IDE :: Dynamiclly Load Flv's And Play Frame By Frame?
Dec 4, 2010
I'm building a flash application where the user can play multiple 30 sec .flv movies (one at a time) in slowmotion by pressing or holding down the left and right arrows keys. The user can hold/press "keypress right" to move to the next frame and "keypress left" to move to the previous frame in the .flv files.
I have tested embeeding one .flv movie to the stage and it's working fine.
But since I will be using many flv's I want to load the .flv's dynamiclly (on button clicks) using netstream or FLVPlayer. Would it be possible to step beetween frames in the same way if the .flv's are loaded dynamiclly?
Or, must I embeed each .flv file into separate swf's and then dynamiclly load the swf's to my main stage?
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Dec 5, 2010
I'm building a flash application where the user can play multiple 30 sec .flv movies (one at a time) in slowmotion by pressing or holding down the left and right arrows keys.The user can hold/press "keypress right" to move to the next (key)frame and "keypress left" to move to the previous (key)frame in the .flv files.I have tested embeeding one .flv movie to the stage and it's working fine.But since I will be using many flv's I want to load the .flv's dynamiclly (on button clicks) using netstream or FLVPlayer. Would it be possible to step beetween keyframes in the same way if the .flv's are loaded dynamiclly? Or, must I embeed each .flv file into separate swf's and then dynamiclly load the swf's to my main stage?
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Nov 21, 2007
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I'm halfway to accomplishing this.
Here is what i used
The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.
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Mar 13, 2011
I hope I can ask this correctly. I'll paraphrase.
press_mc.onRelease = function(){};
This is a snippet of some code I'm working on. Currently I have a mc that you press that plays another mc. That mc that reacts has 5 frames, each frame with stop(); on each frame. I do a normal play code because it lets me play through and cycle back to frame 1 after frame 5 (so if I click the mc it eventually cycles back to the first frame and starts the process over again). If I do a nextframe it stops at frame 5, so that's why I use play.
press_mc click on it and it tells mover2_mc to advance a frame and recycles back to frame one to redo the process.Can I tell press_mc to play and skip a frame or to have it play a list of frames that I tell? I can't do a _currentframe +2 because it'll halt at frame 5.
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Jun 4, 2009
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Oct 25, 2011
i would like to load the "1.swf" to the "hub.swf"(ROOT MOVIE) and have it gotoAndPlay(2) using AS2.he thing is I can't put the gotoAndPlay(2) on the first frame of 1.swf.
hub.swf >>
_root.btn1.onRelease = function() {
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Jul 3, 2010
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gotoandplay(10); // i need delay here before activating the next code below//
the trick is.. i want the button to play frame 10 to 40 then after playing from frame 10-40 the movie stops and then play frame 80 to 100
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Mar 8, 2005
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Here is sample of code that i'm using to call up next MovieClip.
My solution for the bilingual version is to create a separate frame with the French version + video and then when user presses the French button they are directed to that frame. This way I could easily create the French text within the one movie. however i don't know the Actionscript code to call up a movieClip to play from frame 10, and not frame 1.
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Feb 8, 2011
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Jun 24, 2005
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loadMovieNum("top.swf", 2);
tellTarget (_level2) {
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Feb 5, 2009
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Jun 5, 2009
Yesterday Kglad gave me the following :
nextTX.onRelease = function (){var nextFrameLabelNum:Number = (1+Math.round(thTX._currentframe/27))%10;
thTX.gotoAndPlay("next "+nextFrameLabelNum);
which works great IF I am moving one image at a time.What I have done now is tween 3 slides to move into a visible mask by pressing next, but when I press previous of course the above doesn't work.It just jumps to the previous three with no tween.I would like to maintain the tween but in reverse.I would like the previous just to undo, in reverse, what the next button just did with the tween?Is there anyway to make this happen with as 2.0?
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Aug 1, 2011
I want my MovieClip to play from frame 5 to frame 30 and then stop. How can I do this?
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Feb 3, 2009
I want to have a movie load and play in the timeline, when a frame is entered. I know about the enterFrame function, but don't know how to apply it.
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Jul 14, 2009
i want to load and play a swf file form a specific frame number
So when a swf finishes i want to load another swf file from frame number 6430.
Is it possible or not
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Oct 18, 2010
What I'm trying to do is play 5 frames all attached with short audio wav files one right after another. I want to be able to press play for each frame.When I insert either of these codes:
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(event:MouseEvent):void
The video goes straight to playing the frame 1 wav sound file I have there, then when I press the button it rushes through the rest of the sound files in the rest of the frames and starts back at frame 1.Am I missing a code that I need to insert into the other frames, or am I using the wrong coding?
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Aug 11, 2008
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but I get a null reference error.Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong or if I'm?
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Mar 31, 2004
load an external jpg in frame 2 with a command in frame 1? Very important to my project to get at least a yes or no.
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Jun 15, 2010
How do you make it so you can make a frame load on a frame?
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Feb 28, 2011
I am using the below code on a button to load another movie, graphic.swf is there a way i can get it to load a particular frame, i.e frame 150 of graphic.swf rather then start at frame 0.
on (release) {
//load Movie Behavior
if(this == Number(this)){
View 2 Replies
Mar 20, 2007
I have a movieclip to dynamically load swf's. Some of my swf's are slideshows and contain jpgs that are quite large. Therefore I do not want to wait till the end of a complete load to show the swf. Say, if i want to show picture 3 (at frame 3), i'd like to show it as soon as the frame is loaded. However, I also need to rezie the swf to fit my mc's fixed size. Resize only works after all bytes of the swf are loaded I believe.
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Dec 13, 2011
It worked awesome, but I only want it to play in a particular frame, which is the last frame. And I have a replay button, so when I clicked it, my first frame onwards will play the snow movie clip. How do I stop the movieclip from playing, when I only put the mc on the last frame?
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Mar 6, 2011
one thing that always annoyed me and that I never sought an answer for is, occasionally, when I want to play a single frame of a symbol, it won't stay on the frame I want. It will automatically default back to whatever frame # it is originally on.I read that it was because it has something to do tweening automatically syncing and snapping and I just have to turn it off. However, I can't figure out how to do that.
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Mar 4, 2009
What command do I enter for the movie to rewind to first frame on entering a certain frame / stopping in a frame?It's my first time using Flash, and I'm working on a double menu (second menu has a "close" button, where I want to get back to the first menu).
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