IDE :: Start Movieclip Playing When Not Fully Downloaded?

Jan 10, 2009

I have a drawing effect animation (around 200 frames) which is in a movieclip within a movieclip (_level2?). When I run this swf I want the movieclip to start playing even if it is not fully downloaded, like it would if the animation frames were in the main timeline. How can I do this? At the moment it waits for the whole movieclip to download before it plays. I want it to start and play as it downloads.

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Actionscript 3 :: Play Video Only After Its Fully Downloaded?

Nov 8, 2010

Flv seems like can't be use with loader but NetStream. But I wanted to play the video only after I have completely download it (smooth viewing with no buffering time). How can I do it with NetStream? And Can I have multiple video load at same time, and play it according to some array arrangement?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Playback - 60 Seconds Video To Start Playing After 40 Seconds Have Been Downloaded

Jul 19, 2010

1) I want a 60 seconds video to start playing after 40 seconds have been downloaded - to do that I set the NetStream.bufferTime to 40 seconds and retrieve "NetStream.Buffer.Full" event causing the video to really start playing. This step is OK.

2) However, the "NetStream.Buffer.Full" causes data to stop downloading. So the remainder of the video begins to download no sooner than after the 40 seconds have been played. This step is my issue. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this unintended effect? (i.e. playing a video and downloading data at the same time?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEvent To Start Current MovieClip Playing?

Jan 31, 2011

Clicking a button to start the current movie clip playing. In the following example, playButton is the instance name of the button, and this is a special name meaning "the current object":

Actionscript Code:
this.stop();function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void {;}playButton1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playMovie);

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Flash :: NetStream Only Playing When Fully Loaded?

Feb 9, 2012

I've been searching for this for a while, and either my google-fu is weak or there is no easy to find answer yet...

I am using a NetStream to stream a video file from anywhere. The NetStream is NOT connected to any server. Here is the code:

// Create new connection and stream
_netCon = new NetConnection();


This basically works, of course, but the video always starts playing only when it is fully loaded. It also passes the metadata only then. But the main reason to use a NetStream is so that you can play a video BEFORE it is fully loaded.

I tried playing around with the bufferTime property, but to no avail. Also made sure that there is no caching involved when loading the video. I always load a "new one" by adding some "?bla=date" value behind the url.

Is it possible that the "real" streaming only works when really connected to a server? Or am I missing something else?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS3 - Preloading .flv - Get It To Fully Load The Video Before Playing?

Oct 4, 2009

I'm trying to preload a movie so that it doesn't stutter when it plays. So i thought preload the whole flv and then let it automatically play. I followed Adobe's tutorial [URL] on 'Controlling web video with ActionScript 3 FLVPlayback programming' and added a progress bar all using components. But I just can't get it to work, the progress bar disappears when it loads and the movie starts playing before its preloaded. Here's the online version; [URL] and I've attached the .fla too.

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Stop The Playing Sound And Start Playing The Button?

Oct 3, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MP3 - Stop Whatever Song Is Playing And Start Playing The New One?

Apr 13, 2010

The problem I have is I click the play button and start playing. Then I click next and when I click play for another song the songs overlap. How can I stop whatever song is playing and start playing the new one? Has to stop the prev song when I click play_brn.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Tell External SWF To Start Playing

Nov 24, 2003

I need to tell a external movie (.swf file) to start play when I click on a button. I have made a site in dreamweaver where the topframe is in flash and the middleframe in html and the bottomframe in flash. I have 2 buttons on the topframe and I want when I click on one of them the
bottom flash file starts to play.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell A External .swf To Start Playing?

Nov 24, 2003

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWFLoader Does Not Start Playing Loaded SWF

Oct 15, 2008

I'm building an application that's basically a frame in that another SWF file is displayed. My application loads SWF files generated by a server and displays them. As memory consumption increases over time, it it necessary that I unload the current SWF from time to time and replace it with a new SWF. I use SWFLoader to load the remote SWF file. I create a new SWFLoader object for each new SWF and remove the old SWFLoader as soon as the new SWF can be displayed. Now my problem: SWFLoader sporadically does not start playing the loaded SWF. All of the SWF files that I load start with the same set of instructions. When all goes well, the SWFLoader gets some ProgressEvents and then an Event.INIT. After that the SWF starts playing. In some cases, however, I only get the progress events, but the INIT is never fired. In that case the SWF doesn't start playing. The number of bytes received reported by the progress event is the same as in the case when it goes right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Flv File To Start Playing With No Sound?

