IDE :: Fade It Out When The Movie Enters Frame 20

Dec 4, 2009

I have a loop that starts to play when the movie starts:

var my_sound:SoundId = new SoundId();
var my_channel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
my_channel =,int.MAX_VALUE);

I would like to fade it out when the movie enters frame 20. Since I'm already using TweenMax, I put this line in frame 20:, 1, {volume:0, onUpdate:my_channel, onComplete:stopSound});

I'm getting an error:

1120: Access of undefined property stopSound., 1, {volume:0, onUpdate:my_channel, onComplete:stopSound});

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Fade In Onframe, Play 5 Sec., Then Fade Out On Frame?

Jun 11, 2009

how to do this effect.I have a movie instance named "sparkles_mov" as in internal movie, not loading externally.It's placed multiple times on the stage.I need an AS code for the first frame of the entire stage that makes all instances fade in at a specific frame number (5), last for XXX amount of seconds and then all of the instances to fade out at a specific frame number (70).Is this possible? I have all instances fading in using this AS code placed on the frame that they enter on but the fade out never works, the just abruptly disappear:

sparkles_mov._alpha = 0;

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IDE :: Jump Into Another Url If It Enters A Certain Frame?

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getURL("", "_self");

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making A Movie Stop/fade Out At A Certain Frame

Sep 24, 2010

I'm using the code and assets from this page. [URL] I'm creating ads for websites and they don't allow continual  animation after 3 loops. I added to the above code to make it fade at the end. I think I'm close, but it doesn't seem to fade away as I had hoped, it just keeps  falling.

Am I missing some code that I need to replace? Do I need to put a frame # somewhere when I  want it to fade? Does the last part of the code go on a frame at the  end? The snow just keeps falling even though it's reached the last frame. What do I add to make it stop?
Here is the code. The link above will show you exactly the type of animation I'm looking at. I added the fade part after "init ( );"
init = function () {
width = 300;
// pixels
height = 250;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Movie Stop/fade Out At A Certain Frame

Sep 24, 2010

(remove the spaces to correctly link, my post count is too low to include links)
kirupa. com/ developer/flash8/snow. htm

I'm creating ads for websites though and they don't allow continual animation after 1 to 3 loops. What I'm hoping to do is one of the following:

Rather than have an abrupt stop to the snow on the last frame and have them oddly disappear, I'd like to have it stop creating snow on (for example) frame 100 so it's all gone by the last frame (for example) 130.

Here is the code.

init = function () {
width = 300;
// pixels


On a side note, I have the AS code on frame 1 currently, and just to test it out I added a stop(); to the last frame, but the snow kept falling. Do I have to add code to this snow code to get it to stop at a certain frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Movie Stop / Fade Out At Certain Frame

Sep 24, 2010

I'm using the code and assets from this page. [URL]. I'm creating ads for websites though and they don't allow continual animation after 1 to 3 loops. What I'm hoping to do is one of the following:
Rather than have an abrupt stop to the snow on the last frame and have them oddly disappear, I'd like to have it stop creating snow on (for example) frame 100 so it's all gone by the last frame (for example) 130. I'm using flash 8, AS2.

Here is the code.
init = function () {
width = 300;
// pixels
height = 250;

On a side note, I have the AS code on frame 1 currently, and just to test it out I added a stop(); to the last frame, but the snow kept falling. Do I have to add code to this snow code to get it to stop at a certain frame?

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ActionScript Code:
var soundFadeInTimer:Timer = new Timer(100,50);
soundFadeInTimer.addEventListener("timer", soundFadeIn);
var fadeInIncr = 5;
function soundFadeIn(e:TimerEvent){

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CS3 :: Pages - Make Each Page Movie Clip Have A Fade Start And Fade End

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function pagina(page) {


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Probably something simple, but I'm an idiot,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Out Audio On Next Frame?

Apr 19, 2010

how I can fade an audio clip out when I go from, i.e., frame 5 to frame 6?

The reason is that I have my swf playing up to frame 5, where it stops, and allows the audio to continue playing. But, if the user wishes to go to the next part of my swf, i.e. frame 6 to frame 10, where it stops at frame 10 to play the next audio clip, I want the audio from the first section to fade out once the swf gets to frame 6 on the timeline to allow for the next audio clip to play.

Currently, if I proceed to the next part, frames 6 to 10, and the audio from the first part has not finished playing, then both the first audio and the second audio play simultaneously.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Video Fade Out And Go To Another Frame

Feb 14, 2011

I imported a .mp4 video into Flash, and it works fine. I want to know when the video finished playing, the whole frame will fade out and go to another frame. How can I write the code in AS2?

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Make An Animation - Smooth Frame Fade-In ?

Jun 2, 2009

I can make an animation so the image fades in.http:[url].... the fade is not smooth. I did this by changing the alpha layer 20% every 5 frames. How can I make the fade smooth?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade Out Transition On Frame Exit

Jul 13, 2010

When a button is clicked on the flash site im creating, which links to the next page, ie about/contact/portfolio etc... I need the current frame movieclip to fadeout, then advance to the next page. This is my code so far


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade Image Out On Frame Change?

Apr 7, 2006

I'm so close to finishing my portfolio site update with an XML gallery and menu. However, I have multiple galleries, about 7-8. With the crazy timeline I have set up now, each gallery is on on its own frame about 20 frames apart, the menu uses a gotoAndPlay to another frame with a 20 frame animation and a stop(); on another gallery frame. What I would like to do is when another gallery is selected from the menu, have the last image of the current gallery fade out. So, what AS would I need to make the movieclip "picture" fade out when the frame is changed? A shoutout to Scotty and Lindquist as well as all the tutorials for making this possible

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fade In/out Transition With ONLY Code And One Frame?

Jul 1, 2008

I usually do this with code and timeline, but i need to do this in one frame with only buttons. so for example

btn1.onRelease = function(){
bg_con._alpha = 0;
bg_con.alphaTo(100, 0.5, "linear");
loadBitmapSmoothed("images/bg4.jpg", bg_con);

so that fades in nicely, now i need it to fade out when the next button is pressed and then that button fades in and out, etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Fade On Frame Variation?

Nov 10, 2008

I've created an MC to control the various sounds throughout my flash file. I'm sure this is an ugly way to do things (in AS 2.0) but barring that, here's what I'm trying to do, and what I got at the moment:I need one of several sound clips to play (1-4) depending on a particular frame that's reached. If, during the sound playback, a user clicks a navigation button, I need the sound to quickly fade out (and I'm assuming have the sound object stopped or destroyed to preserve resources?), so my _root mc targets a frame within my SOUND mc and creates the 'standard' sound object:

VO_mobile = new Sound(mobilesound);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Play Frame X To Frame Y Then Switch To Frame Z?

Nov 21, 2007

I have my flash on multiple scenes, and would like to play an animation when clicking on the navigation button before switching to a different scene.

I'm halfway to accomplishing this.

Here is what i used



The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

Upon clicking the navigation button it plays the above scenes.

However it doesn't change scenes to scene "Home2".

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