ActionScript 3 :: Refactoring Automatic Game Loop Into Controlled One

Aug 5, 2010

I need to take control of how my base game class updates:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Test extends Sprite {
private var sprite:Sprite;
[Code] .....

Here after every key press/release AS3 takes care of automatically drawing a sprite onto screen, but I need to do this manualy. Haw to get my hands on updating mechanism here? I need something like this - all time repeating game loop that is set to be updated/redrawn every time at its end.

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ActionScript :: Game Loop Not Running?

Feb 19, 2012

I'm developing a Flash game using ActionScript 3 and have this code in my documents class:

package com {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;
public function Engine() {
// Create a player instance


Is there a library or something I need to import to get this to work? If it's not obvious, I want to run the gameLoop method of my Engine class (the documents class) on every new frame (the document is currently set to 30fps).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game Loop - Rounding Causes Inaccuracy

Apr 26, 2010

For my game, I've made an easy-to-use instruction list to program enemies. It works pretty well, except it's inaccurate, and the only reason I can think of is a rounding error.

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list[0] = "Right:60";
list[1] = "Left:60";

The game loop calls a function on the object that decides what action to do. Right:60 means it moves right for 60 game loops, then goes to the next item on the list. This works fine, except for the inaccuracy. An object gets his xSpeed altered every game loop, depending on the current instruction. If it's "Right", xSpeed += acceleration, if it's "Left", xSpeed -= acceleration.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Turn Base Board Game - While Loop

Mar 15, 2009

I am trying to create a turn base board game. It has four player and out the the four players one is human and the rest are cpu's. The players are number 1,2..4. In the beginning of the game it ask's the user to which player will be the human player. A random number generator function picks a random number between 1-4 and that number player will go first.

There is a while loop that controls the game play something like:
var isNotEndofGame:Boolean = true;
var human:Number; //the user inputs this number.
var aPlayer:Number = getRandomNumber(1,4); //players: 1, 2, 3, 4
while(isNotEndofGame) {
if(aPlayer==human) doHumanMove();
else doCpuMove();

This reset's the player so they can keep on playing until game ends.
if(aPlayer==4) aPlayer = 1;
inside function doCpuMove() and doHumanMove() isNotEndofGame will become false when the game objective is met.

The problem I am having is when its the human players turn I want the loop to pause or wait so that the human player can do some interaction such as click a button or drag a movieClip. I tried adding adding mouseclick event listeners and timer neither worked.

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Actionscript 3 :: Write Code For Flash Game Loop?

May 28, 2011

Im making a transition from Java to Flash/Actionscript and Im having sort of a hard time figuring out where to write my code for my flash game loop(or engine) due to flash having "frames" unlike Java.Am I able to put the loop inside the Document class even having like game menus in the game? I havent found a way to put it in there without it always running when the flash application begins.Or should I just have the game loop called every frame? For instance, frame 4 will be level 1 and so the engine will be called out there. And frame 5 will be level 2 and ill call a different instance of the game engine there.Im just having a difficult time due to the "frames". So where would be the best place to put the game loop?

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Haxe/Flash Game Loop Slow Down Over Time?

Mar 29, 2012

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import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game Loop - Detecting When Object Hits MovieClip

Jul 17, 2010

I'm trying to program this code:
public function enemiesDie(){
enemyLoop: for (var k:int = enemies.length -1;k>= 0; k--){
bulletLoop: for (var i:int = bullets.length -1; i>=0; i--){
if (enemies[k].hitTestObject(bullets[i])){
[Code] ....

To detect when a bullet hits an enemy in a game I'm trying to make and I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1006: hitTestObject is not a function.
at Space_Hooligans/enemiesDie()
at Space_Hooligans/gameLoop()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use LoadMovie Function Inside Loop To Load External PNG Files / When Game Is Loaded

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public function loop(e:Event):void
//getDistance(this.x - i.x, this.y - i.y)


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Professional :: Can A _mc Be Controlled Within Itself

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Rotation Controlled By Mouse?

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this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (rewind == true) {


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Feb 13, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Functions Controlled By CurrentFrame

Oct 29, 2009

I know that the functionality of the addChildToStage and deleteChildFromStage functions works fine because I have tested it here:URL...the nav adds a new instance of "player" to the stage and the big red button deletes "player".I want to start the movie with a mc_CopyBlank on stage and then have the nav issue play(); command to the movie clip held in "player" then have the current frame of that clip trigger the addChildToStage and DeleteChildFromStage functions that I've written here.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow Controlled By Scrollpanel?

Oct 28, 2010

Is there a way to create an automatic slideshow gallery that is controlled by the thumb position on a scrollbar?

