IDE :: Big Assignment To Schedule In The End Of The Month?
Oct 5, 2011
i have a big assignment to schedule in the end of the month/ i've made a game which made of pictures and videos (flv), and when i've inserted the third flv movie i tried to test my project. and when i have exported it, it reaches the end and just doing nothing: no errors, no file, just nothing. my project is on 1920X1080 resolution, i have 23 videos of 10 seconds each, that i need to insert, and the quality is 1500 bits.the first two inserted movies succeeded, but from the third and above, nothing happend.
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Nov 27, 2011
I'm trying to make this calendar thing where you can write your schedule in it and it will save it. The part I'm kind of stuck at (and I figure I should sort this part out before getting much further) is that I need it to identify which day it is you're clicking on.
I'm thinking if I can get flash to write a txt file (like with xml or something) that says what box your clicking on, then I can get it to display that txt file in the dynamic text that says "Day" over your schedule. Then anytime you enter something into the schedule it will name it after that dynamic text and the time. Eventually I'll have to have a "back" button that will take you back to the main calendar. I'm thinking I can make this button delete the txt file that said which day you clicked on so that there's no confusion....Or I could make it that when you click on a day it will delete any pre-existing txt files that say which day you clicked on. (Not your actual schedule txt files.)
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* "show banana for 15.5 seconds @ 2 min and 32 seconds after the movie started, then remove the banana."
* "show apple for 12 seconds @ 4 min and 12 seconds after the movie started, then remove the apple."
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May 4, 2010
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For example:
1 minute countdown til game begins
20 minute countdown til intermission
2 minute countdown til second half
20 minute coundown til games over
5 minute countdown til new game starts
I have been given a lists of times for which to begin each timer (and its duration), but the tutorial I followed earlier uses an onEnterFrame function. I need some way to determine the closest timer that should be running, without killing the CPU with onEnterFrame. This task seems like it should be simple, but I can't quite wrap my head around it.
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public class test
private var t:Test = new Test();
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Target of assignment must be a reference value
for (var z:int=0; z<this.tags.getItemAt(i).yearPopularity.length; z++) {
summedPopularity.getItemAt(z) = summedPopularity.getItemAt(z) + tags.getItemAt(i).yearPopularity.getItemAt(z);
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Sep 8, 2011
I am looking to create an interface where i can load an swf file into a particluar level, in this case level2, above an empty level1 and my main movie on level0.Once the swf is loaded (into level2), i want to trigger an action causing the swf in level2 drop to level1 ... and populate level2 with a new swf. The swf in level1 would unload in a particular frame of the timeline in the level2 swf.I have tried the swapDepth action but that does not seem to be working as i intended.
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Apr 7, 2005
I have been playing with this for a day and haven't been able to figure out the proper path to load this variable.So I have a main movie, a menu (movie clip) in it, and each menu option loads an external swf in a movie clip instance (called content) in the main movie.Loading the movies works fine.My problem is I want assign a variable that I have declared in a loaded movie in the 'content' instance.
Main Movie
- Menu (MC)
-onrelease -loads movie.swf, assigns defaultpage var a value
Here is the onrelease code I'm using
on (release) {
this._parent.content.loadMovie("company.swf"); //this works
this._parent.content.defaultpage = "somevalueinhere"; //this doesnt
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var object:Object3D;
function loadObject():void
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May 14, 2011
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[Im new to these forums so if I have posted in the wrong section could Admin/Mod move it.
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Is there another way to achieve the same results?
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Jan 22, 2011
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var po�ng:Number = 10;
if (parsetInt(svar1_txt) = 10){
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Aug 12, 2010
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Feb 24, 2011
i have complex XML structure i want get all descendents uisng some xml paren.child.@attribute representation For example
Suppose i want get all xml nodes with month.task.@target how can i implement this, I mean i only give input as "month.task.@target" and the return should be XMLList containing all node that have same structure
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Aug 25, 2008
I'm trying to figure out the code for an AS3 Calendar, does anyone here know how to get the day of the week the month starts on? I've seen examples on php but not in as3!
View 10 Replies
Jan 30, 2008
I found a great flash countdown script through a tutorial, here is the action script-
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var todayate = new Date();
var currentYear = today.getFullYear();
var currentTime = today.getTime();
var targetDateate = new Date(currentYear,11,25);
[Code] .....
This works fine. However, I am attempting to change the targetDate by retrieving the last day of the month and counting down to that. Right now it counts to christmas. I know how to get the last day of the month through PHP, so I was thinking I could send the variables to the flash document and somehow replace 11,25 with $n (which is the month variable in my php) ,$lastday .
Here is the PHP Code:
$m = date('m');
$n = date('n');$month = date('F');
$y = date('Y');
$find = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 0, $y);
$lastday = strftime("%d", $find);
print "&n=$n&lastday=$lastday";
I have tried loading the php file and then placing a variable in.
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Aug 27, 2002
In my site I need to have the date available for viewers. I know how to display the date of the user and I would like to create an onion skin animation for each separate chatacter(yes, I know how to create an onion skin animation but not how to do it separate for each character). My problem is this: I want to display the name of the month, not the number. Now I want each character animated separately in the date animation. for example:
S would appear with an onion skin animation, then about a quarter second later all the other characters with the same animation, E, P, T, E, M, B, E, R, [space], 2, 4, [space], 2, 0, 0, 2. How can I code actionscript so that I can do this with the user's date? Sorry for my lack of description, its late and I can't think well.
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Jun 1, 2004
I am using this code to get the months off of the users computer and it then highlights what ever day it is, also it is dynamic. However what if I would like to call up a just july or just november. I know how to make arrows that get the next month in the sequence but my question is could I change the script to just get a month of my choosing?
aMonths = new Array();
aMonths[0] = "January";
aMonths[1] = "February";
aMonths[2] = "March";
aMonths[3] = "April";
[Code] .....
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Feb 11, 2012
I keep getting this message <b> Left side of assignment operator must be variable or property</b> How can I get around it?
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May 16, 2010
I keep getting this error on the following line:
dc.score += 3;
dc is an instance of the document class, which contains the score variable. But in the class, I have score declared as a variable, not as a constant.
public var score:uint = 0;
I remember that the code worked an hour ago, but I don't recall changing anything here.
I also get these:
1195: Attempted access of inaccessible method updateScores through a reference with static type rd2:dclass.
1195: Attempted access of inaccessible method spawnUmbrella through a reference with static type rd2:dclass.
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