Flash :: Get Classic Jaggy Edge On Rotated Sprites?

Feb 25, 2011

It seems like even if you set an Image object's smooth property to false, it doesn't make the Bitmap look jaggy on non-90-degree angles (jaggy = aliased, opposite of a smooth edges = anti-aliased).Is there any way to achieve this? Or do I have to construct the rotation-spritesheet by hand and interpret the "angles to sprite index" calculations myself?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 With Classic Text

Jul 26, 2010

I got Flash CS5 a few days ago and tried to compile some of my applications - got strange textfield representation, parts of words were missing. Very simple example to demonstrate something's not working right here:
-C-reate a textfield (classic; static) type "Test". Choose Arial Regular as Font.

-Create an input textfield (classic), choose Arial Bold as Font, embed the font with all glyphs (or subgroup).

-Compile it: Try to type into the input textfield - no cursor (for me at least), nothing shows up.

If you embed the Arial Regular also (which should not be necessary for a static text), the input field does respond but shows Arial Regular instead of Bold.So it seems you cannot use two weights of the same font in one Flash movie?Using TLF it works fine - but I can't switch over yet, some of my customers do still use Player 9.

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Flash :: Professional - CS5 - Import As Classic Text

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Oct 29, 2010

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I tried to compare the swf file size of both.

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So my question is, 1.will the file size bigger if i use action script to move the object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending Vars From A Classic ASP Page To Flash?

Feb 23, 2011

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PHP Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataSaved);


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Actionscript 3 :: Sending Vars From A Classic ASP Page To Flash?

Feb 23, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble retrieving variables from an ASP page. It returns the entire page whereas I just need the variable strAnswer from the page.

Here is my code:

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataSaved);
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;


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Flash :: Convert Classic Textfield To TFL Texfield Dynamically?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a project which has loads of FLA's with embedded textfields on the timelines. We now need to localize this project into Arabic, with right-to-left text (pulled in from XML) - my understanding is that this is only possible with TLF textfields.

It's going to be a huge task to manually convert all these texfields to TLF. Is there a way to programmatically set a normal textfield to be a TLF textfield?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Illustrator Text In CS5 - Change From TLF To Classic

Apr 19, 2011

I've just begun using Flash CS5 and I am really at a loss to explain the problems with text in imported Illustrator files. In CS3, which I've used for years, when you import an illustrator file the text is almost perfectly preserved. It has the correct fonts, the text weights are preserved, etc. All is well. In CS5 it converts everything to something called TLF text (whatever that is) and changes EVERYTHING to either _sans or _serif. You can't have both apparently. The fonts are not the same and it's not editable.

In order to set things right I have to change all the text from TLF to classic. THEN I have to change all the text to the proper font and weight. It is a serious problem. I've looked in preferences and on some other forums and I'm not seeing any answers at all. It seems insane to only allow sans or serif when importing and what is this TLF text anyway and why can't I have it default to classic, which seems to work like CS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Classic Horizontal Sliding Menu Flash Site?

Jan 22, 2007

I'm making a classic horizontal sliding menu flash site, but just can't seem to iron out the last little tweak. How do I get the mouse to not react when over the open section, I've tried 'delete mc3.onRelease;' which works, but then that section will not longer work at all after it's been closed.

I've attached the fla and a link to the beta site as I'm finding it hard to explain exactly what I mean:[URL]..

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Flash :: Accurately Draw Rotated Bitmap?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a container with masked bitmap in it. The scale and rotation of this container changes at runtime, and I need to draw the masked bitmap but cannot figure out the appropriate matrix calculations to do so.My code works correctly to reflect position, scale, offset for centering without rotation. When rotated, the angle is correct but the positioning is incorrect - I believe because the dimensions change when the rectangle is rotated.how to compensate for this in the positioning - here is some code:

// Adjust the transformation matrix to account for the position of the container
var tMatrix:Matrix = _imgContainer.transform.matrix;
//Offset for container


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Flash - AS3 Anti Aliasing Of Rotated Bitmap

Sep 16, 2010

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this.stage.quality = StageQuality.BEST; // Tried this, but seems useless
var imgFromLib = new imgFromLib ();
imgFromLib.rotation = 30;

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AS3 :: Flash - Find Edge Of Movieclip?

May 21, 2011

movieclips in flash have a Rectalge Zone . if we have a Circle shape and covert to movieclip , have a Rectagle Area.with empty area.

i want terminate this area when az drag any moveclip on my target movieclip. when i use hitTestObject do now work good.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash CS5-Disappearing Labels On Rotated Components

Sep 24, 2010

I have a list component that has hard-coded labels on it (for testing). I then rotate the list component 90-degrees and notice the text disappears(during design time).

I test the file and the labels do not show up also during runtime.

