Actionscript 3.0 :: Load And Unload Swf's From Buttons Using Class Loader?
Feb 13, 2009
I am trying to load external swf's from buttons. I managed to load an external swf from a button, but as a result I can't work out how to get it to unload when other buttons are clicked. Currently In the flash file I have only 2 buttons 'dutrain_b' and 'portfolio_b'. I would like to add many more when the code is working.
Code: Select allimport flash.display.MovieClip;
dutrain_b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, godutrain_b);
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ActionScript Code:
var loader:Loader;
c1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, c1);
function c1(event:MouseEvent):void{
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("1950s/julia1.jpg");
if(loader != null){
[Code] .....
This is an example of 2 buttons from my list. This code is for unload the other image but it only works ones. it's not working on the other buttons. So what the problem in this code?
if(loader != null){
Object(root).menu_mc.menuIn_mc.diary_mc.diaryW_mc. pic_mc.removeChild(loader);
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Oct 20, 2010, Line 23 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method load through a reference with static type Loader.
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var city = "d_"+city+"_mc";
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I have a page that I'm redesigning, it's located at:
I have a movieclip named load_banner. Inside the movieclip in its own frame, I put in the following code:
import flash.display.Loader;
However when I test it, the images load off to the right hand side of the screen, not centered in the movie clip like I want...
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function Load_image(event:MouseEvent):void{ var my_loader:Loader = new Loader(); my_loader.load(new URLRequest("C:UsersAmandaDesktoppicture1")); addChild(my_loader);}
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I want the current swf to unload and the new one to load only after a transition occurs. Is there a more efficient way to do this than if. switch()?
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Aug 9, 2008
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Mar 9, 2009
In AS3 i am using the Loader class to load in multiple external SWFs (AVM1), each of which has a short animation which automatically plays when the swf is I obviously cannot control the timeline of these (i can't use local connection etc) but would like to load in the *.swf files, so they're in memory then add them to the stage when requested. the problem is that if i load them enmass. then use addChild when they are called, they have already played through and animated pre the addChild command.
(I cannot edit the swfs at all, and would rather not load them on demand at runtime)
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm coding an xml gallery with thumbnails. Ive set a container for the thumbs and for the main image. when user clicks on a thumb it loads the larger image. Preloaders are done all is well however when the user clicks on a nother thumb it just loads in the image over the last one. How can I cause it to delete the currently displayed image and then load the new one.
would :- removeChild work or do I need to use .unload on the loader?
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Aug 11, 2009
I am having some issues with my loader. What I have is one loader object that will load 5 different SWF loading xml galleries.It works fine the first time it loads, until I unload it to reload another gallery... then it will display its loading but nothing shows?
var gallery:String=new String ;
var portIDReq:URLRequest=new URLRequest("viewer"".swf");
var portIDLoader:Loader = new Loader();
[Code] .....
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Dec 11, 2009
I have created 20 thumbnails using a for loop.
On each loop an instance of the loader class is created and an image shown from an xml file.
I want to unload these images (so they no longer use memory) at the click of a button.
I tried putting thumbLoader.unload(); into a new for loop but it only removes the last thumbnail. How can I get rid of them all.
Also how do I reference these loader instances in general?, using thumbLoader only allows me to talk to the last of the thumbnails created?
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Jun 18, 2009
,nm. fixed.
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Nov 6, 2009
How can I unload a movie from with in the UI Loader.
I have loaded a movie into my UI Loader and there is a go back button And I simply want to unload that movie and return to normal.
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a URLloader that load an xml file, what i need is to be able to clear whats in the loader once the data of my xml has been loaded, is it possible to use unload in the on complete function? for example[code]...
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Aug 14, 2009
I am building a portfolio gallery, with one loader who loads 5 different .swf which load XML files.Everything work, but once I unloaded it to reload it, it says that its loaded but I dont see anything anymore.I probably tried a 1000 versions, but here is my latest code:[code]
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Apr 28, 2009
I have used the loader class to play an external .swf file. When it is finished I need to stop it and continue to the next frame in the timeline of the original movie. I can load it and unload it, but how to I unload it after it has played and continue to frame 2 of the timeline?
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();myLoader.x = 150;myLoader.y = 75;
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("movie.swf"));addChild(myLoader);
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,onComplete) ;
function onComplete(e:Event):void{ myLoader.unload(); this.gotoAndPlay(2);}
With this code, it skips the loaded movie and goes straight to frame 2.
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Dec 22, 2010
I have load external swf file with loader. The external swf file have animation with embeded mp3 file . when i click the btn unload the external swf file .external swf file is unload ok. But Problam is after few seconds sound is hearing. I think animation still running in backend when reach the first frame sound is hearing.
var ldr:Loader=new Loader()ldr.load(new URLRequest("test.swf")) addChild(ldr) btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,unloadmovie)
function unloadmovie(e:MouseEvent){ ldr.unload() SoundMixer.stopAll() }
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Aug 2, 2011
My code is
try {
if (MovieClip(this.parent)!=null) {
if (MovieClip(this.parent).imagename!=null) {
var t=MovieClip(this.parent).imagename;
var url:URLRequest=new URLRequest(t);
[Code] .....
My loader unload event not calling?
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Jul 18, 2011
I want to unload my loader when i click the unload button, and to check if it unloaded successfully, i typed a trace command [trace("unloaded")] in the eventListener "EVENT.UNLOAD", but when i click the unload button, it doesn't unload.[code]any help on how to make unload work?
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