IDE :: Any Limit For MovieClips / Sounds In Library?

Feb 2, 2012

It seems like we have hit a limit in how many assets (movieclips/sounds etc) that we can have in our library. We can export at the moment, but if we put in another cutscene or sound flash wont export. It shows the progress bar but when its done the .swf dosent show up and cannot be found in the project folder.
Some file info:
Swf - 9mb
Fla - 128mb

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access The Sounds In The Library?

Dec 11, 2009

I was working on a file where I imported a few sounds to the library but now lost the actual sound files, but I have the sound in my library (in the fla). How can I use them through AS3? Currently I do something like: Quote:

var music:Sound=new Sound(newURLRequest("outbreak.mp3"));
var sc:SoundChannel =;

how can I access the sounds in the library?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Add Sounds From The Library?

Nov 1, 2006

how do i dynamically add sounds from the library? i have tryed

_root.attachMovie("sown", "sown",999)
var my_sound:Sound = new Sound();
my_sound.loadSound("sown", false); //externaly the file is also named "sown" (no extension)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Sounds From Library In Order?

Mar 12, 2012

I really do not know how to begin but I have 5 sounds that have been saved in the library with the following linkage names[code]...

How do I place these in an array and have them play in order from explode_sound to explode_sound4 (once one stops playing go immediately to begin playing the next one)? I'd like to add a 2-second delay before the next audio clip plays though.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Limit Movieclips Movement

Oct 17, 2011

I attach a picture below.I want my mc_box to just move only on the mc_ground / the black area only.It cannot go out of the mc_ground.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [linkage] Preloading Linked Sounds From Library

Aug 17, 2005

i know flash has problems with preloading files that use linkage... i know it has something to do with 'export in first frame'. because when you have that checked you can preload it because its on the same frame as the preloader... but if i dont have it checked it isnt exported and when i click a button i cant hear anything... how to work around this? how must i preload / link my embedded sound files?

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IDE :: Sounds Loop In Nested Movieclips?

Dec 9, 2010

We have found that if you skip over frames that include nested movieclips with embedded timeline sounds, those sounds loop endlessly.For example, if you gotoAndStop(20) from frame 2, but frames 5-10 have a CLIP A that embeds CLIP B, which has a timeline sound, you hear that sound over and over again (even though the playback head never touched the frames with that clip).Does anyone have a convenient workaround (other than the obvious -- playing sounds dynamically, etc). For animation-sync reasons we need to use timeline sounds in this particular case.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Objects (Sounds) Across MovieClips

Sep 9, 2003

I have a few movie clips running swf's and I need a play/stop button in one clip to control the audio in another clip. The buttons are in the _root clip and the audio is contained in an swf I load into an empty 'content' movie. I have labelled the frame containing the audio but can't seem to use the object hierarchy to access it. On a somewhat similar note, is there a way to have the root movie display the bytes loaded/bytes total of a swf loading over top of the root movie, i.e. in a content empty movieclip?

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Professional :: Can't Stop Sounds Embbed In Movieclips Timelines?

Apr 29, 2010

I searched everywhere but no answer.i have a main Movie containing many movieclips with sound  atttached in their timeline. When i change to a different frame from my  main movie ( Main Timeline) the sound from my old movieclips continue to play. It seems that sounds are still in memory and clips are not garbage collected.I've tried unloadAndStop from CS4 with flash player 10 but still the same problem? my movie clips will continue to play sounds in different frame from maintimeline

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Speed Up The Preloader - Place The Movieclips And Sounds In The Timeline

Aug 18, 2011

How can i speed up the preloader. And where should i place the movieclips and sounds in the timeline. Should i check the export in firstframe or not?

View 13 Replies

Javascript :: Flash Library For File Upload With File Size Limit And Progress Bar?

Jan 13, 2012

Is there any "mainstream" library used for this purpose? Commonly spread, well maintained, documented etc.I found these (using flash):

Uploadify - not many releases, latest 12/2010, no documentation (!)
SWFUpload - latest release 03/2010, documentation
fancyupload - looks buggy.

phpfileuploader - looks heavyweight, and looks commercial (?) I cannot read the licence (you can download it but are you allowed to use it forever without paying?) plupload New version of pure javascript (no flash) Valums' ajax upload claims to handle file size limit and progress bar, which is quite suspicious to me: these features require to guess the file size before the upload, which seems impossible in javascript (look also here). Or can it work?

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IDE :: Loading Movieclips From Library?

Nov 9, 2009

i used this code with linkage to load a movieclip from library using flash action script 3

btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,goLayersS ite);
function goLayersSite(Event)
var myMovieClip:MovieClip = new Tree();

i want to know how am i able to load a flash movie clip from my current library into my stage with using a button via flash action script 2.

since im using other codes in action script 2 i can not cancel them and i really need to load a movie clip in my AS2 FLA.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS4] Loading Movieclips From Library Via XML

Feb 5, 2009

I'll do my best to keep this question as short as possible:

I've made 5 'fruit' movieclips and they're in my library.

And using so.addVariable("getNumber", "003"); in my HTML code, I'd like those particular fruit movieclips to play one after the other (and then loop).

I've had a look around for something similar, without luck, so I'm trying to make it from scratch. I got as far as getting it to load the first number and then the first type and url, but I'm stuck on getting to go onto the next type, also being able to define (with addVariable) which number's nodes gets played.

Here's an example of my XML to show the structure.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<number="001" >


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GotoAndPlay Any MovieClips Timeline In Library?

Nov 23, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to tell flash to navigate to a movieclips timeline without that movie clip being on stage or having an instance...

