ActionScript 3.0 :: Some Tooltip Kind Of Function In Flash?

Mar 23, 2010

when i worked with flex, i had the lovely function called tooltip wich made some text appear on a mouseover.Now i was wondering, is there some tooltip kind of function for as3 in flash? Or do i need to make a textfield that hovers slightly above the mouse and gets visible on a rollover?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Kind Of Tricky Recursive Function?

Apr 4, 2005

Because it's a little hard to explain what I need.. I'll make an example.So.. I have the figure below. I mean.. that's what I'm trying to achieve. For that figure I have data stored in the folowing way._root.marc is an Array.All the paths that leave a square ... like From M0 if you choose 1 you'll get M1,From M0 through 5 you'll get to M3.. and so on.this is stored like_root.marc[0].p - the paths. If _root.marc[x].p.length is 0.. that means that Mx is the last one.. and has no paths assigned, like shown in the figure. My very big problem is that I need to position that MC's.. M3,M4.. all of them, according to the paths above them.

So, to position M2, i need to take a look at M1, and if it has any paths, more than one path, I need to move it further down. But this is not the end of it. If M1 has more paths that lead to other MC-s.. i need to take in considerations their paths too . This drove me mad for the last couple of days, and my time is slowly running out for my diploma What I've tryed till now was to build a function let's say... getNextY(m) that should return a number. A "ponder"? use it in a line like M2._y = (currIndex + getNextY(1))*dy;// here it should return 5 for instanceM3._y = (currIndex + getNextY(2))*dy;// here getNextY should return 1

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Kind Of Tricky Recursive Function

Apr 4, 2005

I'm in a big big mess, trying to figure out how to do this for the last couple of days. I finaly came to the conclusion that I need a recursive function for what I'm trying to do. Because it's a little hard to explain what I need.. I'll make an example. So.. I have the figure below. I mean.. that's what I'm trying to achieve. For that figure I have data stored in the folowing way. _root.marc is an Array. All the paths that leave a square ... like From M0 if you choose 1 you'll get M1, From M0 through 5 you'll get to M3.. and so on. this is stored like _root.marc[0].p - the paths. If _root.marc[x].p.length is 0.. that means that Mx is the last one.. and has no paths assigned, like shown in the figure.

My very big problem is that I need to position that MC's.. M3,M4.. all of them, according to the paths above them. So, to position M2, i need to take a look at M1, and if it has any paths, more than one path, I need to move it further down. But this is not the end of it. If M1 has more paths that lead to other MC-s.. i need to take in considerations their paths too . This drove me mad for the last couple of days, and my time is slowly running out for my diploma What I've tryed till now was to build a function let's say... getNextY(m) that should return a number. A "ponder"?.. use it in a line like
M2._y = (currIndex + getNextY(1))*dy;// here it should return 5 for instance M3._y = (currIndex + getNextY(2))*dy;// here getNextY should return 1 Why 5 or one? because it needs to take into account only if the paths are greater than 1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimize The Code And Make Some Kind Of Switch Case Inside The Function?

Aug 29, 2009

i have many buttons(they are actually movieclips) and for each i made separate listener function.. is it posible to optimize that code and make some kind of switch case inside the function. I don't know how to find out who called the function... is there way to find out. I don't want pass the additional argument with events because it wouldn't be optimization at all.I put only two buttons to reduce code:

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, idi);
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, idi2);
function idi(event:MouseEvent):void {[code]....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Add An AutoSize Function To A Tooltip?

Mar 8, 2011

I downloaded an Interactive Map from Active Den ... it came with an XML file that allows me to change some parts, but the part thatI need to change is not covered in the XML ... it needs to be changed in the Action Script.[URL]Basically when a landmark is moused over ... a box pops up that contains hrml (images, text. links, etc)The XML file allows me to set the max width of the pop up box.
The issue is that i need a box that is 225 px wide ... I also need another box that is 400 px wide The XML only allows me the set one width ... so I need another box (one for vertical layout, and one for horizontal layout) I thought I could duplicate the pop up box mc, and the box's Action Script (give them different names) and that would work, but I don't know exactly which parts to edit. [URL]Also, there is a screen shot of all movie clips, but the only mc that has any actions attached to it is "zoom_pan" it's at the very bottom of the list.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Kind Of 3D Capabilities Can Flash Support?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm wondering if anyone might be able to give me a general overview on the state of implementing 3d in flash. More specifically, realtime 3D rendering on the fly, for something like making a game engine.not that i'm planning to start work on any projects on the subject just now, but i'd like to know if it's worth considering some 3D work in futurethus far i've only seen two games which use 3D in flash:This one is a strange car driving game. Three things strike me right away:1. The player's car is just a wireframe, and has a very simple mesh2. All the level components are just planed, with a few exceptions3. Most of the ground parts share the same texture.

