ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery - Images Stay On The Screen For Approx. 5 Seconds Each?
Sep 15, 2004
i've got 5 images. i want the following things to happen:
1. the placeholder movie clip automatically tweens to adjust to the image's dimensions.
2. the transition between each image is a la: -- front page when you enter
3. the images stay on the screen for approx. 5 seconds each.
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Mar 17, 2006
I am using an external actionscript file, and I have dynamically loading images that stay on the screen for X amount of seconds (the user can set the value of x), then it loads the next image. However, this user would like for there to be a transition, For Example, have it fade out and have the next image in line fade in after the image has been displayed on the screen for X amount of seconds. This user would also like a loading bar, much like the one on the flash banner here: [URL] between each image transition.
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Jul 15, 2011
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Jul 5, 2009
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Apr 28, 2011
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Mar 5, 2008
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Firstly, I was going to try to make the thumbnails act like buttons, so the mouse cursor would change to a little pointing finger like it does in buttonmode but i could not get this to work.
Secondly, I also wanted the alpha properties of the other buttons to reduce to about 0.75 to highlight the selected thumnail that would stay at its full alpha value of 1. Yet again i could not get this to work either.Can you build this type of functionality into the imported xml data or am I just kidding myself here?
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May 18, 2009
I have followed Kirupa's XML Image Gallery tutorial. Before you ask, I have double checked my code. When I hit command+enter (mac) to preview it, everything works just fine. XML loads the correct images. My problem is when I publish it and upload it via FTP to my web server, ONLY the first image displays. When I click the next button, the first image fades out, but then it fades back in. The captions and image numbers change (like they're supposed to), but the image does not.
It remains on the first image. I know that it is able to access the XML because it loads the first image specified in the XML. That image was never imported into the Flash document. I have double checked my paths, too. All of the paths are correct. Also, I'm sure that it's not accessing a local file, because for each path, I specify the full URL, such as "[URL]", rather than just "/images/image.jpg". What do I need to do to fix this? You can see what I'm talking about by going to [URL] and clicking on "photo+art".
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Feb 10, 2010
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Dec 30, 2009
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Jan 10, 2010
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Mar 25, 2005
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or I can't call them, they should be included in the exported .swf or .exe file I guess what I need is something like an actionscript that would call the images imported to the library is that possible or is there a gallery like that?
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Aug 12, 2009
I am creating an image gallery where the user can select from several thumbnail images. Once selected, the thumbnails will enlarge and load the full sized image. My problem is that while the user is waiting for the full sized image to load, he may decide to close that image and view another image. I am trying to find a way to stop a loader from loading.ere is the code I have used. My problem is that even though the user has clicked on the unloadBtn, the loader continues to load the file. Is there a way to disable that?
import flash.display.Loader;
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Aug 10, 2010
i m using flash on a module of Joomla to display images, i embed flash player code into javascript , it fetch images from an XML files wher images are predefined and it works fine, now i have a problem that i m collecting images from database, means images are dynamically, so i m unable to fetch that images an display on flash, i just want to knoe how to add dynamic image array into flash. do i need to create xml??
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Mar 20, 2005
i wrote a bit of actionscript to dynamically create an image gallery based on how many images are in a given directory. as of now, i've got it to display thumbnails in rows. my next step would be to get these thumbnails to link to the fullsize images, but i cant figure out how to do that. my code is as follows:
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Nov 4, 2006
Below is the code for dynamic image gallery from XML.
We have an alpha effect to the image animation when the image is loading. The affect is working fine (fade in).
But, when the next image is loading, we want fade out alpha affect to the current image before the next image loads.
delay = 6000;
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
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Dec 14, 2006
I have spent some time looking at the Kirupa XML gallery with the thumb navigaition sliderOne problem emerge when i use different sized images (same height, different widths).If one thumbnail is half the width of the others, that thumbnail will be placed directly on top of one of the others. Furthermore if the "large" image also is half the width of the others (which it also is here) it'll get placed starting from the left and have a gray background where there is no image (which makes sense since the background is grey in the .fla).My question is: how i can get the gallery to display all thumbnails with the same spacing between them no matter what width they have (in my case they will all have same height). And if a thumbnail is not as large as the "default size"(for example 67 in height and 100 in width) is it possible to center that image in the "large image" display?
