ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Image Loader & Buttons?
Jun 28, 2009
Attached is a link to a file I made named "index".I would have liked to have included the following files but was limited due to "you-send-it" not uploading folders.Files not included: [but functioning and vital to the site as well as the question]- xml list- images [folder]- thumbnails [folder]
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Jul 2, 2009
Intro:I started a flash-based website a few years ago. Back in 2006 I was able to get a xml scrolling thumbnail, image loader to work without a glitch.For numerous reasons I had to put the project on hold until now. [one was that my 30 day trial of flash expired and only recently was I able to purchase the Adobe Web Suite CS4 as well as a new computer which could run the apps.]
Last Friday saw a bump in the road in the development of my site as two, rather straightforward task, turned into something short of a nightmare as I have been unable to get past these two, seemingly, relatively simple task.I have posted in 4 other flash forums the issues, in detail, that I am facing - and have quite a bit of interest/views in the topic as the numbers suggest - yet no response/answer as of yet. [Which confirms other messages I have seen which seem to state that working with buttons has become increasingly difficult with the newer version of flash - something Im a bit surprised with actually from Adobe. - I would have thought there would be a palette where you could set parameters...]
Screenshot of Site/Timeline: Before getting into the two questions I have, I would like to post an image of the site as it looks whenever an swf file is saved out, as well as a piece of the timeline in the back for reference.As of now when the swf file is saved out you get exactly what you see above:
a: A scrolling thumbnail
b: ...which loads a large image when clicked on it - PEFECT...
BUT...1a: I need for the buttons to load in this action, not for it to just load on its own.[i.e., the silk_paintings gallery is what is open, so I need the "silk_paintings" button to call up this action]
note: Initially I had attacked this problem by taking out the actions layer you see above and applying it directly to the individual buttons with some crude MouseEvent Listener/Handerls... that did not work - at all.Im sure it may be "easier" to make an array out of it, but with my coding level it may be "easier" to apply it to the buttons.
1b: How I currently see it, I would take the xml-list and duplicate it for the number of galleries I have.[I would then re-name the xml-list to reflect the name of the galleries they are to represent, i.e. "silk_paintings"][also, I would have to rename the folders to "thumbnails1,2,3, etc., & "images 1,2,3, etc"
From there I would duplicate the actions and paste it into the buttons, changing the xml-list name to that of "silk_paintings", etc., as well as write in the MouseEvent listener Handler to make it work. [ah, ha, but what is that magic phrase, I have tried to implement various code from other tutorials, and all in vein.]
At this point I would be tickled pink just to get this to basic function to work.However, once the buttons are working and calling up the xml, etc., then I need the buttons to stay on the semi-transparent blue color it is whenever in the 'hit' state. [note: NOT pictured above.]With the way the buttons are currently set up, and with wanting to use scripting to get them to interact with the thumbnail gallery, it will have to be some miraculous code to tell that button what color to stay as whenever its clicked, and of course it going back to white when another button is clicked.
Conclusion:Since this is an Adobe Forum I would like to make a few additional statements in hopes that the developers, etc. may take heed.Adobes products are not cheap, and when I went to purchase the websuite I went in as a designer needing a program as not to need to program.I understand the flexibility that coding gives, but something as simple as linking buttons should not be in the realms of rocket science.
fscommand(allowscale, false);//keep SWF display at 100%
var x:XML = new XML ();//Define XML Object[code]....
View 31 Replies
Aug 12, 2009
im working on an image viewer and im loading an image to a loader and then add the loader to the stage.I want the user to be able to drag and drop the image but since it's a loader i dont know how to do it.
I tried
imageLoader.startDrag = true;
imageLoader.content.startDrag = true;
but im getting an error on both.
View 2 Replies
Oct 26, 2011
How would I make an image I load using AS3's loader class into a button with an event handler on it? Below is what I have started. And below that is my error I get when I click the message.
//call function that starts loading my image
function callButtons():void {
the error I am getting when I click the spanish.png on the stage is: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on MyVideoPlayer_CS4_fla::MainTimeline/playSpanish(). Expected 0, got 1.I NEEDED TO ADDED evt:MouseEvent
View 1 Replies
Apr 30, 2010
I have this piece of code to change images. I was trying to figure out how you could put a timer on the code, so if the image has been displayed for say 5 seconds it diverts to the next image automatically? Also if it's not to hard, when it has played to the end to divert to the 1st image.
