Okay I made a photo Gallery using a Loader in the Components tab. I'm making the different frames load different pics (changing the Content Path of the Loader on each frame) so now when I go to my gallery after uploading it to the web then it takes a while to load the pics...so what i want is just to show the people that the photo is loading and that its not nothing on the gallery.
Is there a surestarter preloader in AS3 with CS4? Meaning here, showing a progress bar or percentage value before loading the main swf, right away at the start of the loading.I tried 3 different versions:
1- I used the code from a video (and accompanying files), and simply changed the content.swf to my own swf file (rename my swf content.swf), so that the original code would load my swf instead of the original content.swf. (original content.swf was too small to see anything before loading, because my loading speed is too fast).Here is the code from the original preloader (loads a small swf which then loads the main swf file):
var l:Loader = new Loader();l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);l.load(new URLRequest("content.swf")); function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void{ var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal; percent.text = Math.ceil(perc*100).toString();}[code].....
Problem that I want to share with you is that I have two external swf. One is swf generated by Flex IDE and second one is generated by Flash IDE. When I load flex swf, loading progress output is not showing until the whole file is loaded. This problem is not presented when I load flash swf as you can see on this testing page
I have a fla file that loads a slide show from an XML file. The xml file contains info about each slide. There's over a 100 slides so the loading takes some time. However I'm not getting actual load progress. It traces nothing until after the load is complete and then it shows the progress that it should have traced one by one, however it traced them all at once on the complete. Because it's not firing the onProgress correctly my preloader is rendered useless. Am I doing something wrong on is this a bug in Flash?
When I try loaderInfo.content it traces [object MainTimeline] but should trace the external image.tracing loaderInfo.bytesLoaded does not trace the image progress. It should
var objAimg:Array = new Array(); var ldrA:Array = new Array(); var url:String; var urlReq:URLRequest;
I've created a progress bar animation to load an external SWF file as described in this document: [URL] The problem is, the SWF file i want to load is a magazine exported from Indesign, so I want it to display one page (frame) at a time (you can go to the next page using the navigation buttons provided). When I use the method mentioned above the clip loads, but then it plays... so how can i make it stop at the first frame?
Then while loading each module I am showing the progress bar. The progress bar shows but does not go away. It remains above the whole frame of the application. The module loader is as follows:(Also note that in Flex 3 the same works, but am using Flex 4 and in Fx 4 it does not)
I'm trying to make it so that the first 99 frames of a 198 frame preloader run even when the swf is loaded into the cache. I have the script looping the second 99 frames of the preloader while the movie is loading, but when it's already loaded, I only want the first 99. Right now, when the movie is already loaded, I'm only able to skip over the preloader altogether and go right to the movie OR I can see a loop that starts at the beginning of the preloader and then cycles through the second 99 frames indefinitely and never goes on to the movie that's loaded. At first I was using two separate movie clips, one for the first 99 frames and another for the second 99, but since that didn't work, I combined the files to see if that would work, but it didn't. I've tried so many adjustments, I've run out of ideas. Is it even possible to use a conditional with the onComplete function that's supposed to run when the loading is done, so that onComplete only happens if the current frame of the preloader is greater than 99?
Here's my script for frame 1 of my movie. The movie proper starts on frame 2, and preloader is the 198 frame movie clip in the library. The result of this script is an endless cycling of the preloader even when the movie's loaded.
stop(); preloader.play(); function everyFrame(event:Event):void {
I have a swf called "main.swf". Here I am using movieClipLoader to load another swf called "news.swf". In "news.swf" I'm loading several images using movieClipLoader.
On the "main.swf" I want the loading progress for the ENTIRE "news.swf", including the loading progress for the images.
If I use onLoadProgress for "main.swf" while loading "news.swf", it will reach 100% before the images has started loading. I want the image loading to be included in the progress.
I have a situation where I'm using the FLVPlayback component and it starts off blank, meaning that it shows the video player skin but doesn't load a movie until prompted to do so. However, the progress bar in the skin is acting as if a movie is being loaded. I'd like to make it invisible or stop it until I need it, but I can't seem to target it. I've tried the following with no success.[code]
I'm having quite a hard time with trying to use the UILoader& Progress Bar components together, to make my thumbnails &main images load. The slideshow consists of 6 thumbs, each loadedinto a UILoader component, and held within a movieclip calledthumbs_mc, which is animated to appear as if its moving up a path(starts really small, and enlarges toward the user). I've foundthat the animation will not work unless the UILoader components arecontained inside of a movieclip.What I'm trying and failing to do is monitor the loading of the thumbs, so that they won't start movingdown the path until they finish loading. So far, what happens whentesting live is that the thumbs skip the animation and just appearin their end positions. I can't seem to get the Progress Bar andthe UILoaders inside the thumbs_mc clip to work together.
Once I've figured out how to do this, the next step would beto load with UILoaders and the Progress Bar each of the largeversions of the images, when the thumbs are clicked. But for themeantime, if I can figure out the thumbs, I can probably figure outhow to apply the same technology to the loading of the main images.
