Java :: How To Fire Intent To Start FLV Or SWF To Flash Player 10.1

Dec 21, 2010

I have a bunch of flv video files stored on a media server, and I am trying to get them to launch in the flash player. I have downloaded the flv file into temporary storage, and try passing it using an intent. This is what my code looks like (from what I have seen on the net):

try {
URL urlLink = new URL("[URL]");
// Serve the file
InputStream in = urlLink.openStream();
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/sdcard/tempFlash.flv");
byte[] buf = new byte[4 * 1024]; // 4K buffer
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Do Any Events Fire When The Flash Player Exits

Dec 5, 2011

I use a LocalConnection object to prevent being able to run our SWF multiple times on the same computer. The problem is that this connection can remain in place even when the SWF which called it closes. 
I have:
1) An External Interface call to dispose() all HTML pages call dispose() on pageunload which closes the connection.... But this is unreliable because if the browser crashes, you are locked out of the SWF

2) I tried some crazy try/catch.  If SWF A exists and SWF B tries to be initialised.... SWFB cannot connect so it sends a function to SWFA to dispose(). This should free the connection for SWFB to connect to?  But this does not work well either because sometimes a localconnection can be in use but calling "dipose()" throws an error, often because the LocalConnection swf which should be available is already gone.
What this all comes down to, is that I need a way to detect when the player closes, so i can close the localconnection.
stage.addEventListener(Event.EXIT, onExit);
function onExit(e:Event): void
if (localconnection)


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Flash :: Communicating Between Adobe Air Or Browser And Java Web Start

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Flash :: Javascript - How Does A Browser Interact With A Player Or A Java Applet

Nov 9, 2010

I've been trying to understand how flash animations or a Java Applet work within a browser. I can think of a couple of ways - The Flash Player/Java Applet are machine code that's dynamically linked it, and given some parameters about the area of the screen that belongs to them; after that, they run within the same process space. The browser exposes an API that the player/applet use to talk to it and they live in a separate process. (Presumably they talk via sockets?) The API could correspond to openGL/X11/some custom calls.

These possibilities still don't explain things like how a button click can make the player full-screen, how it can play music, how it can inspect the DOM, etc. For that matter, is the video displayed by decoding to a sequence of images, and rendering them one at a time, or is there a more efficient way, e.g., of pushing the deltas in the image? The Wikipedia page on Java Applets

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enablePluginDebug: false,
// remove or reorder to change plugin priority
plugins: ['flash','silverlight'],
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Flex :: Movie Does Not Start In Full Screen In Flash Video Player

Oct 16, 2009

We have this legacy code of a flash video player that functions well enough but still has some loose ends I need to tighten up. It can do the basic "switch to full screen and back to normal size" stunts, however with one exception.

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if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL) {
stage.addEventListener('fullScreen', procFullScreen);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;


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Jun 24, 2009

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on (release) {
weddingSound = new Sound(this);
weddingSound.start(0, 99);

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Mar 2, 2011

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playlist = new XML();
playlist.ignoreWhite = true;[code]....

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Can Start Player From Position 'pause'

Feb 22, 2008

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Sep 28, 2010

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If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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As3 :: Professional - Video Player - Stream Does Not Start

Oct 20, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timer That Start And Stop When Player Won

Oct 26, 2004

I want to start a timer when the game begins that counts up, but doesnt actually display the time during gameplay, but stops when a player has won and the screen goes to the player wins screen. From there I want that time to display in a text variable along with all the other statistics I have generated. The timer will also need a reset function when starting up the game again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - How To Get Rewind Or Start Again Button

Jul 21, 2011

I am creating a video player with my own buttons, play stop are easy, but I can't for the life of me get it to rewind or start again (not loop). It may be worth noting that the flash video is store within a movie clip! The flv instance is flv_close and the movie instance is mv_close.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MP3 Player - Start Playing Music On Click

Sep 16, 2009

I followed the tutorial about making your own mp3player but I don't want the music to start directly I want it to start after I clicked on play ...
// Setup sound object
var s:Sound = new Sound();
s.onSoundComplete = playSong;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Player Buffering - Stutter Start

Oct 24, 2010

I have a music player playing a live radio stream. Everytime the player loads the radio stream, it has a stutter start and then it buffers for a few seconds (how long depends on your internet connection speed) and then it continues playing. I want a buffering icon to appear during this brief buffering period. Watching the sound.position, I see that its increasing pauses at approximately the 0.4 second mark when the stream buffers.

When buffering finished it continues counting up to infinity as the stream plays. I thought maybe it would be possible to write an IF statement saying if the current sound.position is equal to what it was a second or split-second ago (i.e., it's not increasing, the stream is stopped for buffering), display the buffering icon. But I don't know how to write this IF statement.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Videos On Player - Stop One And Start Other

Dec 19, 2009

I got roped into assembling a cd of videos to send out to jazz students for my video class and I'm a bit over my head code-wise, so I'm turning to the pros. The project has about 5 different videos that are all suppose to play (locally from the disk) when the corresponding button is clicked, and they need to be scaled and positioned on the video section of the background img. I can make the buttons work, scale and position is no issue, but can't get one video to stop and the other to start.

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Java :: Flash Is Java Needed To Use Red5

Jul 24, 2010

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Flash Won't Auto-start Flash Intro Will Only Start After Play (ctr+entr)

Jul 21, 2009

i have a flash clip that i am trying to imbed into a joomla website of mine, and the problem is that it doesn't auto-start. If i open the swf file it will show a blank screen until i right click play or ctr+entr, on the website it simply doesnt show the flash. here is the link to the swf file [URL]

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Media Server :: Video To Skip With FMS When Start Player After Started A Stream

Oct 11, 2010

I'm playing live stream supporting FMLE from FMS. There is no problem with playing if we are starting at first the player and then we are starting the stream with FMLE. The video skipping problem is occurs only if we are starting first the stream with FMLE and than our player.The versions: FMLE, FMIS 4.0.0, Flash Player, and codec h.264 Is this a bug in FMS/FMLE or I'm doing something wrong?

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Flash :: Make A Realistic Fire Using Pro?

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when i saw this website. I learn some techniques but i really love that fire effect. how to do that?Or any other program. The site:[URL]..

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Flash :: How To Fire A Event For Array Push

Aug 17, 2010

How would I go about as to addEventListener for a array object. I'm trying to avoid running a timer every x milliseconds to check for new elements in array object, rather trying to make a event fire when new elements are detected to process them and remove them. Is it possible with Arrays? maybe ArrayCollections? either is fine.

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Flash :: DispatchEvent To Fire MouseEvent Not Working

Dec 1, 2011

I am adding the same image (play button) to a movie clip those images later when pressed toggle states and play a video.What I am trying to accomplish is automatically toggle the default image since that video is playing automatically.[code]So this does the same thing as click the first image but it happens automatically.[code]

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