Flex :: Take A Javascript Library And Run It In Flash?

Nov 23, 2010

Lets say I pick up a pure Javascript library... one that doesn't rely on the DOM in any way.Now, lets say I want to take that library and us it in Flex. Is there any good way to do this? I can't simply include the Javascript, as it is not close enough to ActionScript to compile... but is there a good converter that will do it for me? Take the Javascript prototype style classes and convert it to ActionScript classes?

Lastly, I don't want to use the Browser for this.I know that I can always use ExternalInterface to access the browser, but I am not always running my Flex app in the browser... sometimes it is Air, and sometimes it is in a PDF.

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Javascript :: Flex - Share Code Between Library Without A Bridge?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm involved in writing a Flex/ActionScript library and in the future I will be involved in writing the same library in JavaScript. Rather than writing a library in each language and having to maintain them separately I was wondering if it was possible to:

1) Write the code in one language and share the code into the other e.g. Write the code in JavaScript and use the same .js files in ActionScript

2) Write the code in one language and perform a conversion into the other

I know it's possible to communicate between Flash/ActionScript and JavaScript but I'd like to avoid the overheads in using the technology bridge so this isn't really an option.

How do other people deal with writing and maintaining libraries that do exactly the same thing but in different languages? Specifically how do people do this between JavaScript and ActionScript?

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Flash :: Javascript Library For Recording User Audio?

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This isn't another one of those "How can I record audio in the browser?" questions... I know that the HTML5 Stream API is around the corner and Flash can already access the user's microphone and camera. I'm simply wondering, as a Javascript developer with little knowledge of Flash, if anyone has developed a JS library that hooks into Flash's device capabilities for recording but sends the results back to javascript (presumably using ExternalInterface).

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Is there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):

Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
fancyupload - looks buggy.

phpfileuploader - looks heavyweight, and looks commercial (?) I cannot read the licence (you can download it but are you allowed to use it forever without paying?) plupload New version of pure javascript (no flash) Valums' ajax upload claims to handle file size limit and progress bar, which is quite suspicious to me: these features require to guess the file size before the upload, which seems impossible in javascript (look also here). Or can it work?

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how to call JavaScript which is not in an HTML window?

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Javascript :: Loading Facebook ActionScript Library In A HTML Adobe AIR App?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm writing an Adobe AIR app using plain HTML which needs to upload photos to Facebook. I don't think Facebook's JavaScript/Connect library includes photo uploading functionality, but their ActionScript library does. However, I'm having trouble loading the ActionScript library into the HTML page.

Adobe's documentation describes the process of loading ActionScript libraries into HTML AIR apps, which I tried using the compiled Flash library available here (specifically, Facebook_library_with_AIRConnect_v3.4_flash.swc). So my page looks something like:

<title>Hello World</title>


Is the compiled library file I used the wrong one (do I need a .swf instead of a .swc)?If so, do I need to create my own compiled library somehow from the ActionScript source?Is the namespace I'm using incorrect? (in addition to com.facebook.Facebook() I tried .Facebook(), .fb.Facebook(), .facebook.Facebook(), etc)Should I just give up and try to learn Flex instead?

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Javascript :: Unable To Communicate With Javascript From Flex After Dymanically Loading A Swf?

Aug 1, 2009

for some reason, whenever I dynamically load a swf on a $(document).ready() by writing to a div, I am unable to make javascript calls to the browser. Specifically, all calls to the browser return "null". This does not occur when embedding the swf normally on the page load, but I would like to prevent loading of the swf until a specified point in time.

What the heck is going on here? Is there something special about dynamically embedding a swf that prevents the swf from talking to the browser? The methods ARE called (I've proven such by showing alerts), but all return values to any function, regardless of type returned, shows as null when it gets to flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Builder W. Flash Library Items?

May 6, 2009

I have found a way!  It's very complicated though...   Hopefully someone has an idea on how to clean this up...
The workflow:
I'm using Flash to draw movieClips which are exported as one assets.swc file and then used in Flex for coding.
The scenario:
I've been working / thinking about this for the past 3 days..  it's driving me a little crazy.    I've simplified my code down to 3 boxes that are drawn onto the screen.  Each containing one background movieClip.  The three boxes are three individual box clips in the Flash IDE library (different designs).  But all three boxes share the same functionality.
The problem:
When using a custom baseclass (AbstractBox.as) to define all the functionality for the boxes, Flex looses all the code hinting for the movieClips inside the box movieClip (bg in our example)   Also it seems like Interfacing doesn't work since as3 can't define MovieClip instances or any other variables in interfaces.
Now my question:  Why is this so complicated!?   Isn't there a cleaner / simpler way to write this? 

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Flash :: Use Open Chart (or Any Library) In Flex 3 Project?

Jan 22, 2010

I want to use Open Flash Chart in Flex3/AS3 project?

I mean,How Can I use Open-flash-chart in Flex application client side.. ??? (I use FlashDevelop)

Can i do that by just adding .swf file?? If yes? then where to add? I am not using FlexBuilder, I am using FlashDevelop OR Command line for compiling..

Or I have to add .swc file.. ??? If yes, then how to generate one for open flash chart..???

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Flex :: Flash - Missing Builder Tween Library

Nov 30, 2010

There are missing tween libraries in my Flex Builder how to add them?

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Flash / Flex Library Which Can Animate Route Path On Map?

