Flash Movie Do Not Show When Using Live View

May 17, 2011

I created a basic flash movie for a client's site. The only action script code that I used in my file is a stop command to stop the movie from looping. My question is why don't my flash animation works when I use LIVE VIEW IN Dreamweaver. or when I preview my site in a browser .the only thing that will display is a huge white box. The flash animation will load up from (Flash Professional) when I do a publish preview but when I insert my flash into Dreamweaver and use live view my flash don't show ...just a white box.

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Flash Not Uploading And Show Up On The Live Site

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<video id="liveWebcast"
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CS3 : Cannot Get Flash Movie To Show Up

May 3, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 on Windows and using Dreamweaver CS3 to embed my flash content. I have a Flash banner/animation on my main index.html page that I cannot get to show up. I have provided all relative info/files below. It works find on my local hard drive, but when I upload it (from several different FTP clients) it won't show up on several different computers browsers. It's not my FTP, other items are uploading fine, and I don't think it is browser issues.

I checked the source code of the uploaded site against my Dreamweaver code, and it seems to be the same. So I can't understand what's going on.I tried resaving the file under a new name. The weird part is, I embedded a .swf file initially and it worked. I was asked to make edits to the movie, and I renamed it, replaced old files and now it won't work. I made sure and tried to check all the links to make sure it wasn't trying to link back to my old document, resaved my index.html page etc. [URL]

<div id="apDiv44"><a href="quiz.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('burst','','Images/red_circle_badge_rollover.png',1)"><img src="Images/red_circle_badge.png" name="burst" width="137" height="133" border="0" id="burst" /></a></div>


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CS3 Cannot Get Flash Movie To Show Up?

Nov 25, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 on Windows and using Dreamweaver CS3 to embed my flash content. I have a Flash banner/animation on my main index.html page that I cannot get to show up. I have provided all relative info/files below.

It works find on my local hard drive, but when I upload it (from several different FTP clients) it won't show up on several different computers browsers. It's not my FTP, other items are uploading fine, and I don't think it is browser issues.

I checked the source code of the uploaded site against my Dreamweaver code, and it seems to be the same. So I can't understand what's going on.

I tried resaving the file under a new name. The weird part is, I embedded a .swf file initially and it worked. I was asked to make edits to the movie, and I renamed it, replaced old files and now it won't work. I made sure and tried to check all the links to make sure it wasn't trying to link back to my old document, resaved my index.html page etc.

Here is my flash animation cs3 document for download from Dropbox. [URL]

Here is my Source Code for the Flash area of my page. The page is also at: [URL]

<div id="apDiv44"><a href="quiz.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('burst','','Images/red_circle_badge_rollover.png',1)"><img src="Images/red_circle_badge.png" name="burst" width="137" height="133"


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I hoped the following code would work, but nothing happens at all. If i remove the && (uitleg._visible = false) it does work, but I wouldn't know how else to set the property back to false when pressing the f1 key again.


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Show Audio Waveform In Flash Movie?

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I'm trying to create a WAV audio player for a website which will display the audio waveform like this site does: [URL]

Is there a way to do this? I've spent hours searching the internet with no luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Paypal Buy Now Button / View Cart Button To Flash Movie?

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IDE :: Flash Intro To A Movie Text Wont Show Up

Mar 11, 2009

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May 26, 2009

I recently posted a .swf inside a new window with javascript. everything works fine on a PC, the movie will load on a mac. You should be able to click and drag to "spin" the object within the movie (it cycles a series of photos to give a 360 view), but when on a mac the cursor changes but images are not cycling. i'm sure it could be a number of different things but I'm unsure where to start.

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Professional :: Flash Movie Doesnot Show Up On IE, Works Well With FF And Chrome?

Aug 19, 2010

<OBJECT style="WIDTH: 480px; background-color:#181818; HEIGHT: 310px;" codeBase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#ve rsion=9,0,0,0 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Only Show Message On Load If User Is Not Already Over The Movie

Apr 13, 2011

I have a flash movie, that shows a message to a user when it first loads up. When the users mouse enters the stage or moves the mouse the message disappears. However I would like to hide the message if the users mouse starts over the flash movie on the page load. Is this possible or does it need an interaction first?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trigger Show/hide Multiple Div Layers From Flash Movie?

Nov 18, 2007

I need to show and hide multiple DIV layers by clicking on buttons inside an embedded flash movie. I looked around and the closest I got was this tutorial here:


but the problem is I need 10 buttons to each show one layer while hiding the other ones. For example, I click button 1, layer 1 shows, then I click on button 5, layer 1 is hidden and layer 5 shows etc.