May 2, 2009

I am trying to get my flv file to start playing when the page is loaded with no sound, but I am have no luck. The flv file starts playing fine with the sound on, and I can turn the sound off with my volume controller, but I need it to start playing with no sound.[code]...

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Aug 14, 2009

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The problem is that the videos all start playing on default. I'd like the user to have to hit the "play" button to play the video so that they are not inundated with sound when the page loads.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Start Playing Before Finished Loading?

Apr 22, 2010

I am a flash newbie, how can I get the flash to start playing before it is finished loading on a website? I embedded a FLV file into a flash and I'm going to export it as a SWF, I want it to start playing the movie before it's done loading so people don't think that it's not working.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movie To Start Playing From FRAME 2?

May 21, 2011

What i need is a code that forexample is placed on the first frame of my movie. Also i have there a stop(); code. What i need is on random time intervals, the movie to start playing from FRAME 2. Those intervals to be restricted maximum for 2-3 minutes. I mean for example not to wait an hour or so for the function to be executed.

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Professional :: Cannot Seem To Get The Audio To Start Playing Upon Entry

Sep 9, 2011

I have a sound control file that works great, however, I cannot seem to get the audio to start playing upon entry. I have tried the using the code::;and it plays but when you click the play button, the audio repeats and the sound file that started upon entry do not respond to the controls.URL...

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How do I play at video, but starting from say 20 seconds in?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start Sound - Delay In Loaded MP3 Playing

Feb 2, 2009

I have recently updated to Flash CS4 and AS3 from Flash 8 - apart from one issue I have with the Sound Object. There seems to be a delay in the loaded MP3 playing when told to. This means that I am unable to add SFX to the game I am developing for a client, because the sound plays about 1-2 seconds after it is told to play. How to tee the Sound up, so that it plays immediately?

The process I am using is this:
Class defined to load all game assets defined in XML

All Sounds are loaded into their own Sound Object and a reference to each is held in an array and passed to the relevant Class (i.e. Player). The relevant Class tells the reference to the Sound to play - it plays, but 2 seconds after the collision detection Event has told the sound to play.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get External SWF To Start Playing Only When Preloader Has Finished?

Mar 29, 2009

Yet another dilemma with my external SWFs. How do I get the external SWF to only begin playing once the preloader ahs finished loading the complete file. Currently when the SWF file comes it has already started playing part way through the file.

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.net :: Flash Rotating Banner Won't Start Playing In Firefox

Aug 19, 2010

On this site, the rotating flash banner at the top works fine in IE and Chrome, but when opened in Firefox, it doesn't load the picture or advance automatically. If you click on one of the other buttons to advance to another item, it works fine, but on page load, it will not work.

<script type="text/javascript">
'type', 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'FlashVars', 'xmlUrl=/Images/SpecEx/banner.xml',


I tried to put the 'play', 'true' option, but that doesn't help.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player - Start Playing Music On Click

Sep 16, 2009

I followed the tutorial about making your own mp3player but I don't want the music to start directly I want it to start after I clicked on play ...
// Setup sound object
var s:Sound = new Sound();
s.onSoundComplete = playSong;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Playing The Movie Once A Certain Frame Has Been Loaded

Jan 26, 2004

I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.

Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.

I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:

if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Start Playing Movie When 20 Percent Loaded?

Sep 21, 2004

Is there a way to make a if statement that only loads like 20% then it plays. I always used things that wait for the whole movie to be loaded. I just want to give a head start of 20% to the movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing MC Transition From Start When Button Clicked?

Sep 17, 2006

when i click my button the first time my transition MC works fine but when i click it to another button it works fine too.when i click back to the first button it shows not the transition but only the completed transition so i get no animation.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Add Delay(s) Before Song Start Playing?

Mar 15, 2012

okay.. i'm using a xml n URLrequest to bring up the song n song list in a listbox but, I want the song hold for x seconds (because there r a silent opening first, then I want the the song start when the silent opening ends). Perhaps there r code to add delay just to the song so it not autoplay? Plus I dont know where to put the code..

here's the code for frame 1


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Playing The Movie Once A Certain Frame Has Been Loaded?

Jan 26, 2004

I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.

Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.

I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:

if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);

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