ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Anti-aliases Even If Set To Bitmap?

Jul 8, 2009

i have a static text on stage.. and the text is set to bitmap(no anti-alias) if i preview my movie within flash, the text does not anti-alias, but if i open the SWF file (outside flash), (parts of) the text become anti-aliased..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Textfield To Bitmap Text No Anti Alias?

Jun 24, 2009

how to set my dnamic text to "bitmap text" [no anti alias]

use device fonts
bitmap text [no anti-alias] <<<<
anti alias for animation
anti alias for readability

I created the textfield through actionscript instead of placing a textfield on stage.

var myTextField:TextField = new TextField();
myTextField.text = "Hello World"

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Actionscript :: Remove Anti-alias (bitmap Font) In Cs5 TLF Text

Aug 26, 2010

How can i use a bitmap text (no anti-alias at all), i can't find that option , the same option that exists in the classic text field.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Library Font Bitmap Text (no Anti-alias) Flash CS5?

May 26, 2010

But now in Flash CS5 the new font embedding window is changed, and there is no Bitmap text checkbox, so how am I to create dynamic Text Fields with ActionScript, and embed the fonts in them using Bitmap text [no anti-alias]?

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Flash - AS3 Anti Aliasing Of Rotated Bitmap

Sep 16, 2010

When rotating a bitmap with actionscript, the edges are jagged and not properly anti-aliased. How do you force anti-aliasing of the bitmap ?
this.stage.quality = StageQuality.BEST; // Tried this, but seems useless
var imgFromLib = new imgFromLib ();
imgFromLib.rotation = 30;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Text To Be Anti-aliased

Oct 8, 2009

I am loading an external HTML file that is being styled with a css = new StyleSheet() in Flash. The only problem is that the text is not crisp, it is aliased. How can I get the text to be anti-aliased. Since I cannot use AntiAliasType.ADVANCED or shapness for more control, since I am using an external css styleSheet, I am stumped. What the heck can I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Anti-alias HTML Text?

Apr 3, 2007

I wonder if it is possible at all to anti-alias text fields with the HTML property set to true.

Currently I already have an operation HTML text field with embedded font which loads an external CSS for styling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Anti Alias For Dynamically Added Text?

Jun 28, 2010

If we place a dynamic text box on the stage manually, we can set the anti-alias for readability, for animation, use device fonts, etc. How can these attributes be added to a text box dynamically created with code?I looked up anti alias in help and there appears to just be normal and advanced options?

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Flex - Text Anti Aliasing And Font Smoothing?

Apr 18, 2011

Is there a difference between text anti aliasing and font smoothing in flex? If so, what is the difference?Could you provide links or examples?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Anti Aliasing On Dynamic Text Boxes

Jun 12, 2006

I was wondering if there's any way of having anti-aliasing properly happen on a dynamic textbox. They always revert to no-AA mode

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bitmap Font Text Drawn To Bitmap

Oct 8, 2006

Is there a way to write a bitmap font right into the bitmap being desplayed? Mabey better worded: myBitmap.draw(image, t) draws a picture is there a way to draw text? I'm stuck even if its just a work around in some way I would like to know... (the current work around i have in my head is writing it in a movieclip turning that into bitmap data and drawing it... esentially creating a prototype answering my question... but a built in way would be easier probably).

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Actionscript 3 :: Masking Parent Of Dynamic Text Removes Anti-Alias?

Nov 8, 2010

when adding a mask to a parent sprite with a dynamic text field, the text loses anti-aliasing. how can i maintain the text's anti-alias while still applying a mask to its parent, and subsequently to itself.the font is embedded, and the text field will be animated so it must also be masked along with its parent.

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.text.*;


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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Change Anti-alias Setting Of Static Text Through Code?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm working with swf's generated by InDesign CS5, which will apparently only export text as staticText objects. Is it possible to alter the anti-alias of staticText? I want to make it for readability, but it defaults to animation with no apparent way of changing it. I recently got help for textFields, but I can't seem to get it to work on staticText.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Anti-alias Bug Caused By Text Color For Narrow Font

Jan 29, 2012

I am having a problem with the anti-alias that is applied to my text.I am using a sans-serif narrow font and this problem appears based on the color that I set to the text.From 000000 to c8c8c8, the font is displayed properly. From c9c9c9 to ffffff, the font is displayed with what I think is a lot of anti-alias, so much that it looks like it is bold.I have tested a different font and this is not happening with other fonts.

