Flash :: Change Playback Of Object Via Html Or Javascript

Feb 20, 2011

is it possible to change the playback speed of a flash object without having to recompile the flash object,i.e through the html attributes or javascript?

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Javascript :: Change Flash Embed Size With Html?

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to scale this video to 640x360. When I change the width and height, the video doesn't get bigger. I tried adding the parameters scale="aspect", scale="exactfit", cale="default". None of them worked.Is there any way to scale this to 640x360?Embed Code:

<object width="416" height="374" classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
<param name="movie"


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Javascript :: Html - Take Screenshot Of Flash Object?

Oct 20, 2010

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Is it possible? I know i can include the game swf in a nother swf and capture the screenshot using flash but i need it to be done in javascript.

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Javascript :: HTML - Call A Function From A Flash Object?

Feb 7, 2011

I am trying to call a Jscript function from a flash object. I want the function to be called when the animation ends.

Here is the embed code

<h1 align="center">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="360" HEIGHT="250" id="Yourfilename" ALIGN="center">


here is the action code I add to the last frame of the flash object


The object loads but the function is not called. I can call the function other ways such as using an "onclick = mainFunction()" event on a button for example.

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Im trying to change the size of this video object from 416x374 to 640x500.[code]I tried adding these parameters and none worked: scale="aspect", scale="exactfit", scale="default".From what I understand, this swf is being scaled inside flash using "StageScaleMode".Is there any way to override this and change the embed size?

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<div id="header">';
* A quick and dirty way to put some swf into PHP, and rotate among them ...


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//this is the HTML I use to view my PDF
<object id="PDFObj" data="test.pdf" type="application/pdf"/>
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var pdfObj:Object = htmlLoader.window.document.getElementById("PDFObj");

I've tried this in JavaScript as well, just to be sure it wasn't adobe sneaking in and helping me out..


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Jan 29, 2012

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I read that it could be done by passing the javascript code to the parent html document , using externalinterface.call function. Then I assume it will be faster if I can declare functions in the javascript code in the HTML document in the first use of externalinterface.call funtion ; if flash code calls the javascript code repeatedly. So let me ask you how to do that. For details , any javascript to be loaded is unknown in design time and I can not prepare a javascript file to be loaded.

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Feb 16, 2011

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Javascript :: Lightweight Method To Change Embedded Object Parameter Values

Apr 15, 2012

I would like to change the parameters of an object, or values like width and height, via javascript but I need a very lightweight method. In the end some of the thing that I want to change would be width, height and a parameters src value. So far I'm having no luck of getting it by id $('#test').attr('src','test.html') or the javascript method of getElementById().

What is the best - lightweight - method to do this?

An object being like this:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="500" data="http://www.thisembed.com" style="margin:0px;padding:0px">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />


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Facebook :: Calling The Javascript And Change The Text In The HTML Page - Error #1033: Cpool Entry 36 Is Wrong Type?

Feb 9, 2010

i use FBML for the FB application.I have a flash and the flash suppose to call a javascript on the page. I read so many websites trying to figure it out but still having problem.Here is the Webpage with the javascript:

<div id="swfContainer"></div>

when i test, the flash loaded. The code goes through everything and show "SENT" in the flash text box. However, it doesn't seem like it is calling the javascript and change the text in the HTML page.is there something wrong I did? i try the ExternalInteface.call method but doesn't work neither. ALSO, when i run it in FireFox, not error popup.however, when i run it in IE, I got this:

VerifyError: Error #1033: Cpool entry 36 is wrong type.

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FBJS is not defined.

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PHP :: Control Embedded Flash Movie Playback In HTML

May 1, 2010

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Jan 17, 2011

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Javascript 3 :: Can A JavaScript Function Detect Which Flash DOM Object Called It

May 20, 2011

Here's the challenge: I have a Flash movie which will be embedded in a page using an unknown DOM ID that I want to be able to identify/store for callback in a JS function. My ideal user flow would be: User clicks button in Flash. Flash pauses any animations / video / sounds / etc. Flash calls an injected JS function to display a page-covering overlay experience. When user closes overlay experience, a callback method on the Flash object is called. Flash resumes playback.

The problem is, when AS3 uses the ExternalInterface.call("functionName", args...) method, there doesn't seem to be a DOM event triggered, and thus it is impossible to tell which object called a JS function, so having a "registerMe()" function doesn't seem to work. Basically, the injected JS function has no way to determine which DOM object to call, because the ID of the Flash object is unknown.


