated by this code ? Any flash util's keyword i may use ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert 3d Sprites/MovieClips To Bitmaps?

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Is it possible to convert a sprite or movieclip with 3d properties such as rotationY = 20 to a Bitmap. I have tried the following method (which works fine if no 3D parameters have been applied):

mySprite.rotationY = 20;
var myBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(mySprite.width, mySprite.height, true, 0x00FFFFFF);
var myBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapData, "auto", true);

However this returns the following error: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData I have read that when you use any of the 3D parameters on a sprite or MovieClip, that Flash caches these as Bitmaps - is it therefore possible to get this data and put into a Bitmap variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage3D - Put Movieclips And Sprites Underneath The 3D Layer?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting For Sprites/movieclips To Get That Pixelated Edge On The Circles?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mysterious Slow Down In MovieClips Process On Screen

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Multiple Empty Movieclips?

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creating some with the .createEmptyMovieClip() method.you see i have a variable rks and accoding to the amount specified in the rks,i want flash to create that number of movieclips

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Actionscript 3 : :Improving Slow Performance Of Drawing Application Using BitmapData.draw()?

May 27, 2011

I am using a custom Flex skin to create an active blur/frosted glass effect on the background of floating Panels, TitleWindows, and other containers (similar to http:url....). There is a background image in the Application skin, and potentially any number of other components above and below the active blur component. Here's some relevant code within the skin:

public static const BLUR_FILTER :BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(16, 16, BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH);
private var _bitmapFill :BitmapFill = new BitmapFill;
private var _matrix :Matrix = new Matrix;[code]....

Unfortunately, the performance of this when the component is being resized, and especially when moved, is poor. There is noticeable drag delay and overall slowdown, and this is with only one popped-up TitleWindow in the test application. There is especially poor performance when components inside the TitleWindow are changed (button hover states, etc.)I've attempted to optimized a little bit by avoiding reinstantiation of the blur filter, bitmap fill, and matrix, but this has had little or no effect. I removed the blur at one point, just drawing the Application to a bitmap, and the performance is still poor, so it's clear that it's mostly the BitmapData.draw() call.

I've read about using scrollRect and cacheAsBitmap, but I'm not sure where to apply these properties (or other optimizations I'm not aware of) within the Application or its components.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Multiple Empty MovieClips Dynamically

Aug 5, 2009

I found lots of links to creating 1 moveclip dynamically but not to create multiple move clips. I am trying to create 10 empty movieclips dynamically, but I cannot seem to get my script to work. This is what I came up with and does not work:
var i;
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
var myMC["myMC"+i]:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myMC["myMC"+i].name = "mc"+i;
Why this does not work/how do I make it work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Shapes Directly From The Library As Shapes And Not As Sprites / MovieClips?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a question about shapes (i mean the flash.display.Shape class). Is it possible to import Shapes directly from the library as Shapes and not as Sprites/MovieClips? Shapes are supposed to be faster than MovieClips/Sprites, right? So why is it only possible to import MCs/Sprites from the library? I understand that generally shapes could be created solely by actionscript, but in my case the shape comprises of many points and is curved - so it's quite infeasible.

Is there maybe some sort of plugin to generate code that would draw the desired shape from a drawn shape in CS4? And a last one: Are there any benchmarks out there for performance comparison between sprites/mcs/shapes? How much performance do i loose by using a sprite instead of a shape?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple External .swfs Into Random Empty Movieclips

Aug 14, 2008

I have 20 external .swfs im trying to load into 20 blank movieclips . i am trying to load them randomly into each blanck movieclip without the external .swf's duplicating.

so far I have this code


Im trying to load all the movieclips with all the external .swfs without any
of the .swf's repeating.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Empty Movieclips, Position Them, Fill Them, Make Them Clickable?

Feb 21, 2007

I have a movie clip that is dropped onto my main scene, and I have the AS below as the frame's AS.

