Professional :: Button To Change "source" Of FLV Playback?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm trying to create a swf file that contains one flv playback component  (Flash cs4) and one button.  I can get the flv to load it's first video  (the "source" attribute of the flv component is initially set in the  component inspector to the http path to the video on my server ), but  when I click the backyard button, the backyard video won't load  The backyard video ("backWithDogs.f4v") is in the same folder as the .swf  file on the server.ActionScript Code:backyard_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadBackyardVideo);

function loadBackyardVideo(e:MouseEvent):void{
videoPlayer.source = "backWithDogs.f4v";


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Professional :: Switching FLV Source File Mid-playback

Nov 22, 2010

I have a number of different videos (all of the same duration and resolution) encoded with almost the same content - however they have different colour schemes, etc., and I require my FLV player to be able to switch seamlessly between them.

That is, if the player is currently playing "test1.flv" and the user presses the 'switch' button, I want to switch over to playing "test2.flv" in the same player, picking up at the same point in time.
I used to have a server-side solution that could fake this, but that isn't a long-term solution. Might I ask how you experts would handle something like this?
Do I need Flash Media Server, or can it be done with just Flash?

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Professional :: Flash FLV Playback Continues When Change Scene?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm creating a programme on flash where some of the scenes have FLV players playing various videos. They all work fine, stopping and playing etc. However when I leave the scene by clicking my "home" button, the video stops, but the outline of the player stays up in the new scene!
my code is reading;
stop();button_24.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToScene_98);
function fl_ClickToGoToScene_98(event:MouseEvent):void{    MovieClip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(1, "catchup");   


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Flash - Reset FLVPlayback Component For Playback With Same Source?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm using the same FLVPlayback component to play many page transition videos throughout a large flash site I'm building. On each transition, I'm setting the component's source using myFLVPlayback.source and listening for the event before proceeding with each page transition. This works fine as long as the transition between every pair of pages uses a different video.

Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem when the same page-to-page transition video needs to get invoked for two consecutive transitions. When playing the same video twice in a row, setting the source property of the component to the value it already has doesn't seem to do anything, meaning that my listeners for never fire. I could do something hackish like setting the source to a tiny, never-used-elsewhere FLV before setting it to the FLV that I'm actually using for the transition as a means of "resetting" the component, but I'd like to know what best practices are in a situation like this (insofar as best practices with something like the FLVPlaybackComponent can be discussed with a straight face).

I've perused the livedocs for the component but came up empty-handed, and manually using NetStream, NetConnection, and Video objects at this late stage isn't really an option.

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My file: [URL]

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Professional :: Change The Look Of A Button During The Timeline?

Jun 2, 2010

In web design, you usually define a  CSS style for a navigation link, which will appear when the user is  currently on that page. So if I was on the "about" page, the "about"  link in the navigation would be highlighted red, for example.I'm trying  to do the same thing with a button in Flash. When a user clicks the  button ("on(release)"), it will take them to another frame in the  timeline, and, the look of the button will change to let the  user know they are currently on that frame. I thought I could do this by  adding a keyframe at the destination frame, then going into the button  and changing the "up" frame. Sadly, that doesn't work, as it changes the  "up" frame for the button everywhere.

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Change Playback Speed Of A MovieClip?

Nov 22, 2011

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Actionscript :: Programmatically Change The Source Of An Image Whose Name Is Ambiguous?

Sep 20, 2009

How do you say or achieve container.child.source = image.png?

I have a hexagon map built by specifying width and height. I draw a wireframe and place a base image for each hex into a canvas. Next, the canvas listens for a mouse click. I then run a calculation to determine which hex the mouse click was closest to. My intent is to change the source of the image that the user clicked on.

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and this does work - upon pressing the button it goes to the website link. However, there is no more roll-over effect for this button. So there has to be an alternative or better way to editing the link for this button (without removing the roll-over effect).

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Nov 29, 2010

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Ps: check out the source code. The flash background code starts from '<!-- flash background -->'. 

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private var _questions:ArrayCollection;
private var questionsChanged:Boolean;


In this component, I use commitProperties() to implement my logic.

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I am a programmer who is working with a client's flash designers.  Most of my client's personnel have CS3.  I recently upgraded to CS5 due to another contract that I am working on for a different client.  Will I be able to modify my CS3 designer's .fla file, save and hand back to them to finish designing??  Will they be able to open up my modified document?

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Mar 16, 2010

I am playing an swf on a form which works fine but I've added an FLV to another layer in the same swf and when I run it, the FLV doesn't appear. If I run the swf by itself the FLV appears. I've tried using the FLVPlayback component and tried coding the FLV with AS3, both work when I run the SWF by itself but the FLV still doesn't appear when run in VB.

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Professional :: How To Stop Playback

Jul 7, 2011

I have an ad banner in which I am certain I touched nothing that would affect the lack of looping in the file and lo and behold some elemnts loop even though in the actionscript it says to stop looping it....The trace says it played out the function to stop looping but it still does. I am not an actionscript pro but could anyone PLEASE possibly look at the file and tell me how to make sure EVERYTHING stops looping? The looping is causing google to prevent us from putting up the banners

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