ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternatives To Move Huge Movieclips?

Oct 12, 2010

I am making an rpg type game and the map is as big as flash will allow a movie clip. Around 6000 width or something.

To simulate movement, the player is stationary in the center of the screen and moves the map beneath them.

The problem: On computers with slower CPU's it lags very badly.

Is there a way to cache the map or somehow have it so it is less processor intensive?

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PHP Code:
onClipEvent (load) {
xx = -(Math.cos(*(Math.PI/180)))*speed;
yy = -(Math.sin(*(Math.PI/180)))*speed; = random(360); radie = 9;
[Code] .....

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numMcs = target_mc.length;


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function menu1_2(Event:MouseEvent) {
global.mode = "hide_hotbox";
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// do A
// wait N seconds
// do B

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