Maybe i'm reading too much into it, but to me these things suggest some pretty heavy resource limitations.The other one is: htthis is an fps, of sorts. Again some things stick out glaringly, and i'm not certain whether they're design choices or working around limitations:1. Generally low poly models, things look blocky2. low res textures too3.Fixed camera reminds me of the sort of graphical quality we had when 3D was first being introduced to mainstream PC gaming. Are these games a good representation of the kind of 3D rendering flash can currently handle? Is it possible to make things much more detailed, that can run smoothly on average hardware?

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Apr 6, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash And XML File - Add A Button To The Tooltip

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Flash :: Add A Tooltip For Each Item In A Spark Combo Box?

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package com.zigron.controls.extended.components
import com.zigron.controls.extended.skins.LabelTextInputSkin;
import com.zigron.controls.extended.skins.comboBoxRegisterationSkin;


How do i set a property of tool tip and in which function that wherever i use this combo box the tool tip is appear.

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Actionscript 3 :: Operating System Tooltip In Flash?

Jan 31, 2011

How do you use the operating system's tooltip utility in Flash with Actionscript 3? An analogous invokation of the OS tooltip is in HTML's anchor tag:

<a href="foo.html" title="awesome website">click</a>

I don't want to draw my own custom tooltip because (A) it will look inconsistent across operating systems, (B) long tooltips wouldn't be able to float out of the SWF, and (C) it takes time to program (whether to align left or right depending on how close you are to a boundary).

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Multiple Flash Audio Players Embeded In Tooltip?

May 17, 2009

I am trying to embed audio players in a drop-down content tooltip. I will eventually have lots of these on a page.My problem is this:When I close the div the sound continues to playI can also make them play at the same time.I would like them to autostart when you open the div, but when I do that they both start at once before you've even activated the drop-down content. I would rather not do the whole site in flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display A Tooltip Whenever The Mouse Is Over The Flash Movie?

Sep 6, 2007

I want to display a tooltip whenever the mouse is over the flash movie, when the mouse leaves the movie I want the tooltip to disappear. So how do I tell when the mouse enters and leaves the movie?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: KeyboardEvent - Kind Of New?

Nov 19, 2009

Alright I'm new to Keyboard event listeners so I might be making a really obvious mistake that I don't know about. But what I want to do is, when someone types the letters for the word 'BROTHER', then it appears on the screen and it moves to the next frame. Here's the code I have atm I currently have the letters for 'BROTHER' each as a movie clip. The instance names are, RKey, OKey, etc.


Now, is this the only mistake in my thing? Or are there more mistakes? How do I fix it?

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Actionscript 2 :: Show Tooltips Inside A ScrollPane Without Letting Flash 8 Hide Tooltip?

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I have the content of a scrollpane that, when clicked, show a tooltip movieclip with attachMovieClip; the problem is that the attached movie clip, for the first rows, goes under the border of the ScrollPane and is partially invisible.

Is there a way to solve this problem (without changing the position of the attached movie clip?)

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Media Server :: Different Kind Of Streaming?

Mar 22, 2010

playing the fms demo video does not download it into a temporary file like youtube does, so I could click on the timeline at the previous part or at the part show that it is already downloaded, and it will play it right away. Instead of that it plays a real time straming.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Different Kind Of Detection Script?

Jun 1, 2004

I'm creating a site in php which pulls in the header seperately with an include ( <? include("header.php") ?> ). The header uses flash but I've also created a dhtml version the emulates some of the flash features for those without flash....

What I'm looking for is a flash 6 detection script that will

1. test to see if the user has flash

2. if he has flash it will excute the flash movie

3. if he doesn't have flash, it will execute the dhtml code

I need all of this to work on one page (header.php)

I've seen scripts that will display a flash image if you have flash and a jpeg or gif if you don't...

but I haven't seen any that will execute html code (without transfering you to another page) instead of simply displaying a static image..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make This Kind Of Preloader

Aug 20, 2008

how to make this kind of preloader and menu [URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Many Sprites Of The Same Kind?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm developing flash applications in actionscript with a simple text editor rather than the gui flash fx mx whatever-they're-called and it's working out quite well. But there is one particular feature that I don't know about how to use without such a flash-creating-application.

