Flash :: Have Flash Video First Then To Fall Back To It?
Jul 27, 2010
Is it possible to have Flash video first then to fall back to html5?
Like I have something like this if(Flash is installed){ run flash player} else if(can do video tag w/ h.264){ use HTML5 video tag with h.264}
Now this is javascript so it's being written in javascript, then the inner html will get the right tags.
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I'm working on implementing a fallback mechanism for the HTML5 video player. I've got a way to replace it with the swfobject Flash player, but how should I detect if any issues have developed?
In other words, if we use the following list of error events that can be thrown, which one should trigger the Flash player replacement? Or should we simply do a replacement if any error is thrown?
Also, where should the onError handler be called? I'm thinking on the video tag, but want to make sure.
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I'm looking to duplicate the video-embedding technique shown on [URL], whereby they show the flash video to all platforms where flash is available, and only show the HTML5 player on mobile devices. (specifically, iphone / ipad)
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I think Flash enables hardware acceleration in in-page video movies as well as full-screen mode.
Do I have to redo all my video clips now or am I just confused?
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Jan 12, 2009
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In the same document, I want the user to be able to click on a video thumbnail, and that video plays back in the center of the document. Several questions: If the user clicks on the thumbnail "onrelease," the time line goes to the player, is it possible to stream this video from a youtube clip into my media player on the screen? If not and I have the document in a fl4 format, is there a simple process to have this video open? (I currently do not have the document in fl4 format).
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Sep 23, 2011
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Oct 13, 2011
I have a couple of questions with regards to video playback in Flash using AS 3. I'm not very good with flash coding so I've used the default video importer to import the video (file > import > import video). However I'm trying to put an event handler in that will detect when playback has completed and then take the viewer back to the main menu. I know it has something to do with NetStatusEvent but not sure how to connect it with the video.
Additionally when a viewer is watching a video, if they click a button below the video it takes them, say, back to the main menu. However the video continues to play in the background. I have put a 'video.pause();' on any button that takes the viewer away from the video, however the video is still loading in the background which isn't the ideal.
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Mar 9, 2011
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echo logfile.log | grep username
button1.onRelease = function ()
// in this computer, it will now run a command, please wait.
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Aug 18, 2011
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Oct 30, 2006
basically this code will work like a browser back button its very simple but "could end up very long" basically it will act "similiar to the browser back button"
on (release) {
if(page1 = _currentframe){
} else if (page0 = _currentframe){
it works when the (page1 = _currentframe){ is rotated with the first if statement...because for somereason it seems to not recognise the "else if's"
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$money = $_POST["fname"];
$persent = $_POST["age"];
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Note that there is a successful connection to a database using xampp as a server.
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Dec 2, 2009
I have an instance of the flvPlayBack component on my stage called myVideo a list of links down the lhs is used to pop in the required video.If a user gets say 1/3 of the way into a video and the presses a different link for a different video then: the new video pops up but the seek bar is still some way into the new video there is a pause of around 1 sec the seek bar goes back to the start.I want to speed up the return of the seek bar to the start of the new video.
Here's some code:
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (linkType !="http"){
This might be wrong but do I need to somehow remove the reference to the "old" video before I set the source to the new one?If that's junk - and it probably is ...How can I speed the return of the seek bar to the start of the new video?
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Mar 2, 2011
i have a problem with a back button when i click BACK the video of the FLV video component continue and also when i'm back in the home page i can hear the sound...how can i stop it here is the code of my back button
back_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,backvid eo);
function backvideo(event:MouseEvent):void {
the video instance name is my_video I try to put my_video stop(); but nothing
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Feb 4, 2009
way to play back an FLV video in slow motion. Ultimately, I would like the FLV player that I am developing to have the ability to both:
1) Play videos in slow motion; and
2) Play videos on a frame-by-frame basis (i.e. a user would click a button to advance the video one frame at a time).
Do you know how I would be able to accomplish both of these?
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Apr 12, 2011
We are running FMS 4.0 to stream on-demand MBR videos using the OSMF player. We have noticed that occasionally during playback the video freezes, while the audio skips back a few seconds and starts playing. Once the audio catches up, the video unfreezes and resumes normal playback.
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Feb 25, 2012
I want to use the ActionScript 3 Camera class to capture a video from a local camera (webcam, built-in camera, etc) and then play that video back within the flash application.I'm considering the possibility of sending it to a Flash Media Server and then streaming it back as an on-demand video, but I would ideally like to keep the whole thing client-side for best performance.I'm open to the idea of using a different platform (Java was one consideration) as long as it can be embedded in a web page, but I would like to keep development as straightforward as possible and make the process of accessing the application as easy as possible for the end user, which is why I chose Flash initially.
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May 20, 2010
I am putting together a basic video portfolio and have everything working except when I click the back button to get back to the thumbnail page (contained on frame 1) the audio from the video continues to play, I'm not an expert on as3.
I have tried a lot of code in the function below ( like "stopAll();" ) but nothing seems to work.
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Oct 13, 2010
I am putting together a small slideshow of pictures and it's only about 350 frames. I haven't worked with Flash since version 4.0, so I'm still trying to figure out Adobe's setup. 4.0's setup was so easy when it came to replaying a video once it hit the last keyframe, but I'm so lost in this ActionScript stuff.
How do I get the video to loop back and start playing again automatically?
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May 16, 2010
I am putting together a basic video portfolio and have everything working except when I click the back button to get back to the thumbnail page (contained on frame 1) the audio from the video continues to play.[code]
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Jun 5, 2011
I am using Video (actionscript-controlled) component in my videoRecorder swf. What it does is it connects to webcam, record the video. This works fine. The problem comes when playing the flv back.After user stops the recording, I am using the same video component to play back the flv. But, it doesn't work. Checked the url, and its fine.When I use the same flv url in any flv player, the video gets played back. Am I missing something? Or Video (actionscript-controlled) can't handle playback videos?[code]
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Dec 21, 2011
I'm creating a video player that is linked with XML. Everything seems to work fine with no errors in the compiler, but my foward_btn and back_btn don't seem to do anything. It shows the trace "foward button" and "back button" but does not move to the next or previous video.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.video.*;
import flash.events.*;
[Code] .....
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Sep 12, 2010
I have this sample code from the e-book: "Learning Flash Media Server 3". The purpose of the code is to create a FLV. The code is not running as it should. When I click on the 'record' button, the label is to change to 'recording', that dosen't seem to happen and also when I click on the 'Stop Record' button, I get the following error:
"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at MinRecord/stopRecord()"
My deduction is that the 'if' statement in the 'startRecord' function is not resolving to 'true' and hence the label is not changing to 'Recording'. Also I feel that the assingment to the variable 'ns' of type NetStream is not being done and hence in the function 'stopRecord' I get the above mentioned error message when I click on the stop button. How do I rectify these problems?
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May 8, 2008
i want it so that if you scrub back through the video to any point, the correct subtitle appears. I'm thinking something like...
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