Actionscript 2.0 :: Load New Image In Moveclip Every 5 Seconds

May 5, 2009

I'm attempting to load a new image into a Movieclip from an Array assigned in KeyFrame 1 on the Main timeline and I am trying to use setInterval and clearInterval to get this working, but I think I may have layout or the function incorrect.[code]This loads a new image every time the panel is clicked on (Panel 2 - Trusted) but I can't get it to automatically cycle through the images in the array. Here's a link to the SWF in question: URL..And in case someone wants to see how I have it setup, here's a copy of the FLA: URL... (CSS and images are loaded externally)Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I need to apply this function to 2 other panels, so I need to streamline.

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var tweenTimer:Timer;
var imageLoader:Loader;
var xml:XML;


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Class File (
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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time -=1; ( this counts faster than seconds)

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function strPad(str, places, pad, side) {
while (length(str) < places) {


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function this_function() {

When I trace the village on the onEnterFrame function, I am successful in viewing the value/position of the village in the in the external .swf file. However, if 'this_occurs' and I tell it to use the function 'this_function', where I tell it to trace the village again, it doesn't recongize the movieClip, or village. Instead of giving me a value, it just gives me 'undefined'. So why is it that the 'this_function' can't locate the external .swf file village?

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Nov 7, 2008

I have a movieclip - instance name "popup clock" . The frame on which it is on has the following code:

popupclock._visible = false;

The movieclip starts off invisible like it should. I also have a button which has the following code:

on (release) {
if (popupclock._visible=true) {[code]..

The code should allow the button to make the moveclip appear and disappear but it doesn't work?

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Dec 14, 2010

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var tobpos:int;
tobpos = toby.x


I've tried doing a loop but it gives me an error telling me that the script has run for too long.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Moveclip A Link?

Mar 24, 2008

I'm wanting to make a movie clip a link, the movie clip loads an image from a php file.

Heres the actionscript that loads the image, if it helps. Also, how do a load text into a dynamic text box with this script. The text I want to put into it is loaded from the php file.


Also is there any way to resize the photo in the actionscript. I want the photo to fit in a movieclip 190x120.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Duplicate Moveclip Automatically

Sep 8, 2003

In my flash file, I have a movieclip called target and one button used to duplicate the target movieclip.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moveclip Volume Up And Down Button?

May 7, 2005

I'm trying to create a movieclip that on mouseDown will decrease the volume by one as long as it is pressed.

I currently have a global variable called volPercent set to 100 initially and I have two buttons with the following code.

volumeup_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (volPercent != 100) {
volPercent += 1;


It works great but I need it to repeat the volume increase or decrease as long as it is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic MoveClip Instance Can't Reference?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a script on frame 1 that onRelease of button should tell dynamic MovieClip instances which have been added by attachMovie on frame 2 and 3 to go to a particular frame , here's the code:Frame 1:numdests is set to 2pagesAmount is set to 4

btn_submit.onPress = function(){
for (var i = 0; i<numdests; i++){
for (d = 1; d < pagesAmount + 1; d++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Onload Unloadaing Moveclip Within Movieclip?

Dec 16, 2009

Ok so i have a movieclip called 'home' which is within the container called 'sections'. On the 'home' movieclip there are buttons which go to other movieclips e.g. 'health' which are within the container 'holder'. I want it so that when the 'health' button is clicked it unloads the home movieclip within the 'sections' container and open that movieclip. I have tried:

PHP Code:
on (release) {
if (_root.sections.home) {


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