I can get the labels to show if I rotate the component back to its' original state.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - CS5-Disappearing Labels On Rotated Components?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a list component that has hard-coded labels on it (for testing). I then rotate the list component 90-degrees and notice the text disappears(during design time).I test the file and the labels do not show up also during runtime.I can get the labels to show if I rotate the component back to its' original state.

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Flash Not Allowing To Curve / Distort Rectangle Edge?

Dec 31, 2011

With the select tool, I placed my mouse over the edge & it changed to the little curve sign, but when I dragged it, it just moved the rectangle. Same thing when using the transform tool.

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Flash Window Is Off The Edge Of The Screen, Unable To Recover

Sep 9, 2008

Using Adobe Flash CS3 on a sometimes dual monitor setup. After attaching back to my docking station, and starting up Flash CS3, the window is off the edge of the right hand monitor somewhere, and I am not sure where. The mouse cursor makes it look like the window is somewhere off the lower right hand corner of the screen somewhere, but even after holding in the left and up arrows for a long time, there is no motion, and the window never appears. I can maximize the program back to my primary monitor, but this is hardly an ideal solution.

I have found the following registry entry, but am unsure if it applies to what I'm having problems with or what the format of the entry is: HKEY_CURRENT_USERAdobeFlash 9SettingsWindow

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Flash :: What's The Meaning Of The Non Numerical Values In The XFL's Edge Definition

Nov 2, 2010

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As3 :: Xml - Flash - Aligning Bottom Edge Of Movieclips Programmatically

Jan 3, 2012

I want to accomplish the same thing with code that Flash's Align - Align Bottom Edge button does within the IDE. I have a series of move clips of different heights which are all added to the stage dynamically via XML. When they are all added, I want to then align them - does flash provide a method for doing this with code? Or is the only way to do it to detect their heights and adjust them by the height difference?

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Connect One Edge To Multiple Origin In Flash Media Server?

Mar 20, 2012

Is there a way to do this?One edge to connect to  two or more origin.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make MovieClip Stick To Flash Player Edge?

Apr 25, 2011

I have been starting to code in ActionScript, and tried to do this program. It draws a shape into the stage, and you can move it using the arrow keys. I added a "edge sticking" feature that sticks half of the shape to the edge.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Removing Objects When They Reach The Edge Of The Screen

May 28, 2011

currently i am removing objects when they reach the edge of the screen with


i understand this does not delete the object? without removing event listeners before removing the object the error log fills up, i believe its due to the stage isnt there after its removed. this makes me think that removechild does not delete the object? i will be creating and deleting many objects during runtime, and i dont want to slow down or use too much memory, how to properly free up the object

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Flash :: Professional - CS3 - Exported Movie Cuts Off Right Side Edge Of Fonts

Apr 21, 2010

I made a movie in Flash CS3. The exported SWF shows that the right hand side of some of my letterforms (made from a non-converted font) are clipped off. Switching fonts produces similar results. Is there some glitch in the program that I am no aware of?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Stops Mouseover Event At Edge Of Embedded Button?

Sep 27, 2010

I am working on a simple flash project. In Scene 1 I have a large image above and a long scrolling image below which is a movieclip called image_slider. The Scrolling is set with actionscript 3.0 mouse over event listener. When the user moves the mouse right image_slider moves left, when mouse is left it moves right. It works very nicely. Now I wanted different parts of image_slider to change the large image above when they are clicked.

So I decided to do these actions as part of the image_slider movieclip. So I have added transparent buttons to the image_slider movie clip and added event listeners for them and functions to gotoandstop at different frames in Scene1. This works well.

My problem is that now the image_slider no longer moves freely. It does move, but as you can see it if your mouse stops moving the scrolling will stop at the next button. You have to move the mouse again to make it keep scrolling. I don't know why it has decided to do this. how to stop it from stopping at each button edge?

You can see the flash movie at [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield Width Based Upon Distance To Edge Of Flash Movie

Mar 22, 2010

I've got a textfield creater that creates a nice textfield when I hover over a moveable button. However, when I click and drag that button around the flash movie, the text field disapears off the edge of the screen if I get to close to the right side. Can I adjust the width of the textfield as the mouse is moving closer to the edge?

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Actionscript 3 :: Pasting "classic Text" From Illustrator Into Flash Instead Of TLF

Jan 28, 2012

I'm trying to paste some non-dynamic text from a mockup from illustrator into flash. This is something I've done a million times before but my new version of flash(cs5) is giving me issues. The default format when you paste text is now TLF which has a ton of problems associated with it and I don't want to use it. If I paste the text in and then change it to "classic text" it changes the layout of the text which makes me basically have to redo my text layout. Is there a way to change the way text gets pasted in and make it default to classic text?

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