Actionscript 3.0 :: Creating A Preloader For A "dynamic" External Swf?
May 28, 2009
how can you preload an external swf that uses XML to load-in images?assuming you have "parent.swf" that loads-in "child.swf"..if "child.swf" were just a static / regular swf, then creating a preloader would be simple..the code in "parent.swf" will probably be something like this:
Code: Select allvar request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("child.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
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May 28, 2009
i cant think of a solution for this.. how can you preload an external swf that uses XML to load-in images? assuming you have "parent.swf" that loads-in "child.swf".. if "child.swf" were just a static / regular swf, then creating a preloader would be simple.. the code in "parent.swf" will probably be something like this:
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Feb 3, 2006
I would like to create a dynamic menu in flash importing the text from an external file. I downloaded an fla from which makes the dynamic menu part (attached the fla & txt) and created a txt file. This is the point where I' m lost: How can I import the text for the menu from that txt file and store it in variable(s) than build the menu.
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May 15, 2008
ANYONE KNOW HOW TO Preloader and Transition for Dynamic Files AND Transitions Between External SWFs MIX TOGHETER...
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Feb 24, 2011
How do I use a dynamic preloader [say a circular preloader that I've designed myself and not the ProgressBar preloader] to load an external jpg. Obviously, the jpg would be contained within a movie clip, say, 'imageHolder'. In short, I'd like this dynamic preloader to load the external jpg into the movie clip 'imageHolder' placed within my swf.All that needs to be figured out is how to attach any dynamic preloader to load external pics.[code]
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Dec 18, 2011
I've got an external preloader from this tutorial [URL] and i would like to merge it with an preloader from oxylusflash (its a premium preloader)
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Jan 15, 2004
changing a preloader I have into a preloader that can be used for loading external swf.Now the code for the preloader is
loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1000);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1000);
Ie the preloader and steps through a preloader animation filling the logo (ie loader)Now I have tried changing a few things but having problems tried loading into a container and a level
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May 22, 2005
... I've had my preloader successes already, but something still doesn't work for the external movies... I'm loading the main movie - which contains several chapters, loaded as external swf's - with the following preloader on the first frame, rest content from second frame on:
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Sep 29, 2009
I am not sure why the following code is not working. If I keep the"flv/movie/flv"); line outside of the PlayerStatusHandler the movie plays fine but I am trying to create a preloader for the flv using ns.bufferTime. My first switch statement works fine, but the second case is never called.
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
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Jan 8, 2010
the image I load using the tutorial loads really fast (it's only 240kb) which basically means that the progress bar just blinks and completes so fast that people who don't know what's going on won't know what just blinked.
My question therefore is this:Is it possible to tell the preloader, that even if the image is already loaded, the progress bar will take for example 2 seconds to complete?
That way people with fast connections will see the preloader for 2 seconds and people with slower connections will see the preloader for whatever time it takes to load the image.
Here's the code from the tutorial:
var imageLoader:Loader;
function loadImage(url:String):void {
// Show Preloader
preloader_projekt1.visible = true;
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Apr 30, 2010
I've tried a variety of tutorials and had no success in creating a preloader for my game.I can't seem to get all of my library items to load in frame 1 properly. Any tutorials that I try do not achieve the preloader effect that I desire.What I would really, really like is this:A .swf file that wraps my .swf game and puts in a preloader.That's it.How do I do this, or specifically, what should I be typing into the search window of this forum?
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Jun 21, 2010
how to create a mask like this with ActionSript.It looks like a curtain opener and i would like to do this completely programmaticly if its possible.I am using TweenLite as my Tweening Framework.[URL]
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Jun 26, 2011
I studied the above mentioned tutorial. I used this code.
function SetProgress(value:Number)
progress.width = value*base.width;
When I experimented it, got an error like this.
Access of undefined property base.
I gave all the movieclip names correctly.
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Dec 16, 2005
Im using this xml "data.xml":
HTML Code:
I want to generate a mc for each rep with 6 text fields containg the 6 values for eash rep.So for this xml there would be 3 mc's with 6 text fields in each. This is one of my first times really diving in to xml parsing in Flash.
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Apr 13, 2009
I'm creating a portfolio which will load thumbnail pictures from a XML file.What I want to do, is simple, create a simple pre-loader for all the Thumbnails.My code is as follows:
Declare Variables =>
var columns:Number;
var my_x:Number;
var my_y:Number;
So, here is where the problem is. I want to show a progress clip (possibly one of those circle ones) while the Thumbnails are being loaded.What i have already tried to do is to add the code to insert a movieclip in the callThumbs function. But after that I couldn't remove the Progress child using the thumbLoaded function since it was declare in the previous function.
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May 30, 2010
I am working on school project for a beginner Flash class. The code I was given in class for the preloader does not for my particular flash movie. Q #1: can you create the pre-loader within the same file as the movie (ie separate scenes)?Q #2: if yes, why wouldn't it wouldn't work for me? i was told that it doesn't for all files, but i would like to know why?Q #3: is there a way to do it through two different files with coding (the preloader file pulling up the movie file)?
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May 5, 2010
I see this preloader [URL]. How to create that kind of preloader with custom characters?
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Aug 2, 2008
creating a preloader that displays the numbers spelled out instead of the actual numbers?
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Nov 19, 2008
I am creating a photo gallery using the loader component, however some of the jpgs are around 240k so I want to add a custom preloader. The issue I am having trouble with is... how do I set up a preloader that I have made to activate when the loader component loads a new jpg via the myLoader.contentPath = "sample.jpg"???