Somebody should write a book about loading and pre loading assets in flash !Im loading a few images using a loop and i store them in a bitmap array.I want to find the proper way to create a progress bar.I think i need to calculate the totalBytes of all the images but i need to it before i load the images....Is there a way to get the file size without loading the image ?That way i could create a loop that will calculate the bytesize of all the images and store it an a variable.and then i could just divide the total bytes with the current bytes of the image and get a progress bar the will represent the exact loading time.
I am attempting to monitor the progress of an image scroller I've built and all of the images (thumbs) load separately. What would be the best way of figuring out what the total progress of the images that are loading? I was thinking it would be cool to use a generic loader and apply it to a function such as myScroller.loadImages();
i have build a flash project where most of the content externally loads in to the main movie. for each chapter i made a "Loader" component, and a "progressBar" connected to the "Loader". during building i was re checking that all is working well (test movie with "simulate download"). then, i was uploading it to my server and when i view it on "fireFox", or "Safari" , it all working. but, when trying to view it on "IE", i never see the "progressBar" and, all the Actions that relate to the "on (complete) {}" never happens.
import fl.controls.ProgressBar; var pic_loader:Loader = new Loader(); var my_pb:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar(); my_pb.source = pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo;
The image loads but it does not "take the place" of the "pic_loader" movieClip like it did in As2. The main issue is I am getting this erroe message:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert loader@40fad881 to flash.display.Loader.
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild() at as3_test_file_fla::MainTimeline/finishLoading()
I have built a site the loads external swfs for each page once the button is clicked on the main fla. im trying to add a custom animated progress bar (fade in, show progress, fade out, show content) for each page but not sure how to go about it. Also I am using flasheff2 and think it might complicate it a bit.
I'm currently loading an image dynamically into a loader using this script.Code:loadMovie("1.jpg",_root.sliding_content.content_2.contents.example_birds.work_page.myloader);All I'm trying to do is attach a progress bar component to this loader. Other images get loaded into the same loader component using the same actionscript as above but with different file names.I'm having difficulties getting the progress bar to show the progress - when it gets to 100% disappear and then reset and reappear when another image is loaded into the same loader component when the action script is called again.
this works when I test it on my computer. But when I put it online, the bytes progress becomes undefinable / NaN.. I don't know why being online makes a difference.
ok..i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.
The application will pre load 5 different images and place them in an array of bitmaps.My only problem is that i want to display a progress bar to the user.I know how the calculate the progress of one image:progressBar.source=loader.contentLoaderInfo;but i want to load the images using a loader one by one, which means that after each loaded image
I'm trying to make it so that the first 99 frames of a 198 frame preloader run even when the swf is loaded into the cache. I have the script looping the second 99 frames of the preloader while the movie is loading, but when it's already loaded, I only want the first 99. Right now, when the movie is already loaded, I'm only able to skip over the preloader altogether and go right to the movie OR I can see a loop that starts at the beginning of the preloader and then cycles through the second 99 frames indefinitely and never goes on to the movie that's loaded.
At first I was using two separate movie clips, one for the first 99 frames and another for the second 99, but since that didn't work, I combined the files to see if that would work, but it didn't. Is it even possible to use a conditional with the onComplete function that's supposed to run when the loading is done, so that onComplete only happens if the current frame of the preloader is greater than 99? Here's my script for frame 1 of my movie. The movie proper starts on frame 2, and preloader is the 198 frame movie clip in the library. The result of this script is an endless cycling of the preloader even when the movie's loaded.
stop(); preloader.play(); function everyFrame(event:Event):void { if (preloader.currentFrame == 198) { preloader.gotoAndPlay(100); [Code] .....
I have a loop that parses and works on a lot of data and it takes a long time. While it works away, the screen is blank and im wondering if there is a way to put a loader or counter up?
Since it does a finite amount of work, I thought I could just update the progress from within the loop but further readings has revealed that it wasn't possible.
I dont even know if i got the title right. I am 5 days into actionscript and i have no prior training or experience in programming, flash using or whatever you might need to build a decent site, except for the graphic design part. I do however need to build an online portflio asap and things have been going great
I have a main movie that uses buttons to go to specific frames on the main timeline:
HZWA.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame); function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame(event:MouseEvent):voi d { gotoAndStop(5);
i am currently building an application ( projektor) which loads big local files (no webserver) for some reason the flash player freezes until the whole file is loaded. i cannot display the load progress. the same code works fine when used with streaming from a server.
Never had any problem with loading and monitoring loading progress of external files. Having some problems on monitoring progress of downloading of the main swf file...
In document class constructor: I add listeners to loaderInfo of document class...
I'm making this game with complex visual effects (some rendered lighting using bitmaps), so it takes about 1 second or so generating a level with 3 big lights, so it may take a little more using more lights. The map is built when the player clicks to play the level. The thing is I can't show him the game is busy processing the level elements, because the graphic elements won't refresh until the start level function returns, which would make some sort of info sign while the map is loading useless. How would I make it so this information is visible right after I click Start level and disappear as soon as the level is built? I'm assuming the event handler from clicking Start level has to return before the level starts loading, but how can I schedule the game for loading?
[URL]i'm in the midst of extending/modifying this tutorial.... i understand the transition mc is the loading animation.... however i want to put a progress bar.. how do i achieve that..?