How can the above code be split so instead of showing all DIV layers at once, it shows one and hides the rest??

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Java :: View Part Of A Web Application - What Technology For A Pretty Intensive Grid View

Aug 3, 2010

I'm about to have to write a web page/app that will serve the agenda for circa 100 people on a page. One line per person, one column per day with 3 clickable zones in each cell. In HTML, the page is way complex for the browser to load quick and there is no possibility to click on a border between 2 cells to for example split an event that spreads among several cells. So I search an not too overkilling technology to render this kind of view. I begun with a PHP generated HTML page but the number of elements in the page make the mouse move jerky.

Moving to JAVA would give me better performances regarding the reuse of the generator of the view but it will still be an HTML page. So, here is my question: do you think that going forward with JAVA and its graphical capability is the simple solution or is Flash a better option for this part of a Web App? I'm afraid of the code I'll have to write in JAVA to handle the GUI presentation as well as the events generated by the 1000's cells plus borders of the page. In Flash, the graphical part seems simpler even if the actions handling is still huge.

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Flex :: Presentation Model Pattern Can View Specific Logic Reside In View?

Aug 15, 2011

I'm currently using RobotLegs with the Presentation Model pattern to develop a Flex 4 project. I understand that all business logic related to a View resides in the Presentation Model associated with that view, however, I am confused when it comes to View specific logic.For example, I have an indicator that needs to be positioned relatively to list items depending on which list item is selected. Is it acceptable in the Presentation pattern to put the logic that will position the indicator in the View and simply have that logic run in reaction to a selectedIndex property changing in the presentation model?The reason I am considering this is that since the Presentation Model does not have a reference to the view it is difficult to come up with an ideal solution for manipulating view components.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Make A 360º View Bubble Like Google Street View

Mar 18, 2010

I am wondering how to make a 360º view bubble, like they use for Google Street View, but have no idea how to go at accomplishing this task... i have the string of photos that i attached in photoshop(so that if you connected the left to the right it would be a full 360º view).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Out Of View Movie Tile In Map?

Nov 1, 2006

I'm tiling a map using a set of tiles generated on the fly. Here's a link to the map as it is: [URL]. It's still very rough but if you hover your cursor over the right hand side it scrolls that way. The problem is, I can't get it to remove the movie tiles which are out of view so it's getting too cumbersome and sluggish. I tried swapping the depths then using removeClip() but that didn't work.

Here's how I'm adding the new tiles in case:
myDotArray[myY][myX+7] = myC.attachMovie("MapTile", sss, myC.getNextHighestDepth()+1, {_x:(myX+7)*108, _y:myY*108});
myDotArray[myY][myX+7].doDot_string(superA[(myY*40) + myX+7]);

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Display Html In Flash Movie And Interact With Hide / Show Divs

Apr 13, 2009

I have a movie clip that displays an embedded html with a bunch of divs that are expected to hide and show other divs when the users click them. i.e. imagine that you have a span with an instruction in javascript to show a div when you click it. I already made the html file, the external css and the external js. The movieclip (in actionscript 3.0) loads and displays the html content and also the css, but i haven't managed to figure out how am i supposed to link or use the javascript to do the trick. I've tried so far doing an exhausting research over the internet for the past few days and the only infromation i've got is that web developers use externalInterface to access javascript functions, but they use flash buttons to execute the js code, and it appears to me that i cannot use or embed flash btns in my site. I don't know, I'm kinda new to flash and this is the first time I work with actionscript 3.[code]or how do I achieve de hide/show thing with another method? I'll be wandering around the site in case you have any extra doubts about this subject.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Quality Of Live Flv Movie?

Oct 6, 2008

how can i set the Quality of my live flv movie. I am publishing a movie to media server in a local network, So i have no limitations of bandwidth.Live video can be seen easily, But when i increase the WIDTH and HEIGHT of receiving video file (or publishing video file) then Quality is decreased at both sides. how can i set quality from for streaming video BEFORE broadcasting or publishing it from Flash.I am using Flash8(Action Script2)

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Professional :: View To A Webpage In Normal View?

Nov 25, 2010

I am using Flash CS4 AS3.. When I open my browser "Internet Explorer 7" it opens normal. But When I open a link using the following Flash code it opens half in length and half in width. I need to click on "Maximise" button to view in full. How to solve the problem? It is our Intranet link.
function PM3ClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL (new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"));
I tried modifying the line as well. It also doesnt work.
navigateToURL(new URLRequest ("http://engineering/history/thisyear/ceomessage.htm"), "_blank");

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