Embedding SWF: Doesn't Recognize FP10

Jun 25, 2009

Flash files I embed have faulty plugin detection - it does not recognize FP10 as an upgrade from FP9. This is in the knowledgebase, but it does not suggest a solution. "Some websites will ask you to install or update Flash when you already have the Flash 10 plugin installed. This is not a problem with your Mozilla browser or your Flash plugin, but with certain websites that misidentify Flash 10 as Flash 1 due to a faulty detection scheme. Contact the website and ask them to correct the problem or, on Windows, you can try the site in Internet Explorer, since the Flash ActiveX detection may work even though the plugin detection does not."

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Do you have idea about the reason for that error and how to prevent it? N.B. The code that triggers this error is as a result for click handler. If before encountering this error change the selection on my yearsCb, everithing is fine. EDIT: I forget to specify that this error is thrown when it is a selected item in my ComboBox. It seem that after container that holds the ComboBox loses the focus, it doesn't recognize it's ComboBox child as having a selected item anyway (this problem arise only after the modal popup close.).

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var about:About = new About();
about.x = 300;
about.y = 200;


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//File: Line.as
class Line extends Object{
public function Line(args){


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When I change the chart's wmode into "opaque" or "transparent" the chart will not overlay HTML objects with higher z-index, but it doesn't recognize the mouse scroll event. It still catch the mouse click event though.I have tried it in the following browser:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.2; U; en) Presto/2.7.62 Version/11.00
Safari 4.0.5 (531.22.7)
IE 7.0.5730.13

Only the IE can catch the mouse scroll even, the others couldn't recognize it.

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CS3 Embedding Fonts Doesn't Work On Non-coded TextFields?

Apr 19, 2010

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When i play the swf on another computer that doesn't have aharoni, the coded TextFields are aharoni, but the textFields in the movieclips that i've written directly are Times new Roman, because that computer doesn't have Aharoni.
I've set the text font to my embedded font.

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Professional :: Why Flash Doesn't Show The Image After Embedding The Video

Jun 21, 2010

I have Background layer, Bkg_Image layer & Video layer. I have embeded the flv movie on Video layer. Though on stage it shows all the layers, but when I test the movie it shows only Background layer & Video layer. I can't see the Bkg_Image layer.

The Actions layer has external swf loading AS3 which is working fine. Only the problem with Bkg_Image layer which is imprortant for me.
When I test movie, I see as in the following snapshot (Just the Background_Image & Video): 

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Jul 17, 2009

Anybody notice any issues when resizing windows that are embedded using the new "gpu" wmode? Like a noticeable lag and some scaling issues for about a second before it fixes itself? Its not a big problem but it is a lot less smooth than previously...Edit: I threw together a quick demo so you can have a look. I'm working on a site and it really has to use the new gpu wmode since it improves the performance quite significantly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FP10 Perspective And Masking

Jul 29, 2009

So I am learning AS3 slowly.First project in it.I am having some troubles. (I know I need to learn to code class based, working on it, familiarizing myself with some of the basics before I change my style completely).I have set up my stage to have four instances of a movieclip named silverScreen0 - silverScreen3.Each of those has a content layer in it which I am dynamically loading an identical swf.I then have a mask I put over each clip so that it only show a specific area.

-First issue comes up that hte fourth mask seems to move/distort on load, as you'll see in the swf.

-Second issue comes up when the loaded swf comes in ... the mask seems to shift if the swf has a motion animation, click the second white circle above chapter1 to see this.

-Third issue comes up when I move the content layer inside of the silverScreen# clip ... the mask seems to move as well. No example of this but if you download the source files you can see it.[code]

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Flash :: AS3 Fp10 Drawtriangles And Uvmapping

Nov 1, 2009

I'm messing around a bit with the new fp10 drawing api and drawtriangles. i've created a little something i think is kinda of cool, though i can't seem to get the uv-mapping working as i want. since i'm just moving points in z/y direction i don't really have and z-value to calculate the uv with. though the bitmap texture gets distorted. i've tried to calculate a "fake" z-value with x and y, but since my maths skills are terrible i can't really get it to work.

i've thrown together a little sample here below (code obviously needs cleaning up, but i'm gonna worry about that when i've got it working as i want to). in this example z-val will always be 1 and no perspective fixing will be done. so i really need your to figure out how i can take my calculated x and y point and turn them into a "fake" z-point and use that to avoid distortion in the map/texture.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fp10 Drawtriangles And Uvmapping When No Z-val

Nov 1, 2009

i'm messing around a bit with the new fp10 drawing api and drawtriangles. i've created a little something i think is kinda of cool, though i can't seem to get the uv-mapping working as i want. since i'm just moving points in z/y direction i don't really have and z-value to calculate the uv with. though the bitmap texture gets distorted. i've tried to calculate a "fake" z-value with x and y, but since my maths skills are terrible i can't really get it to work.

i've thrown together a little sample here below (code obviously needs cleaning up, but i'm gonna worry about that when i've got it working as i want to). in this example z-val will always be 1 and no perspective fixing will be done. how i can take my calculated x and y point and turn them into a "fake" z-point and use that to avoid distortion in the map/texture.


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Css :: Embedding Font In Flex Locally With A Installed Font Works, But With Url To Refer To A Ttf Font File Doesn't

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variables Passed Different To FP9 Versus FP10?

Sep 20, 2010

I have been using the flashvars from swfobject for a long time to pass info into my swf for specific outcomes. I am just starting to publish everything using flash player 10 and wasnt able to get my variable to be seen by the swf. maybe i was doing something incorrectly with this new file? but i then took code from my older files and they didnt work either... then i published down to flashplayer 9 and it worked perfectly... ???

i am using swfobject 2.2 and my code for passing the flashvar is

// Flash Code:

var r:int = root.loaderInfo.parameters.varName == null ? 0 : root.loaderInfo.parameters.varName;


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Professional :: StageVideo And FP10.2 - StageVideoAvailabilityEvent Never Fires?

Oct 7, 2011

I can just create a new project, target Flash Player 10.2 and paste this into frame code:


The event never fires off. I look in the reference for StageVideo and I see it's available in Flash Player 10.2. What's up with this? edit: If I target AIR for iOS, this event does fire (I have AIR3.0 overlayed).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does The XRay Debugger Still Work In FP10

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to debug an old AS2 project that uses an old version of MDM Zinc and its driving me mad not having a decent debugger.
Especially as I need to debug on several platforms,e.g by Zinc exe works fine in XP but not in Vista.I tried downloading the latest XRay stuff from GoogleCode but it doesn't seem to work as my player is the lastest FP10 I suspect that this could be the result of FP10 sandbox security changes to local connection.

PS. I did look at DeMonster debugger but I can only find an AS3 version

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Actionscript 3 :: FP10 Causing Text To Flicker And 'bloom'?

Dec 9, 2009

I have run into a small graphics glitch in Flash.It seems to be both in FP9 - Exported via Flash CS3, and FP10 Exported via the Flex 4 beta SDK.The glitch /problem manifests itself as embedded text at a small point size "blooming" under certian conditions.It basically looks like the antialiasing becomes fatter at some level of text brightness. I have made a small test case below. (Obviously) You will need to embed the Arial font in your compiled SWF for the below code to work.[code]You can see an example of the problem by rolling over the graphical element here: url..It's not really an option to change to AntiAliasType.NORMAL as it makes the text way less readable at this point size.

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