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IDE :: Text Anti Alias - "use Device Fonts"

Mar 9, 2009

What's the correct settings or if it makes a big difference I just want a crisp clean font with no anti-alias If I use any thing other than "Use device fonts" they look blurry and badhowever if I "use device fonts" does the user need to have the fonts installed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text To Convert Bitmap?

Sep 2, 2009

I input some text some pics can make up my text which i input

how can i do that effects?

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Professional :: Bitmap Text Show Wrong Accents

Mar 27, 2010

I have this problem with text set to bitmap text rendering. With fonts like pixel fonts like standard 07_51, Kroeger etc. I can't get them to show the right accents. This shows on stage and in runtime and it occurs with static, dynamic fields and input fields. When I choose anti-aliasing then it's ok, but that isn't the purpose with those pixel fonts, right? I've set the correct font-embedding settings.

I checked it on two computers with Flash CS4 v10 on MacOS X 10.6.2, Belgian Keyboard, FontExplorer Pro for font management.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text To Bitmap Error (Creates Rectangle)?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm doing a basic reflection class that will take any MovieClip, create a copy (using BitmapData), and do the flipping, alpha, gradient mask, etc to create a nice reflection.The class works great, with the exception of dynamic text.I've done quite a bit of searching, and I realize that you must put the TextField into a MovieClip and then take the BitmapData of the MovieClip.

Sounds great... but when I actually do this, the BitmapData that is display on the screen is a box (like a bounding rectangle around the text) that is filled with white.
Other relevant info:

1.) The TextField has embedFonts = true;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmapdata.hitTest - Bitmap 'emptyBitmap' With Bitmap Data Created

Feb 3, 2009

I'm cutting my teeth in actionscript 3 on a game that has a character running through a world. So, I have set up my Hit Testing by using the bitmap data hit test method, since I figured my world is going to be destructible - it'd be nice to update the level and then redraw it and have the character interact with the new change. (That works beautifully) I am however; a bit confused as to how I have my hit Testing set up. I've been messing around with it, and it works for now - but I'm not sure why.. currently, I have a character set up by using a class I built and using a series of animations I created. So, this character has a walking and falling animation, etc. This is a movie clip.

Then there's a bitmap 'emptyBitmap' with bitmap data created - however; I never really added this as a child to the character. This is sized to the dimensions of my character. My level is created as a movielip, then it's drawn to a bitmap - when the level movieclip is changed, the bitmap redraws, and that's how this updates.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The BitmapData Property Of A Bitmap And Pass It To The Constructor Of A New Bitmap Object?

Aug 20, 2009

I know the topic of "duplicating" movieclips is a hot issue with the new virtual machine. Luckily, I understand the implications. I only am [currently] interested in duplicating a Bitmap. See, I load an image from an URL using 'flash.display.Loader.load', which is a non-blocking operation in Flash Player.However,I may use multiple copies of the loaded image (which is reported to be a Bitmap, naturally) in the display list at the same time.Hence, I naturally do not want to load the image from an URL every time, because I don't want to wait for a non-blocking call to complete. Nor do I need to - I mean one copy is already loaded, so it should be possible to just "duplicate" it, right?

My idea is to do use the bitmapData property of a Bitmap and pass it to the constructor of a new Bitmap object. I have not tried the following in action, but I want to hear whether any of you did and if the following would not work, what would:


var original_bitmap: Bitmap;
var copy_of_original_bitmap: Bitmap = new Bitmap(original_bitmap.bitmapData);

LiveDocs mention that the BitmapData being passed to a Bitmap constructor is "being referenced", which to me might suggest it cannot be used twice? There is also the BitmapData::clone() method, which I am not sure is applicable here or not.I know this is a lot of talk instead of just trying this out, but I test so much Flash Player code daily just to see "what works" (which should be documented instead by Adobe),

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatically Reduce Text Inputed Via Xml To Its Bitmap Primative ?