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Nov 24, 2010
making my image gallery, but it only works as each image in the array is clicked. Now I am trying to make the gallery move automatically to the next image in the array every 5 seconds while still giving the user the ability to click on an image to view the one that they want.Here is my code so far (like i said it works great, but only as a click-able gallery):
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Nov 18, 2009
i need to develop an image gallery that displays images based on certain values chosen by the user. Imagine two sliders such as "gadgets" and "cars". The sliders provide values from 1 to 10. The flash movie then generates a gallery based on those provided weights. The user may want more gadgets than cars or all cars or more cars than gadgets etc. Im a tad lost as to where i should start here...XML? MYSQL? should i start swatting up on AS3?
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Sep 8, 2009
What I am trying to explain/do is to take a movie and not only have it follow a guided layer, but also to have it not dissapear.So for example, I have sucessfully made a movie move around a path as I broke some letters in to symbols and created a guided layer out of them.However I don't want the move to keep dissapearing and initializing as it transverses the path.To better explain this, please check out the online example: UrL...Now instead of holding down the mouse button and having the movie of hearts just keep compounding wherever the key_pressed mouse goes to, Imagine the hearts coming to screen as the movie goes through the guided layer so as to spell out a word. Here is the minimum that I think I need and I have edited it below and tried change the "mouseX" and "mouseY" to something such as flashmo_group.X and flashmo_group.Y but the resulting effect does not follow the path.[code]
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Mar 9, 2012
OK so i have a character that moves with the mouse. I need it to stay in the center of the screen(kind of like a platformer game). I can't figure out how to access the camera and move it. (Note: I have tried Vcam and moving all of the other objects but Vcam makes the file slow or something [or so i have heard] and moving the other objects in kind of like cheating [and for my needs is insufficient]) I don't have any code because i don't know where to start. Maybe someone can point me into the right direction.
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Sep 30, 2009
i want a character to stay in center of screen and where ever we click on the page the character goes there , i mean that click position comes to centre with ease and we can also navigate map like age of empires, or DOTA but in that case character stick at its own position to map.
Im not flash developer so i dont know how to do this but i can do designing. I am attaching a fla with this pls do this experiment with that fla file so that i can understand it easy. Being a non programmer it is tough to understand these things for me. those brown sections in this map would be colusion areas , where we cannot move character and blue is river. so we cannot move character to river too.
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Dec 16, 2011
I had to set the "Default linkage" actionscript setting to "Merged into code."
I have pretty basic AS that says to switch to a different scene, and it will switch, but movie clips from the original scene won't disappear. Never happened before...
function unit1MainMenu(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(1, "Main Menu Unit 1");
MainMenu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, unit1MainMenu);
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Feb 18, 2006
I have created a game in which the user controls a object which moves across the bottom of the screen firing bullets at fish which randomly swim across the screen. My problem however is that when the timer runs out some of the fish stay on the screen instead of disappearing, I have tried everything to make them all go away but I always end up with one or two which stay stuck and remain there no matter what the user does. My code for the balloons moving n disappearing is as follows:
function moveBalloons() {
// loop through balloons in array
for(i=balloons.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
// get speed and clip
dx = balloons[i].d;
balloon = _root[balloons[i].clip];
[Code] ......
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Jan 20, 2009
When you drag the screen in any direction the background scales and rezises.But How do I make the text stay center and a certain size so that it wont scale to fit the screen and will stay a certain size
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Feb 9, 2011
I need a video which has been embedded into Flash to stretch, regardless of aspect ratio.This video will then reveal some content which I don't want stretching at all.I've tried using the "exactFit" scaleMode property and tried to find a way of that only affecting the video and not everything in the swf, but I failed. I've also tried using Stage.width/height and applying it to the dimensions of the video but t
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Mar 5, 2011
I've searched for almost a whole week to get this thing converted,I found a great tutorial for a scrollbar that was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted something that didn't have up or down buttons, had a thin line for the track, and a circular dragger. However, it was written in AS2. I've tried to convert it myself, but I'm a complete beginner, and I know nothing about AS3 code, or AS2 for that matter. So, I've managed to get the scroller icon to move, but it moves all over the screen & doesn't stay put
var scrollUpper:Number = 31.5;
var scrollLower:Number = 381.5;
var textLower:Number = 40;
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