Effects Library For Flash Or Flex

Dec 15, 2009

I'm looking for a effects library for flex or flash, I used one in a project but I cant remember the name. It doesnt matter if it's not free or open-source.

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<s:TitleWindow showEffect="{myShowEffect}"/>

Can i do the same in AS code (like setStyle() for styles)?

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Mar 3, 2012

Am trying [URL] to add the fade effects in flex by dynamically.But i cannot add the effects,here my code

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Button {
fillAlphas: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
fillColors: #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF;


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I have some effects which I use in my Flex app... They are all declared within mxml tags...
For example:

<mx:Fade id="fadeIn" alphaTo="1" duration="500"/>
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<mx:Move id="moveEffect" duration="500"/>


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var freeView:FreeView=new FreeView();


But my problem is the fade in effecto is not working. I know I've declared the effect correctly because if I use it in another component (like a panel) it works fine.

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Here is the code:

private var byteArr2:ByteArray;
private var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
public function process():void


UPDATE Appears new problem as I am using var data:BitmapData = new BitmapData(currImg.width, currImg.width); saved image is small(size like image control) but I need to save image with original size. With var data:BitmapData = Bitmap(currImg.content).bitmapData; it worked

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Jul 15, 2011

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<namespace:CustomComponent visible="{modelObject.showCustomComponent}" />

To spruce it up a little bit, I went in and did this:

<s:Move id="ccRollIn" target="{cc}" xFrom="-400" xTo="50" />
<namespace:CustomComponent id="cc" visible="{modelObject.showCustomComponent}" show="ccRollIn.play()" hide="ccRollIn.play(null, true)" />

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Dec 30, 2011

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I googled a bit, searched the livedocs, but there doesn't seem to be a concrete example for the same.

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Lastly, I don't want to use the Browser for this.I know that I can always use ExternalInterface to access the browser, but I am not always running my Flex app in the browser... sometimes it is Air, and sometimes it is in a PDF.

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Dec 12, 2010

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<mx:Resize id="myEffect" />
<mx:Button mouseDownEffect="{myEffect}" />

In Flex 4, Spark effects are triggered like this:

protected function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {

There might be small differences between mouseDown trigger and the click event, please ignore that, it's just an example.I'm not sure whether triggers would or would not work reliably for Spark effects. Maybe they would but I guess there is a reason why this possibility is not even mentioned in the official docs.

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Is there a tool that will convert an exported Flash library element (ie Component/MovieClip) to an AS3 class with Flex syntax, e[Embed(source="graphic.png")]

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Import Flash Library Symbol Into Flex?

Jun 29, 2010

I am embedding a flash file in my flex file and then trying to add it to the stage. IU try addChild to a canvas element and to a container element, but it keeps giving me the error, the symbol "myBtn" is cannot be converted to a IUIcomponent.

I understand that I need to place everything inside some sort of component, but what is the proper way to do this in flex?

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Aug 8, 2011

I am looking for a) the easiest to use free chart library and b) a chart library with a lot of features for Flex. I am looking for basic line and bar graphs. What are the options available? Library size may be an issue for the application I am trying to write.

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Oct 28, 2010

My goal is to remove all hover feedback from the UI. The motivation is for testing touch interface prototypes and not wanting users to have the queue of interactivity when the mouse hovers which they won't have with a touch interface.

I have a partial solution but it has two problems:

Requires an event handler on each component. Flickers on hover.

protected function ui_suppressHover(event:MouseEvent):void
var b = event.currentTarget as UIComponent;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Builder W. Flash Library Items?

May 6, 2009

I have found a way!  It's very complicated though...   Hopefully someone has an idea on how to clean this up...
The workflow:
I'm using Flash to draw movieClips which are exported as one assets.swc file and then used in Flex for coding.
The scenario:
I've been working / thinking about this for the past 3 days..  it's driving me a little crazy.    I've simplified my code down to 3 boxes that are drawn onto the screen.  Each containing one background movieClip.  The three boxes are three individual box clips in the Flash IDE library (different designs).  But all three boxes share the same functionality.
The problem:
When using a custom baseclass (AbstractBox.as) to define all the functionality for the boxes, Flex looses all the code hinting for the movieClips inside the box movieClip (bg in our example)   Also it seems like Interfacing doesn't work since as3 can't define MovieClip instances or any other variables in interfaces.
Now my question:  Why is this so complicated!?   Isn't there a cleaner / simpler way to write this? 

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Flash :: Use Open Chart (or Any Library) In Flex 3 Project?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to use Open Flash Chart in Flex3/AS3 project?

I mean,How Can I use Open-flash-chart in Flex application client side.. ??? (I use FlashDevelop)

Can i do that by just adding .swf file?? If yes? then where to add? I am not using FlexBuilder, I am using FlashDevelop OR Command line for compiling..

Or I have to add .swc file.. ??? If yes, then how to generate one for open flash chart..???

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Flex :: Flash - Missing Builder Tween Library

Nov 30, 2010

There are missing tween libraries in my Flex Builder how to add them?

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Flash / Flex Library Which Can Animate Route Path On Map?

Aug 6, 2011

I would like to do something like this URl...but have the individual lines animate and show progress along a route. It needs to be a 'real' map so that I can feed in LAT/Longs for for the polylines. This is also a similar effect URL... but I don't need the map panning.I am aware of the google maps api for Flash but there doesn't seem to be any animation other than panning.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Download The JSON Library As Part Of The Core Library?

Nov 13, 2010

it is said [URL]You can download the JSON library as part of the core ActionScript 3 library.but when clicking on the link it doesn't work

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Flash :: Unit Testing A Library With AsUnit In Flex Builder?

Mar 3, 2010

I've been trying to setup a working method for unit testing flex libraries using Flex Builder. i have tried setting up a standard flex lib project and using Ant to compile and run the units tests. But this means that when something does go wrong and I want to use the flex builder debugger I cannot do so.

So my next plan is to setup the library as a normal as3/flax/air app as I can use the concept of a main class to run the unit tests. I can then compile the actual library code using Ant.

I could also setup a separate companion project who's sole task is to run units tests on the lib. But this is a little awkward as each library now requires two projects to manage. How do other people develop flex libraries and use unit tests to test/develop/debug the code?

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Flash :: Library For Converting Flex TextLayoutFormat Data To HTML And CSS?

Apr 8, 2011

I have the job of recreating a flex app in HTML and CSS. The existing app makes considerable use of TextFlow to layout content. For several reasons I need to be quite accurate (within a few pixels) with positioning.


Ideally I'm looking for a library I can use to translate these many attributes into "proper" html and css. The current technology stack is PHP at the back end and javascript at the front end, but there would be little problem in using any other language to do the translation.

Failing that I guess I'll try and write my own, using the api reference as a guide.

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