For example i have MovieClip1 in my Library and its named MovieClip1...but its not located on the stage...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Movieclips From Library?

Dec 1, 2008

I want to add 20 Moviclips at a time by Loop, from Library. so can any body tell me how could it possible.I can add one MovieClip just by as:

var mc:Movieclip = new MovieName();

But i need some string type method which can add multiple MovieClips from Library at a AS2 there was a method for attchMovie, in which we can add Linkage name with Name0, Name1, Name2 as 'Name'+i.....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Library Movieclips With Classes?

Jan 15, 2010

I've created a carousel class which takes one parameter, an array of menu item names, these will then be displayed on the carousel. I've then created  two movieclips for the left and right controls, added them to the library and given them classes of their own.Within the carousel class I instantiate instances of the two control classes which then enables me to add event listeners for rollover and rollout.

What I'd like to know is, is this the best way to do this short of creating the controls using pure actionscript?I'd like to not have to add the class properties for the left and right controls and have a situation where I could just give them the right name and they would work or maybe pass them in as parameters and use them that way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Movieclips From The Library?

Feb 25, 2010

I have several buttons that on mouse over will load a library movie clip. I want that movieclip to load on top of everything then once it's played allow me to either replay that movieclip by hovering over the button again or play a different movieclip by hovering over another button etc etc. with the ability to repeat this.
My code below currently loads my movieclip on top in hte corerct place however wont allow me to hover over another button and only plays once: var my_packages_mc:MovieClip = new packages_mc();var my_treatments_mc:MovieClip = new treatments_mc();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movieclips From Library Via XML?

Feb 5, 2009

I've made 5 'fruit' movieclips and they're in my library.And using so.addVariable("getNumber", "003"); in my HTML code, I'd like those particular fruit movieclips to play one after the other (and then loop).I've had a look around for something similar, without luck, so I'm trying to make it from scratch. I got as far as getting it to load the first number and then the first type and url, but I'm stuck on getting to go onto the next type, also being able to define (with addVariable) which number's nodes gets played.[Code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Movieclips From A Library?

Jul 20, 2009

I'm still new to AS3, so firstly, is there a place to read up on the structure of AS3?

2ndly, I'm trying to place a movieclip from the library into a class that extends movieclip like so:

the library movieclip is named "player" for example.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attaching Movieclips From The Library?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm trying to learn AS3 and it hasn't vaguely been going well. I've been looking at dozens of tutorials for 2 days on attaching MovieClips from the library. Everything I've tried gives me errors and I don't know what to do anymore.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Movieclips From Library?

Dec 21, 2009

I try to clear how i can show movieclip from library on the stage using as3. And how i can show some movieclips.On library i have some movieClips like box1, box2 ..boxn.How i can show all this box on stage using array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preload Movieclips From Library?

Jan 16, 2010

Is it possible to preload movieclips from the library? All the examples I've seen involve .swf's, but I need the end-user to select one of 30 movieclips and interact with it's nested contents. The movie clip is about 200kb. Preloading the whole project is out of the question, as that would be needlessely large.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Movieclips From Library?

Dec 4, 2010

i am trying to load movieclips from the library using an array. I have manage to load a single movieclip using

var myArray:Array=[];
var mc:MovieClip = new myArray[1];

but now I've tried using a loop by doing

var myArray:Array=[];
for(var i:uint = 0; i < 8; i++){
var mc:MovieClip = new myArray[i];

and i get the error:
TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at usethis4_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attaching To MovieClips In Library

Jul 30, 2004

In my library I have a bunch of movieclips that are dynamically going to be placed on my stage. Is there a simple method of attaching ActionScript to these movieclips so that when they are used on the stage, they have the script applied to them already?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Arrays And Library Movieclips?

Feb 17, 2009

i have an array of movieclips that are only in the libray:

var aeropuertosInfo:Array=new Array (iacapulco,iaguascalientes,icampeche,icancun,idf,i carmen,ijuarez,iobregon,ivictoria,
ichetumal,ichihuahua,icozumel,iculiacan,idurango,i guadalajara,iguanajuato,iguaymas,
ihermosillo,ihuatulco,iixtapa,ilapaz,iloreto,imoch is,imanzanillo,imatamoros,imazatlan,


when i try to place them in the scene, for example: addChild (aeropuertosInfo[2]) , an error pops up telling me that it can't convert icampeche$ in flash.display.DisplayObject.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation With Movieclips In Library?

Jan 21, 2010

Here is my challenge

I have an interactive timeline consisting of 10 dates.
-1900, 1910, 1920, ... 2000 (for example).


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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Sound In Library Movieclips

Apr 12, 2010

I have made a couple of small animations in flash, that have sounds in them (attached to frames to play at the right time in the animation via the frames properties) and I want to add these into a different flash project to be used. The sounds play perfectly when I run the .swf's by themselves.

So I have added them into the library of the other project, and exported them for use in first frame, but when I add them using addChild and play them the sounds do not play at all?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Movieclips From Library

Dec 4, 2010

i am trying to load movieclips from the library using an array. I have manage to load a single movieclip using [code]I new at this so i don't really understand what that means, can someone help with this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attaching To MovieClips In The Library?

Jul 30, 2004

In my library I have a bunch of movieclips that are dynamically going to be placed on my stage. Is there a simple method of attaching ActionScript to these movieclips so that when they are used on the stage, they have the script applied to them already?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Movieclips To Stage From Library?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm trying to import a movie clip from the library to the stage and give it an instance name but im not really sure how to do it.I exported the movie clip to actionscript and gave it a unique class name, but how can i add it to the stage and give it a unique instance name?

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