I am using a sliding thumbnail gallery w/ a static main image behind.
Anyone have a tip for settingup a preloader for the loader? Never had much luck making preloader.
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May 5, 2010
I'm trying to create a needle gauge type preloader, and I've created the needle and made it a MC and set the registration point to bottom middle, but it still rotates on a centered axis. This is the tutorial I'm following: [URL]
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Feb 26, 2011
I am making a visual timer using a preloader technique where you create a 100 frame animation and some simple math calculations and gotoAndPlay. I've got it working, but once it starts up, it wont play the frames. Just sits there for a second before the timer hits the first tick, then it goes on fine.
Select allvar seconds_timer:Timer = new Timer(1000); //One Second Delay.
seconds_timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, notifier);
function notifier(event:TimerEvent):void {
var seconds:Number = (seconds_timer.currentCount);
var percent:Number = Math.floor((seconds*100)/speed);
[Code] .....
The speed var is a number that the user sets in the XML config file... I am using this for a slideshow on a client's website. I have a suspicion that the issue is with how I reset the timer and start it again. Is there a better way restart the timer?
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Dec 14, 2005
I have an animation that is contained within a movieclip. It is an animation of a car traveling round a globe. The car is set to a circular motion guide. I would like to use this as a preloader. What is the best way to get an animation to play in time proportionally as it is loading. i.e the animation finishes when the site loads. If this is not possible what other methods are there to create circular loaders as opposed to linear bars that increase in size.
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Apr 25, 2008
Its meant to be a background preloader, so it loads stuff in, but if the user selects something it stops, loads the choice item and removes it from the "to be loaded"...loadArray. so when it restarts it knows not to load it again
Setback/feature 1: if a user choices to select an item, it will continue to load whatever is loading and start to load the item they want.
Setback/feature 2: the preloader will not restart until the user calls userCont().... should I have a timer so after awhile it kicks back in?
Error: just realised I have to stop it when it gets the end of the list.
//loadArray = stuff to load
//targetArray = target for stuff to load into
//loader(loadArray, targetArray);
// call loader function
[Code] .....
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Jul 22, 2006
I've created preloaders for sites and I understand the mechanics of a preloader fine. They are not complicated. But in my current site I am making use of a lot of dynamic loading such as JPEGs and SWFs etc. I want to create a preloader that I can apply to anything I'm loading, basically just a colored rectangle with a loading bar.
I thought I could figure out how to create a dynamic preloader but it seems that I keep running into unusual constraints in Flash. My thinking was to make a movie clip preloader that I export for actionscript, then attach it to the stage and call a function passing it the object I am loading. Then this preloader would run the usual preloading script but instead of referring to the main timeline it would be referring to the object I passed in. I'm updating the load status with an onEnterFrame function but my preloaders start at 0% and don't change until 100% so obviously the clip is not updating and at this point I'm just not sure where to go with this preloader.
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Feb 15, 2008
i have a dynamic preloader i'm working at that seem to give me problem, here the coding
function loadPage(sectionID, startID, endID) {[code]....
i think on this following line is not working, because when i trace the value, it only give "4"
var loadedBB = _root["tn"+i].holder.getBytesLoaded();
the images is loading, the problem seem to lies on the preloader only,
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Aug 3, 2008
I have a carousel that I am creating that recieves information from an XML file that points to a couple of .png's with corresponding "tooltip" messages that pop-up on rollover. I have searched all over the place, and I can't quite seem to figure it out. Can someone help with a guide on scripting a simple preloader for the actual content that the XML files points to? I will give you my .fla and source code.
import mx.utils.Delegate;
var numOfItems:Number;
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Oct 7, 2003
how to add dynamic text as the tutorial didn't work for me(that worked). but how to preload the text as it appears later than the movie which had already preloaded(i made a simple preloader for now) the address [URL]
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Aug 14, 2010
I'm trying to create a preloader for a site I am creating. Originally I was going to make it an internal preloader, but I ran into that issue where the preloader doesn't start until 50% (or more). After searching these forums for a solution to "that" issue, I found it suggested that the best way to fix it is simply do an external preloader instead.
When testing the preloader using the bandwidth editor, I see that the preloader animation isn't starting now until it's at 100%, instead I simply get a white screen. Once it reaches 100% the preloader animation runs through and then...nothing. My main.swf doesn't load. It just stops.
Here is my code:
var fileToLoad:Loader = new Loader();
var fileURL:String = "testmovie.swf";
var fileRequest: URLRequest = new URLRequest(fileURL);
preloader is my movieclip with the animation, and preloader.loading_txt is a textbox inside that mc which displays the % loaded. I wanted to make it so that once the preloader (and its animation) reach 100%, the preloader mc then plays frames 101 - 124 (which are a small transition animation into the main site). Once it reaches 124 it's supposed to call the main.swf to load.
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Sep 18, 2010
and on a movie clip with the name all pages in frame 6 i load some swf files with this way: swf_path="mysongs.swf" loadListener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip,
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Jul 19, 2011
I have been trying to create from scratch and/or use SpinningPreloaderComponent to create a preloader for a SWF that loads an external flv in frame 2.What seems to be happening is that The preloader exists for about 5 seconds and then jumps to frame 2 and continues to load without the progress meter. Although I've tried to use bytes total or default settings, nothing seems to work correctly.So I'm wondering if this problem is created because the preloader can't measure the flv size? Also wondering if it is possible to start playing the flv at say load of 20% as a buffer rather than 100%. I have also set the flv as progressive when trying to insert it directly via Dreamweaver CS5 but all I get is a blank screen.
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