The concept is simple: Create dynamic empty movieclips, position them, fill them, make them clickable. The code under "//////////////////////////////////////Code below here doesn't work" isn't working. The code worked fine when attempting to do this on my main scene, but I ran across some interface issues that caused me to put them into anorther MC. I understand that I only included the code for the first button, right now I would like to get at least one working.

for(var i=0; i<=43; i++){
iDepth = i + 200;
this["z_Brickmc_"+i] = this.createEmptyMovieClip("zBrick"+i+"_mc", iDepth);[code].....

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Create An Application That Has Three Movieclips?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm trying to create an application that has three movieclips that when rolled over show a movie clip over everything that the user reads then they drag one of three pictures over to the corresponding movieclip. I have the Movieclip alpha down until roll over but i had issues with layer order. If its on top i cant access the drag items beneath it and if its below i cant see it.I tried using swapChild but then it makes it crazy. The DragItem "sticks". It shows up on pages it shouldn't (i have it on one frame but it sticks to everything and i cant get rid of it). It works when im on the current frame so i must be close?

here is what my code is currently:

//This is the graphic that i want them to hover over to call the movie clip to show
msdsHover_mc.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,


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Flex :: Use Tween For MovieClips In A 4.5 Application?

Aug 24, 2011

I am trying to port a pure Flash/AS3 card game to Flex 4.5.

It works mostly well, but I'm missing few puzzle parts there:

I've created a custom component based on UIComponent representing a deck of cards (which are an array of Sprites or MovieClips):

In the original pure Flash/AS3 game I was using Tween for the 3 cards at the table - to show the game user, who has put which card (by sliding them towards playing table middle):

import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
public class Deck extends UIComponent {


However Flash Builder 4.5 doesn't seem to know fl.transitions.* packages at all?

Like I've written the rest (my custom Flex component, moving card-Sprites around, etc.) works well. Only the Tween lines had to be commented.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setup An Application That Has Certain Movieclips?

May 31, 2009

I'm trying to setup an application that has certain movieclips that have to chance position depending on a selected option. The application basically has the main stage with a movieclip called "Options" and a movieclip called "Objects". The selected options in the movieclip "Options" define what positions the movieclips in the "Objects" movieclip have later on.

I figured that I had to script it so that if I click "Option 1" in the "Options" movieclip, that it defined 2 variables called "option1_x" and option1_y" and when selecting Object 1 in the movieclip "Objects", that it would set the X and Y values of "Object 1" to .x=object_x and .y=object_y

However, I'm rather new to AS3 (read: very new) and I'm struggling to figure out how to get this to work, because my attempts so far have been.. rather bad.What I have right now is this for the "Options" movieclip:

var object_x:Number=0;
var object_y:Number=0;
option01.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Click01);


But this doesn't work at all?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array With Empty File - Move The Empty Field Behind The Sorted Data In Every Sorting Behavior

Mar 3, 2009

I have a list of 99 item (something like a phone book) and I will like to sort them in different method. Part of the 99 item might be empty, so the requirement is to move the empty field behind the sorted data in every sorting behavior, here the code we have so far:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Sprites On Images In Flash?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm designing a calculator-like application in Flash for a school IT project. I made the layout in photoshop, and want to lay out the buttons with sprites (was just on CSS so addicted to those things xD ). I've tried googling and have found something like you can use sprites like buttons (which is good), but I can't figure out how to apply bitmaps to sprite backgrounds vs. plain colors.

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Flash :: Invisible Sprites Still Take Up A Lot In Memory

Feb 1, 2010

Just curious, if I have a sprite on the stage with the alpha set to 0 does that take up just as much memory as a sprite that is visible? I imagine it does because it draws the sprite to the stage and then it has to set the alpha to zero.

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Flash :: Counter Triggers Sprites?

Feb 11, 2010

How do I use the counter to trigger sprites? Need an example or idea to work from. I want the number values to load sprites. The value of the counter goes to a text field. I want each number value to have an "if" condition to play a sprite of a corresponding number.


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Flash / ActionScript - Making Sprites With IDE

Jun 15, 2010

I've been studying and using actionscript exclusively for too long, that I don't even know how to import a regular image into Flash and create a ready-made sprite that I can use in my APIs. What are the steps to create a sprite from an image asset in the library?

