ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Coordinates To Move MovieClips?
Apr 24, 2011
I've stored a number of x and y coordinates within a 2D array. I would like to use these coordinates to move MovieClip across the stage. I haven't been able to find anything on this all day...
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it works fine, but now i try to expand my content, i realise my start wasn't ideal. I started with a'homescreen' and both screens on the side. made with tweens all the animations, the buttons are programmed with a goto(movieframe).so you click, goto the animation, and after it, you go back to a frame with the new screen-content.
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May 18, 2003
I have a main movie where everything is in the first frame. In that frame external swfs load both into MCs and levels, plus some tweened MCs. All this works perfect without putting in a preloader. I want to have a preloader to this movie but have some minor problems with using one. I put the preloader in the first frame and move the main movie to frame 2 with a stop. The preloader works in that way that when total bytes are loaded it jumps to frame 2. The problem: When the preloader is done the main movie opens but some swfs that are loaded into levels and MCs get strange coordinates. But if I put the main movie in frame 5 and keep 2-4 empty then it works.
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Aug 18, 2004
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PHP Code:
onClipEvent (load) {
xx = -(Math.cos(*(Math.PI/180)))*speed;
yy = -(Math.sin(*(Math.PI/180)))*speed; = random(360); radie = 9;
[Code] .....
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Nov 25, 2007
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if (menu_mc.moveTo(x,y)) {
I also tried some pretty iffy statements:
menubuttons._x = menu_mc._x
That last one works initially, but when I move menu_mc, menubuttons stays put.
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Aug 28, 2008
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Dec 19, 2011
I was trying to convert global coordinates to local coordinates of a UIComplenent in my flex project using below code using below code
var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point
uic is UIComponent in which I have subclass of Sprite for drawing something I have set the sprite's mouseEnabled and mouseChildren to false to not interrupt the mouse event. above code is within uic's mousemove event where I was tracing the gp and lp gp was giving correct value and suprisingly lp was giving negetive values. when I move the move to the top left corner of uic i expect lp to be 0,0 but it is giving the -width of of uic. I broke my head for hours and ended up finding an alternate by using offsets. Infact my original code was much simpler like this which was same issue
var lp:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);
I am not sure what exactly is causing this problem. the workaround had lot of issues and it creating a mess in my rest of the algorithms.Just now I found even more interesting thing (which is actually weird). for some reason I went and create a new lp2
var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);
now surprisingly it was giving correct values as expected and I went back and changed the code as
var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point
var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);
var lp2:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp);
now it is expected to have all the lp, lp2 and lp3 variables to be same but weiredly lp two is giving wrong value and lp2 and lp3 were giving correct. I am suspecting using the variable lp has something to do. I am not sure about that but above proves it so right now I am using lp2.
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transforms x,y,z coordinates into Flash x coordinate
xFla = function (x, y, z) {
// cartesian coordinates[code].....
I understand that it converts 3d coordinates to 2d coordinates, but I don't understand how. What numbers whould be punched into x, y, and z to acquire certain desired effects?Also, what's the difference between moveTo and lineTo:
red line
style(1, "0xFF0000", 100);
plot(0, 0, 0);
draw(200, 0, 0);
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Apr 9, 2009
I need to be able to click and drag multiple objects at the same time I can make it drag 2 objects but when I add another one it doesn't work?
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Oct 12, 2010
I am making an rpg type game and the map is as big as flash will allow a movie clip. Around 6000 width or something.
To simulate movement, the player is stationary in the center of the screen and moves the map beneath them.
The problem: On computers with slower CPU's it lags very badly.
Is there a way to cache the map or somehow have it so it is less processor intensive?
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Nov 18, 2011
I am trying to make a little demonstration of how animals hunt . I searched everywhere but I couldn't find how to make what happens in the next application :(press on the scorpion lesson and watch it)Does anybody know how can I get my movie clip to go to a place inputed by the user (just like the scorpion goes to it's pray in the application ) ? Please don't just show me how to make it instantly appear in that place , I want to make it "walk" till there .
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a button that uses attachMovie to add a movieclip to the stage. You can add multiple instances of this clip to the stage, which works fine. I also have a feature whereby you can select and move these objects around the stage one by one. I am trying to add a feature whereby you can select more than one object at a time (indicated with a drop shadow - which I have working) and then move them together. This feature would also allow you to rotate the selected objects by 90, leaving the unselected objects where they are. I'm fairly certain that I'll need an array to hold the selected objects, and then use this info to move/transform only the chosen objects, but I can't figure out how to implement this.
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Jun 28, 2010
I have 3 main movieclips with roughly 100 other related movieclips that I need to move together frame per frame. For example main movieclip1 has about 100 frames. If main movieclip 1 is on frame 3, I want movieclips 4, 5, and 10 to also be on frame 100 I think the code may involve an array with forEach function.
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Mar 21, 2011
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Aug 28, 2010
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Jan 27, 2009
I want to make an explosion and move other movieclips on stage depending on how far they are from the explosion point. If one mc is only 10px away from explosion it should go another 90px and if it is 75px away it should go another 25px. I can't get it to work (I don't remeber anything about vectors in math class..)
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Aug 23, 2009
I am trying to create a movie where several movieclips move towards the center of the screen and organise themselves. I havve the following code attached to the timeline, the clips move ok but dont interact.
target_mc = ["mc0", "mc1", "mc2", "mc3"];
movement = function () {
numMcs = target_mc.length;
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Oct 23, 2010
it seems simple enough but i have no idea on how i could get a movie clip to slowly move to the coordinates of another existing movie clip
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Aug 23, 2009
I am trying to create a movie where several movieclips move towards the centre of the screen and organise themselves. I have the following code attached to the timeline, the clips move ok but dont interact. What am I doing wrong!?
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Sep 19, 2008
Could anybody point me to the right direction on how to do the background for [URL]? Is each of the tiny things seperate movieclips that move with relation to the mouse? I want to understand how it works since it seems to work efficiently and doesn't have any slowdown.
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