CS3 Couple White Border When Publishing & Animation Speed

May 8, 2009

1) I created a movieclip animation and set the speed at a higher rate of fps than the site i later added the animation too - so the other animations I have are at the correct speed - i had forgotten to change the default from 12fps when I did those. Is there an easy way to change the speed besides changing the document fps - I don't want my animated sequence to speed up or slow down as I've just got it to the way I want it. I'm hoping that isn't too a stupid question

2) I thought that when you published the flash site it would 'crop' itself to the document size you set? I've tried uploading the published site and I have a white space around the top & bottom which looks terrible! I tried changing the size in dreamweaver but it's so hit & miss, sometimes it changed (but resized the whole flash site) or just didn't change anything. there must be something I'm doing wrong or an easier way to do this.

I've uploaded (for testing to see what it looked like - it's still very much in it's infancy and it's slow to load as I need to change an animation size - didn't prepare the raster images for web in one of the animations - trying to sort that now) on the end of my other website so that you can see what I mean: [URL](oh, and the background blue has a low opacity so I created a gif image to add to the html background but it's looks a completely different colour (it's the same hex colour code?!?!?!))

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Aug 1, 2010

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0 - 10kb/ps - 1st MC
11 - 30kb/ps - 2nd MC
31 - 50kb/ps - 3rd MC
50+ - 4th MC

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Mar 23, 2010

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Sep 20, 2009

How can i detect mouse speed with AS 3.0, and then put speed limit? Also can i use speed var for anything else? *sorry for my bad English, i live in non-english-speaking country*

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