I'm a FLash AS3 noob and I'd like to place an article or story inside a scrollpanel. At certain points of the story, I'd like the thumb (on the scrollbar) to trigger an event that transitions to a new image inside the slideshow gallery.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping An _xmouse Controlled Mc

Mar 27, 2010

how to stop an _xmouse, _ymouse action? I built a carousel with some movieclips controlled by a _xmouse action but I would like to stop their movement when the mouse is over them, and also activated it again when the mouse rolls out.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Can Movieclips Be Controlled Like Videos

Nov 20, 2009

I am trying to get to grips with actionScript (a beginner) and have created a SWF that calls in a FLV file. From the SWF I control the FLV wit a Play, Pause and Mute button. This works great. BUT now the client wants just a compiled SWF file only. So from this I take it they just want a single SWF file that acts like a video player but in truth is a Flash movie with a timeline effectively embedding the original FLV.

I have tried writing my own code and scouring sites and tutorials but to no avail. What I have done so far is to import my FLV to a Movie symbol in the library. I have put a stop() command on the actionscript for that symbol. I have created three buttons, which at present do nothing. I placed the symbol on the main timeline and exported and it basically plays the video with no control. Now I hit a wall. What I want seems simple in thought but is baffling me in practice.

Now I have the Movie symbol (video) playing I want some control again via the three buttons mentioned earlier. I really want the movie to auto play when loaded and the play button to resume the playhead if the movie is paused. As you will see from the code although I have set up a variable for the mute button I have no idea what I should code to do that or indeed if it is possible. I am on my umpteenth itteration trying to get code to work but I really need help. I don't even know if what I am asking is possible.

Code: Select allfunction onMetaData(data:Object):void
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playMovie);
pause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseMovie);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Name Controlled By Variable?

Mar 13, 2009

I have several buttons I need to turn on and off (visibility and alpha) but the function I have written that determines if a given button should be turned off works based on a few variables. I need to be able to control which button is turning on and off with these variables.

I have tried this ("btn" + i)._visible or alpha but does not work. how I can accomplish this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS3 And XML - User Controlled Slideshow

Jul 23, 2009

I have been learning flash and Actionscript 3 for the past couple of weeks and i have progressed nicely with making a site. I have some images being loaded into a MovieClip which are dynamically loaded from on XML. I can set it up so clicking left/right arrows navigates through the pictures and loops or i can set it so it automatically plays without user intervention.

What i would like to do though is have the images loaded into the MC via XML but have it so that when the Actionscript analyses the XML code it creates a small circle on the stage for each image (child) and then each circle is clickable to that particular image. I know this sounds confusing so i am i just seeing if it's possible and if so how. I can easily create frames and links for the circles but i would rather it be done through AS3 if possible so that it is easily updatable.

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Make A Video Player Which Just Controlled By The Scrubbar

Jan 10, 2010

I am looking for a very easy way to make a video player which just controled by the scrubbar. I have tried the Componet Seek Bar but that doesn't enable the viewer to scrub the bar. I am wanting to use the Scrubbar Player to view 3d models. At Zbrush they have a Scrubbar player [URL] once there click on one of the pics to view scrubbar turntable viewer. Would love to be able to show my models in this fashion.

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Frame Rate Controlled By The Mouse Cursor?

Jul 2, 2009

I have created this spinning diamond flash with a dynamic frame rate controlled by the mouse cursor. it spins from the right to the left if the cursor is at the left side of the diamond and vice verse, and also the further away the cursor is from the middle of the diamond, the faster it spins.

it works perfectly awesome in Firefox and by itself, but when it's in IE, the cursor loses control of frame rate, so it spins at the highest frame rate regardless where the cursor is at. I used nextFrame(), prevFrame() to do the winding and rewinding job, and frame rate gets changed in ENTER_FRAME. I've heard some say that IE ignores frame rate per frame? is it true? if so, how do I fix it?

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Professional :: Videoplayer That's Beeing Controlled From Keyboard

Jan 5, 2011

1) I wan't to do a fullscreen videoplayer that listens to the keyboard and that plays a videoclip on demand. I will not use menues or onscreen buttons.
It should work almost like a Video DJ application or a audio sampleplayer but for video. So; when I press any one of maybe ten keys the corresponding videoclip should be played.
I intend to run this locally using Flash player hence not on a browser or on internet so I'm not really limited by bandwidth. I'm on CS4 Flash Professional.
2) Is there a IDE, a runtime development enviroment, for Flash aimed for AS? Despite working on a daily basis with digital media  for many years incl. coding in php, javascipt,, etc I still have a tough  time understanding Flash and AS3.

3) A part from traditional keyboard input is there a way for Flash and/or Flashplayer to listen to an non-standard USB input, say a touchpad, joystick etc?

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Flex :: Progress Bar Controlled By Forum Entry

Jul 9, 2009

I have five text boxes and a dropdown box in my flex application, how can I make the progress bar fill up when there is text in each box, and the dropdown selected. For example, if there is input in three out of five of the boxes and there is a selection in the dropdown, then the progress bar would be 4/6 full.

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