IDE :: Gradient Masks - Edges Gradually Transition 0 Alpha
Mar 31, 2011
Is it possible to get a 'feathered' mask in Flash CS4 where the edges of the mask gradually transition to 0 alpha? I tried to set this up by creating drawing a shape with the pen tool, turning into a movieclip, then filling the original outline with a white (or lime green) center to black on outside, with the outside fading to an alpha value of zero. When I apply this as a mask, however, the borders are completely sharp rather than the layer below being 'partially' masked.
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Apr 1, 2009
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I have tried setting the "my_box" alpha, as well as the alpha of the Sprite that is drawn inside, and it still does it. Also another piece of info, when I trace the alpha, I get 0.5, even though it appears to be solid red on screen, after a few MouseOver/MouseOuts. The source files are attached, but for those who don't want to download, here is the AS3 code:
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My code is:
function init() {
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
holder.attachMovie("msk","msk"+i,i,{_xscale:0, _yscale:0});
_root.holder['msk'+i]._x = (550*Math.random());
_root.holder['msk'+i]._y = (380*Math.random());
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maskee.cacheAsBitmap = true;
maskMC.cacheAsBitmap = true;
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Mar 11, 2011
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Jun 11, 2006
I did a flash movie with this code
////inizializzo le movie clip gallery_target 1 e 2
gallery_target1._alpha = 0;
gallery_target1.attivo = false;
gallery_target2._alpha = 100;
gallery_target2.attivo = true;//non sarebbe necessario settarla perch� se � attiva la 1 ovviamente non lo la 2..
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gary_btn.onRelease = function(){
imageLoader.content._visible = false;
for the either of the following unload lines (or perhaps the above .visable=false) is there a way to actionscript so that the movie (swf), unloads with a transition from 100 alpha to 0 alpha, (opaque to transparent) and therefore create a smooth transition out, as opposed to a rapid disappear? perhaps a 1/2 or 2/3 of a second or 15-20 frames at 30 fps?
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Oct 23, 2008
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won't fade with alpha. But when I try to enbed the font or setting embedFonts = true the text just disappears.
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This is the link to the SWF:
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What I have so far can be found at: [URL]
Basically what I'm trying to do is when the video player is closed, instead of simply disappearing, I want it to fade to an alpha value of zero
this is the code I have so far:
ActionScript Code:
stop ();
MC_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vimeo_embed);
function vimeo_embed (e:MouseEvent):void {
var OpenEmbedPlayer:Vimeo_MC_PU = new Vimeo_MC_PU();
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function CreateRays():Shape {
var ray:Shape = new Shape();,.5);,0xFF9900,.5);
If you paste above code in 1st frame of your scene with nothing on your scene, it will give you sweet rotating rays!
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function goBack(event:MouseEvent):void
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.powerup, hitTest(_root.player)) {
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May 10, 2010
I have a as2 scroller button that drags 'clip' MC:[code]how do I make the speed gradually (say 1 second after release to) halt?
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Aug 9, 2010
Im trying to load an external swf(a gallery of images) and I want the images to show up on the website as they load so for example if the swf is 10% loaded, it should have loaded a few images but they dont show up unitl the external swf is 100% loaded
So instead of the viewer having to wait until the external swf is 100% loaded, I want the viewer to be able to see the images of the external swf as they load.
My external swf has images on frames 1 15 or so..
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Jan 25, 2006
I just need to gradually attach mc one by one into stage then get bounce...What I have so far is I just attach the all the total mc how's to attach one by one then get bounce...
Here's the code...
springSpeed = .9;
springDamp = .6;
xscale = 120;
yscale = 120;
function bounce() {
[Code] .....
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