Aug 6, 2011

I would like to do something like this URl...but have the individual lines animate and show progress along a route. It needs to be a 'real' map so that I can feed in LAT/Longs for for the polylines. This is also a similar effect URL... but I don't need the map panning.I am aware of the google maps api for Flash but there doesn't seem to be any animation other than panning.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Download The JSON Library As Part Of The Core Library?

Nov 13, 2010

it is said [URL]You can download the JSON library as part of the core ActionScript 3 library.but when clicking on the link it doesn't work

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Flash :: Unit Testing A Library With AsUnit In Flex Builder?

Mar 3, 2010

I've been trying to setup a working method for unit testing flex libraries using Flex Builder. i have tried setting up a standard flex lib project and using Ant to compile and run the units tests. But this means that when something does go wrong and I want to use the flex builder debugger I cannot do so.

So my next plan is to setup the library as a normal as3/flax/air app as I can use the concept of a main class to run the unit tests. I can then compile the actual library code using Ant.

I could also setup a separate companion project who's sole task is to run units tests on the lib. But this is a little awkward as each library now requires two projects to manage. How do other people develop flex libraries and use unit tests to test/develop/debug the code?

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Flash :: Library For Converting Flex TextLayoutFormat Data To HTML And CSS?

Apr 8, 2011

I have the job of recreating a flex app in HTML and CSS. The existing app makes considerable use of TextFlow to layout content. For several reasons I need to be quite accurate (within a few pixels) with positioning.


Ideally I'm looking for a library I can use to translate these many attributes into "proper" html and css. The current technology stack is PHP at the back end and javascript at the front end, but there would be little problem in using any other language to do the translation.

Failing that I guess I'll try and write my own, using the api reference as a guide.

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Javascript :: Detect If An Embedded Swf Is Created With Flex Or Flash?

Apr 15, 2011

Is there a way (in javascript) to detect if an embedded .swf was created with Flash Professional or Flex.We have a page with several tabs, each of which can contain an .swf.All tabs are defined within the same HTML file and the javascript framework calls a .rewind() and .play() on the swf when the containing tab becomes active.This works great on regular flash animation, making sure they start playing from the beginning when the tab is opened. On an swf created with Flex however, the rewind and play wreak havoc on the Flex framework and the application doesn't load.

The best way we've come up with to detect Flex is to count the number of frames the .swf has. With flex that's always 2. But this doesn't sound like the best way.We've also tried to add a callback method with ExternalInterface on the Flex application preinitialize event.Unfortunately this event is called quite late in the application startup and the javasctipt code checks the callback before the Flex code has added it.

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Javascript :: Use HTML/JavaScript And Flash To Build An Desktop AIR Application And Publish It From Flash?

Feb 16, 2011

Is it possible to make desktop Air application by using HTML/JavaScript and Flash?Actually I want to make an Air app (which is for desktop) by using flash and want to use HTML , javascript and CSS as well.Is it possible ?

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Javascript :: Flash - Pass Array Collection From Flex To Function?

Jul 22, 2011

Is it possible to pass an ArrayCollection object from flex ExternalInterface.call() as a parameter to javascript function?


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Flash :: Auto-fill Flex Input By Using JavaScript Without Flashvars?

Dec 9, 2011

I have flex application (swf file). Does anyone one know how to autofill flex textInput from JavaScript without using flashVars? It must work in FireFox and IE.

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Javascript :: Will Alert Show This Message In Flex Or Flash Builder?

Apr 1, 2012

I have a colleague who will be using Adobe Flex and adobe flash builder to design the application. The final application will be in that software. I am creating the database features and testing them using online browsers.What I want to know is that some alerts I am getting a 'prevent this message from multiple dialogues' message on the alert but this is because of the browsers. But if the application is on flex and flash builder (I don't know which one is where the app is stored coz I have never used it) then will that message appear on some alerts in that software or is it only on browsers?[code]

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Flash :: Flex - Manage Library Symbols With Linked Classes In CS4 To Compile / Debug In Builder 4?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm building a video player using Flash CS4 (hereby referred to as "Flash") to create the graphic symbols and compiling and debugging with Flash Builder 4 ("FB4"). Here are the steps I take in my current workflow: --Create the graphic symbols in Flash. I've created a few different symbols for the player, but I'll focus on just the play/pause button ("ppbutton") here. --In the Library panel, I go to the ppbutton symbol's Linkage properties and link to a class named assets.PlayPauseButtonAsset that extends MovieClip. I do not actually have an assets package nor do I have a class file for PlayPauseButtonAsset as Flash will create them for me when I publish.

--In Flash's Publish settings, I set the project to export a SWC that will be used in FB4, called VideoPlayerAssets.swc. --After the SWC is created, I create my FB4 project called "VideoPlayer" and add the SWC to my path. FB4 creates the class VideoPlayer in the default package automatically. --In VideoPlayer.as, I import assets.*, which imports all of the symbol classes I created in Flash and are available via VideoPlayerAssets.swc. I can now instantiate the ppbutton and add to the stage, like this:


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Javascript :: Flex - Flash Callback Method Produces Error UNLESS Alert() First?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a flex app and I am adding a callback method like this:

private function init():void
ExternalInterface.addCallback( "playVideo", playVideo );


However if I uncomment and run the alert first. I get no error and it works perfectly.My first thought was that the alert was buying time until the script could execute, so i tried to run the script inside a setTimeout() but did not work.

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