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Flash :: Removing Sprites From Stage

Sep 19, 2010

i created 5 pages, each of which contains several movie clips (text, graphics, forms, etc). There is one specific page however that contains autogenerated content via. sprites. If i happen to land on this page, the sprites will appear, but when i transition to another page, they are still there except for the non-sprite stuff (disappear). Im ripping my hair out on this one, i managed to get a few of the sprites to remove but some are still appearing. Below shows the layout of the one thats not being removed;


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Flash/ActionScript - Making Sprites With The IDE?

Dec 17, 2004

i've been studying and using actionscript exclusively for too long, that i don't even know how to import a regular image into Flash and create a ready-made sprite that i can use in my APIs.what are the steps to create a sprite from an image asset in the library?

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding Sprites To A Container From Flash?

Jan 7, 2011

i am currently working in flashbuilder and i imported a swc wich containes a ratingcontainer. That ratingcontainer contains 5 ratings, they are labeled "Rating1", "Rating2, "Rating3", "Rating4", "Rating5".These are placed on the stage. i also have a sprite called "Star" and when i for example click on "Rating4" then every Rating from 1 to 4 should get stah Star sprite added to them, when i click again on Rating 3 or something then only 3 the first 3 should have the star added. i tried the following:

detailContent.RatingContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ratingClickHandler);
private function ratingClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{


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Flash - Drawing Sprites Between Layers On MovieClip

Aug 10, 2011

Is it possible to draw a sprite, on a movieclip, on a specific layer? I have a MC I created in the Flash designer, and it has 3 layers on it, background, some layout stuff, and then some text. In actionscript i've created a Sprite object in code, drawn a rectangle on it, and added it to the stage with addChild (called from within the MC). The problem is, the sprite is always being drawn above all the layout stuff I added in the designer. Is there any way to add the sprite to the MC at a specific layer? In this case the background layer. I tried changing the z on the sprite and no effect.

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Optimization :: Increasing Flash Performance When So Many Sprites On Stage

Oct 22, 2010

I am setting out for a visualization project that will generate 1000+ sprites from dynamic data. The toolkit I am using (Flare) requires some optimization. I am trying to figure out some optimization techniques for Flash. How can I make Flash run fast when there are so many sprites on the stage, or maybe there is an optimization technique that doesn't involve generating so many sprites?

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Flash :: ActionScript 3: Render Different Sprites At Different Quality On The Same Stage?

Nov 20, 2010

i have the ingame sprite and it needs to be in StageQuality.LOW due to some prerformance problems, and the hud needs to be in StageQuality.HIGH... but they are in the same stage. I tried changing quality before rendering the ingame (to a big bitmapdata) but changing this property every frame is too expensive.

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Flash :: Get Classic Jaggy Edge On Rotated Sprites?

Feb 25, 2011

It seems like even if you set an Image object's smooth property to false, it doesn't make the Bitmap look jaggy on non-90-degree angles (jaggy = aliased, opposite of a smooth edges = anti-aliased).Is there any way to achieve this? Or do I have to construct the rotation-spritesheet by hand and interpret the "angles to sprite index" calculations myself?

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Actionscript 3 - Different Functions For Different Sprites In 1 Fla File Code On Flash

Nov 13, 2011

i am creating a game using flash cs5 and a part of it is drag and drop. in the game, we have this so called sprites. if you clicked on sprite 1, the topic for the drag and drop game is like for example, science. and once done and when you clicked on the other sprites, the subject assign would be for example arts.is it possible to create 1 fla file in flash cs5 where in it contains all the possible commands for drag and drop game for all sprites? you see, i have a main fla file which is the main game this calls the other files or activity, and some other fla file which is the activity in the game like question and answer, puzzles and the likes.

i am having an idea about inserting each question game in different frames to make the code shorter and to avoid having to duplicate the code for the other sprites. or in other words, every time the user clicks the sprites assigned to that specific activity, it will call the specified frame that corresponds to the instance name.again, the sprites are located on the main fla file. when clicked, it calls another fla file containing the game and at the same time, getting the value of the sprites ti know which frame should it proceed to. and thus returning the score attained in the minor fla file to the main fla file after the end of each activity.

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