Is it possible to maintain some kind of a library of movieclips? (drawn with the graphics class) In such a way that you can create an instance of it without having to draw it all over again, just copy it?

right now I'm using something like this:

PHP Code:

function drawACar():MovieClip {    var car:MovieClip;    /* draw it */    return car;}var shortCar:MovieClip = drawACar();var longCar:MovieClip = drawACar();longCar.width *= 2; 

how i could create hundreds of such cars without having to draw them hundreds of times? I thought about copying them but that doesn't seem to be possible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Picture Instead Of Swf In The Same Kind Of Way?

Feb 28, 2005

I know to load an swf, its like:loadMovie But is there a way similar to the way above but it loads a picture instead?

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Professional :: Exporting Animated PNG Became Some Kind Of Crap

Mar 26, 2010

i heard that i can export fla job to an animated png instead of gif and the png will be loseless cause when im exporting to gif it became some kind of crap i've asked in other forum and they told me that there's no such thing animated png because png is a still picture so i showed them some kind of animated png like this one [URL] just to prove them that there is animated png now i have 2 problems when im exporting to animated gif the mask and the movie clips at the job wouldn't shown example: here is the fla, the swf, and the exported gif.


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Feb 17, 2009

I have a Canvas object with a number of imported SWF's that the user can move and resize within the Canvas. What kind of object or library would I need to invoke to export just the Canvas to a SWF or preferably another vector based file type such as EPS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Uploaded To The Server Get No Kind Of Response?

Feb 16, 2011

I have been staring at this code for quite a while but can't find what's wrong. When uploaded to the server I get no kind of response. I have a class gameEventDB that through a php reads data from a database.

I get no kind of response not even an error. the 'path' variable is sent from the main class and looks something like


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A SWF - Load A Picture In The Same Kind Of Way?

Feb 28, 2005

I know to load an swf, its like: loadMovie(yadayada); But is there a way similar to the way above but it loads a picture instead?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Kind Of Global TextFormat?

Jul 18, 2003

as u probably know TextFormat has no global style like FStyleFormat so i thought i could make one?

1. idea) i could wrap createTextField() in some fns which then assigns automaticly some TextField-propertys and sets setTextFormat.
THE PROBLEM with that is that not all of my TextFields are generated via script, some r created by authoring-time.

2. idea) is to change the prototype."someproperty" of the TextField,THE PROBLEM TextField is not created via standard "new" constructor
so something like TextField.prototype.embedFonts=true; DOES NOT WORK as well.

3. idea) i could simply traverse all instances on stage and ask if the instanz is TextFeld and then assgin some fns which makes the formating.THE PROBLEM i dont know how to do that?

couse if i ask
trace(typeof t_txt.__proto__);
it just givs "object" not TextField or so
does anybody knows how to make kind of global TextFormat for createTextField()-generated as well as for authoring-time generated TextFields?

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IDE :: Object With Alpha=0 Has Some Kind Of White Border Around It?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm not sure what is causing this but I have objects that are transparent on the stage till they are called (object.alpha==0). The background image is of a room with fairly bright light.But when the background changes to a dark room the transparent items in front of it have white outlines around them...making the file unusable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Boundaries Or Some Kind Of Listener To Stage?

May 8, 2011

exactly how do I add boundaries or some kind of listener to my stage? The size is:

x = 900
y = 900

im looking to end my game if the player moves beyond the screen area.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stretch A Rubberband Kind Of Element?

Nov 6, 2003

I am working on a geoboard/pegboard project in flashMX, in which I want to stretch a rubberband kind of element. In that there are lines, on which if pressed at any point of that line, another handle shows up, and by dragging that handle, the line on which it was been pressed, stretches. and this way, the shape of the band can be changed, stretched etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Game That's A Top Down Shooter Kind Of Like Asteroids

Jul 29, 2010

I'm trying to make a game that's a top down shooter kind of like Asteroids, but there are no asteroids, just enemy ships. Anyway, I'm trying to make a radar for it. The area for the ships to shoot eachother in is 2400 pixels length and height. The stage is 650 x 500 pixels. The radar works fine for when I'm traveling up and down, but the enemy ships on the radar move in the opposite direction as the enemy ships on the screen when I move left to right. When I move left the enemy ships on the radar also go right, instead of left.[code]this code is called from a move objects function which is an ENTER_FRAME event if that helps any.

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