Mar 30, 2010

to programmatically reduce text inputed via xml to its bitmap primative ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert Text Into Bitmap Or Movieclip With Transparent Background?

Feb 13, 2011

how to convert text into a bitmap or a mocieclip with transparent background. i could convert the text into bitmap but it has got a white background..

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Actionscript 3 :: Draw Textfield Caret And Text Selection Onto Bitmap?

Jan 6, 2012

I'm drawing a textfield onto a bitmap which I use as texture for a 3D object. I'm listening for Event.change, and so whenever the user adds a character I redraw the texture. But to really give the 3D object a 'interactive textfield feeling', I want to draw text selections and draw the caret (the blinking text cursor), but by default these a not drawn when using bitmapData.draw(textField), nor can I find a Event to listen for 'textSelected'.

//is there any event that catches text selection / blinking of text-cursor?
textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, redrawTexture);
//is there any way to draw text selection / text-cursor in the bitmap?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click On TextField / Convert Text To Bitmap/image?

Nov 6, 2008

What I have so far is a carouselmenu. I got a actionscript page ( where I load another one ( into. is a Sprite (or MC whatever). I can load and display the sprite in page1 successfully (several instances). I also have an eventhandler when i click on an instance of page2. The problem now is that I have defined a textField inside page2 that is also being displayed. What's not working here is that when I mouse over the text, I cannot click on it (the cursor turns into the cursor that appears when I mouse over a text as in MS Word or similar for being able to mark the text). So I thought of making a bitmap out of the text field. how to transform a text(field or string) into a bitmap?

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Flex - Function To Redraw Bitmap On Sprite Without Passing In Said Bitmap?

Feb 22, 2011

If I have a BitmapData that's already been drawn onto a Sprite. Is there a way to redraw the BitmapData onto a Sprites Graphics object without having to invoke beginBitmapFill and passing in the same BitmapData?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing From Bitmap To Bitmap Overrides Earlier Graphics?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm working on a game, and to keep performance good, instead of addChild'ing 50 new sprites to the stage every second, I decided to have each player draw to their own bitmap, and then to the 'master' bitmap. This introduces an issue though: the second player would override all data the first player has put into to bitmap...My basic debugging proof of concept:

// bitmap test

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Bitmap;[code]......

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Anti-Aliased HTMLText And Styling With CSS

Jun 23, 2010

I basically have the same question as bder on the actionscript forums, namely if I can have my text anti-aliased if it is using an embedded font (Myriad Pro) to assign it to the htmlText property of a TextField and styling that with CSS. Everything works fine with the text embedding and styling (the font is the one I want, and all its variations - bold, italic - are shown correctly), except that it looks bad, i.e. not anti-aliased. Of course, I have tried setting the antyAliasType and gridFitType properties to all possible combinations.

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Flex :: Anti-alias An Image In It?

Jun 7, 2009

I have a Flex component with a background image. The image is sharp in the beginning, but is jagged whenever I scale the component using scaleX and scaleY. How would I make the image anti-alias so that, it it's scaled to 0.75, the lines are smooth, not jaggedy?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copying A Rotated Bitmap Into A Bigger Bitmap?

May 9, 2011

I have a bitmap which has several frames (packed along the horizontal axis). In order to render them I copy it to the backbuffer (larger bitmap) as follows:

Actionscript Code:
public override function copyToBackBuffer(db:BitmapData):void{ if (active)  var drawRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle((currentFrame-1) * frameWidth, 0, frameWidth,


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Actionscript 3 :: Update A Portion Of A Bitmap With A Pixelbender Instead Of The Whole Bitmap?

Feb 17, 2012

In pure AS3, I have a pixelbender and a large bitmap. The pixelbender is configurable with a distance parameter to affect only a small area of the bitmap. The problem is that the pixelbender is executing over the whole bitmap. What would be the best way to update only the effected region of the bitmap? Given this config:


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