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Mar 22, 2011
[code]This script is for a loader image gallery in flash, as part of a class assignment. What happens is that in flash, when I open the swf file, the initial image (images/nair_evanescentautumn.png) will load fine. However, clicking on any thumbnail image (including the exact same images/nair_evanescentautumn.png), will result in an error saying the file cannot be found.I cannot figure out why it is doing this... I've tested it over. Clicking each thumbnail does go to the correct position in the two separate functions. All said full-size image links are in the folder images/, and replacing the initial loader image will load the other images in place of the default one. However, clicking on any thumbnail still results in URL not found, even though everything works correctly.[code]Before anyone asks why I'm putting this kind of content into a flash site, I'm not--this is only for a class assignment. I'm just trying to figure out why my images aren't loading right when I'm only doing the exact same thing in the functions as I am on the other pages.Of note, commissions.swf has the exact same feature, just with swf files loaded instead, and it works perfectly fine. home, traditional, digital, and photography all have the image gallery, and all have the same issue (I only referenced one page because if I can fix one page I should be able to fix all of them).As for the artworks, they are all my fiance's. The website design was built for her, and I used the website design for this project because I didn't want to have to build an entirely new interface design. Since the project also required a gallery, I felt that this interface would work just fine.
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Feb 23, 2010
I need to create a gallery to load images and display them. This part is fine:
* @variable image_name to store the name of the selected item
private function showimage(evt:Event):void
where imgMain is the id the image component.
But, I need a small twist. A transition image i.e. loading image should be displayed while the the image is being loaded.
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Mar 6, 2010
I've looked through a couple threads here about reflecting images... but I don't quite understand it. I will include a link to my project thus far: Final Project First of all, ignore the music/mp3 items at the bottom of the stage. Those aren't wired up yet. When you click on a bike image on the right, the reflection image should appear under the image... but it's not quite working out that way, and I've tried a few things. Here's the segment of AS3 code that is giving me trouble:
View 2 Replies
Jun 22, 2009
i have my buttons connected to loaders which bring in swf files......and these swf files are the same size as my project......i want to set the X, Y coordinates to 0,0 so that the swf will line up perfectly in the project, but every time i do this, the swf ends up covering the buttons... how do i bring in the swf, so that it sits beneath the buttons?
View 2 Replies
Feb 13, 2009
I am trying to load external swf's from buttons. I managed to load an external swf from a button, but as a result I can't work out how to get it to unload when other buttons are clicked. Currently In the flash file I have only 2 buttons 'dutrain_b' and 'portfolio_b'. I would like to add many more when the code is working.
Code: Select allimport flash.display.MovieClip;
dutrain_b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, godutrain_b);
View 4 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
A basic image loader, looks like this:
var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("imagename.jpg"));
View 4 Replies
Dec 1, 2008
I'm trying to simply have 4 images at a time appear, then scroll over one image when a button is clicked. I'm using the Loader component to call in the external jpgs. This works perfectly in Firefox and when I preview it in Flash, but in IE the images don't load properly. I'm scaling them down using the Loader parameters, but IE usually tries to load the full-sized images. You can see the problem if you visit [URL]
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Jun 10, 2009
I'm coming from AS3 and I'm trying to mask a SWF file that's being imported in but it's doing something pretty funky. The SWF file is coming in fine, but when I'm masking it, it shows the shape I'm masking with, but it's also masking because nothing is going beyond its' edges.
var mask_mc:Shape = new Shape();;
View 6 Replies
Jan 13, 2004
What would you use to create buttons which when pressed load an image in an image area within the same flash document?
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Jul 23, 2009
I'm trying to create a movie clip with images that will slide from one image to another using next and previous buttons. I want a sliding effect. For example on this site: [URL] The right side large image you can slide the image by using the arrows. That's exactly what I want...but in flash.
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Oct 22, 2008
I am creating a very basic menu. My project consists of a main file that then calls other swf's to fill in the rest of the content. My main timeline is this. There is an preloader which hasn't been built yet, a intro section that is two movie clips (one loads the layout, one fades in my buttons). Then when all this loads, I load the first swf. My difficulty is that I am trying to get my buttons, which are held in mc_buttons, to change the variable myLoader on the main timeline. So when you click on a button, it swaps in a different swf for the current loaded one. I have tried calling the following code attached below.
My error is:
"1119: Access of possibly undefined property myLoader through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer."
Now, if I define the myLoader variable in the mc_buttons and do an addchild() there, I get the correct content, it just is on top of the old content which isn't what I want...
View 12 Replies
Jul 9, 2009
I would like for the website preloader to recognize the random image loader that I have on frame 8 of my siteI have a basic preloader on frames 1 and 2(frame 1)
(frame 2)
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Apr 22, 2011
I've tried adding this loader as a child of several different sprites but it only ends up in one of the sprites (must be removing from the other sprites display list automatically).How can I duplicate that image in the loader into multiple sprites?e.g. (note don't worry about making sure the icon is loaded, pretend I wanted to Event.COMPLETE before adding to
var icon:Loader = new Loader();
icon.load(new URLRequest('image.png'));
var iconA:Sprite = new Sprite();
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Mar 23, 2010
I am having trouble in dragging a image within a loader. I am able to do zooming and rotating image but not moving image with mouse. Purpose is when I zoom a image info is out of boundaries and so is hidden. To see that info users should be able to drag the image any way they want.
