As3 :: Xml - Flash - Aligning Bottom Edge Of Movieclips Programmatically

Jan 3, 2012

I want to accomplish the same thing with code that Flash's Align - Align Bottom Edge button does within the IDE. I have a series of move clips of different heights which are all added to the stage dynamically via XML. When they are all added, I want to then align them - does flash provide a method for doing this with code? Or is the only way to do it to detect their heights and adjust them by the height difference?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Aligning Content To Bottom Of Browser

Nov 16, 2007

So i'm trying to align a navigation to the bottom of the browser.

and this is whats happening...The NAV clip is aligning to something, but it's not working right. I want it to be 25 pixels from the bottom at all times, no matter what size the browser is...

Here is the code and the .fla

fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var myListener:Object = new Object();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Aligning A Navigation To The Bottom Of Browser?

Nov 18, 2007

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fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
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How can i get around this? I want to align my navigation to the bottom of the browser at all times, yet have my slider be relevant to the browser when it's being used.

Is there another way to align the nav to the bottom of the browser? Maybe and onEnterframe();?

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stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.stageWidth = 300;

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Stops Mouseover Event At Edge Of Embedded Button?

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I am working on a simple flash project. In Scene 1 I have a large image above and a long scrolling image below which is a movieclip called image_slider. The Scrolling is set with actionscript 3.0 mouse over event listener. When the user moves the mouse right image_slider moves left, when mouse is left it moves right. It works very nicely. Now I wanted different parts of image_slider to change the large image above when they are clicked.

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My problem is that now the image_slider no longer moves freely. It does move, but as you can see it if your mouse stops moving the scrolling will stop at the next button. You have to move the mouse again to make it keep scrolling. I don't know why it has decided to do this. how to stop it from stopping at each button edge?

You can see the flash movie at [URL]

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Is it possible to have Flash automatically hyphenate the text in the box to avoid the big white spaces along the right edge of the box?

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Flash - How To Print SWF Programmatically

Dec 26, 2010

The stand-alone Flash player has an option to print a SWF. However, there is no shell action registered for this, and as far as I can see the only way to do it is to use a keyboard macro (or do something invasive such as inject a DLL in the player). Is there some official API for this?

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Aligning Text To A Guide?

Apr 6, 2009

I want to align some text to a path but I want it so that the each letter in the text follows the path and goes around curves and stuff. I don't just want a block of text following the path. This is what I am getting no

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Aligning The Canvas To The Right In Flex?

Dec 8, 2010

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:Canvas backgroundColor="#A8A8A8" height="100%" right="0" top="0" width="100">


My code above works absolutely fine, until i resize my browser window to a size below 800px width. When the browser window is make of lesser width than 800px, the canvas with background color #A8A8A8 is on the right of the window, but the problem is, when I move the scroll bar, the canvas should remain on the right of the window. Which does not happen, and that is what my problem is.

How can I solve this issue. What should I do to keep my canvas be on the right=0 all the time.

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Flash - Extract Fonts From PDF Programmatically?

Nov 17, 2009

I am developing PDF to e-book converter which will run on a server.I need to programmatically extract embedded fonts from PDF file to finish the project.Now I am able to extract images and text, but to display content in the Flash Player precisely I need the fonts to be extracted from PDF and compiled to SWF to be loaded by Flex application at run time.

I am wondering if it's possible, as such tool as pdf2swf.exe from SWFTools is able to do this. I have decompiled the swf file produced by the tool and there were fonts embedded.The extracted fonts will be used for displaying the same content from PDF file only, just in Flash player. So i think it will not be any rights violation? Moreover, people who will use the converter have all rights for the PDF files content.

So I see next workflow:

1. Call pdf2swf.exe to produce SWF file with fonts embedded;

2. Call some tool (Which one?) to parse previous SWF to SWFs with separate fonts.

3. Load the SWFs with fonts to Flex application at run time to correctly display content.

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Programmatically Fill Out Flash Forms?

Dec 28, 2009

Some sites have forms which are Flash.How can I programmatically, fill out these forms ?Is the only solution sending POST via cURL by first monitoring the http headers being sent ?

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