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Aug 23, 2010
I'm writing a movie that should load image from external location and display it in placeholder. I called placeholder "imageMC" and I gave it dimensions on 250x250 px.Next I load image using Loader class and I'm waiting for complete event.After that I try to resize image so it will fit to placeholder. I also want to keep fine aspect ratio.My code looks that:
ActionScript Code:
function onComplete(e:Event):void {
var wFactor:Number, hFactor:Number, originalWidth:Number, originalHeigth:Number, newWidth:Number, newHeigth:Number;
originalWidth = loader.content.width;
The problem is line: "imageMC.addChild(bmp);". When I add a bmp as child of imageMC the trace statement looks like:
250:187 //loader.content dimensions
252.05:362.4 //imageMC dimensions ??!! WHY THEY ARE CHANGED???
250:187 //bitmap dimentsion
and imageMC resizes his heigth and display image wrong scaled.But when I add bmp as child of stage: "addChild(bmp);" trace looks like:
and image is scaled propertly.What is cause of this error?
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Jun 22, 2007
why this isn't working with as 1.0? I have to publish it with 1.0 for other reasons. basically i want a simple preloader:
it goes straight to 100% when viewed through the download simulator, but the image isn't actually loaded. I don't really know as 1.0, just 2.0.
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Apr 8, 2009
I have created a photo gallery, following this tutorial:URL...However I want the user to be able to click a thumbnail, which triggers a function to unload the previous image, and then reload the selected image.[code]
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Feb 10, 2009
I'm a complete newbie using ActionScript for a class I'm taking online (not my choice to have it online, unfortunately). My instructor isn't much help to me and I am struggling. I am a beginner Flash user so know a little about that program but it's the AS I'm struggling with. I will give you my first bornI am creating a simulation that contains an octopus in a bath tub for the main image.I'm trying to get the octopus to load on my stage using the code my instructor has given me:
var somePictLdr:Loader = new Loader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("octopus.jpg"); <--this is the name of the jpg I have. I'm on a Mac and the entire folder with all of my stuff is on my desktop named
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Apr 10, 2012
I'm loading a list of urls of pics from an fql query, then loading those urls with the loader class using this function:_loc is a MovieClip that holds the picture,[code]In onMyPictureLoaded I would like to get the bitmapdata out of loader.content and scale the image (smooth it too) that way, and then reattach it to the _obj MovieClip, but I'm having trouble reattaching that new bitmap to the object.It seems the problem is more to do with events and not having the ability to pass information (_loc, for example) from:loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE,onMyPictureLoaded); to the onMyPictureLoaded function.
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Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to have one single loader for different buttons to load their specific target. lets say I have btnOne and btnTwo, each of them have their page to link to, btnOne to pageOne, btnTwo to pageTwo, page one and two are external swfs. so can I load them into stage by sharing one single loader?
this is simply my script:
ActionScript Code:
var swfURL:String = ("external.swf");
btnOne.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, startLoad);
btnTwo.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, startLoad);
View 2 Replies
Jan 20, 2009
I know this should be do-able, but i am stumped... I created a row of movie clip buttons + eventListeners (CLICK) with a for-loop. i now want to take an array that consists of a list of swfs (i.e., var myArray:Array=new Array(); myArray=["thing.swf","dog.swf",more.swf",etc}--and programmatically assign a loader + URL request to each of the created movie clip buttons that will load the swfs on the button click.
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Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to have one single loader for different buttons to load their specific target.lets say I have btnOne and btnTwo, each of them have their page to link to, btnOne to pageOne, btnTwo to pageTwo, page one and two are external swfs. so can I load them into stage by sharing one single loader? this is simply my script:
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May 6, 2009
I use a loader to import an image into flash.
And I do absolutely nothing with the loaded image, I don't add it to the display list or anything. But when I use the unload() method on the loader it doesn't disappear from memory! Even if I set the _loader = null it doesn't free up the memory!
I check the System.totalMemory property and it just keeps stacking up if I repeat the process.
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Jan 17, 2010
I'm trying to load images using the loader class but it doesn't seem to ever trigger the complete event (in this case anyway). The images are only 16x16px images from the local machine, so it should take no time at all to load. I use the totalImages variable as a counter; as an image is loaded, it subtracts 1 from it. Once it is 0, all images are loaded. I can create an instance and it goes as far as tracing "Begin loading images", but that's it. No errors in the console either.
PHP Code:
package lib{
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public class Frame extends Bitmap{
[Code] .....
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Feb 6, 2009
Am working on a simulation and am running into some trouble. I am attaching what I have so far. (I'm just in beginning stages so it's nothing fancy) What I still need to do is place the main image into the code using this code:
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