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Html :: Add Playback Controls To A SWF File Embeded In HTML?

Dec 18, 2009

What am I missing here because my video doesn't have any controls? Is there a special parameter I need or do I need to encode the SWF file in a special way? I just used a MPEG to SWF converter provided by Blaze Media Pro.

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Professional :: Flash FLV Playback Continues When Change Scene?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm creating a programme on flash where some of the scenes have FLV players playing various videos. They all work fine, stopping and playing etc. However when I leave the scene by clicking my "home" button, the video stops, but the outline of the player stays up in the new scene!
my code is reading;
stop();button_24.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToScene_98);
function fl_ClickToGoToScene_98(event:MouseEvent):void{    MovieClip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(1, "catchup");   


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Flash :: Html - Add In Allowfullscreen To Enable Full Screen Playback In Player

Sep 16, 2011

I am using dreamweaver to embed a flash video, but cant find how to enable full screen.


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Change Controls Position / Add Fade Out Effect In Flash Playback?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm importing a video in flash cs5, using actionscript 3.0. I have copy the SkinOverPlay.fla and i'm changing it to fit my needs. I am looking for just a play/pause button (no other controls) in the center of the screen that disappear when the mouse it out of the video. How to play the video in loop.

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Actionscript 3 :: Change Video Playback Rate Dynamically In Flash?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm looking for a way to allow a Flash Video to change speed smoothly, from slower to faster than original framerate. It only needs to work on a Windows PC, and the latest version of Flash 10.2 with Stage Video is available.

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IDE :: Control FLV Playback Via Javascript?

Nov 5, 2008

I have a web page with an SWF file on it which in turn loads and plays an FLV file. The SWF is embedded in a layer (referred to here as the "video layer") which is hidden at load time. Elsewhere on the page is a "view video" button which makes the video layer appear. However, I can't seem to find any way to make that video start playing when the video layer appears. My thought was to use Javascript and an onClick to start the playback but I haven't had any luck. I also have a "CLOSE WINDOW" button on the video layer that will have to stop the video playback and close the layer. I have been able to successfully make the video layer appear and disappear, but I have not been able to make the video play or stop. I will also need to make the video rewind at some point as well. Please note that the video itself plays fine if I set the FLV to Autoplay before publishing the SWF but then it starts immediately upon completion of page loading.

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Flash :: Html - SWF Object Rendering At The Html Page

Jun 19, 2011

I would like to ask when swf object rendering at the html page? Is it rendered only it's visible? If swf at the page bottom that is not visible, will swf be rendered when I scroll down? The problem is that swf object raises some events when it's rendered and I would like to force rendering even if swf object is not visible.

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Html :: Make Flash Object Fullscreen In HTML?

Nov 16, 2011

how can I make a flashobject to display in fullscreen in HTML? (without having the flash source)

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Javascript :: Best HTML/JavaScript Framework For A Flex Application?

Oct 23, 2009

We're currently building a Flex application using the PureMVC framework with a shell.swf which loads/unloads modules dynamically. We're experiencing issues with memory and we're looking to replace the shell.swf with a JavaScript-based loader.Two questions:What would be a good framework to dynamically load the Flex components and allow the modules to communicate between each other?Would dynamically loading/unloading the modules via JavaScript take care of the typical memory problems associated with Flex/Flash applications?

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Javascript :: Way To Use Html In An All-flash Air App?

Jun 13, 2011

What i'm trying to do: add an html/javascript page inside an air app made fully in flash (coded in AS3, almost no timeline used). Is it possible, is it wise to do so?

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Javascript :: Html - Get Value From Flash?

Oct 21, 2011

I have html page with an embedded flash. The flash sends me a javascript function with the selected content, namely: currency(eur) or currency(gbp). How can I catch this value with a JS function and send a variable, a string whatever to my html page?Ex: if eur, default, '' otherwise?

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Javascript :: Reference The Html Object That Made The Call To SomeFunction Directly Using The ExternalInterface.call Call?

Jun 28, 2011

i have some actionscript that makes a


call.is it possible to reference the html object that made the call to someFunction directly using the ExternalInterface.call call?

Assume that the object that makes the call also has some Callbacks (via ExternalInterface.addCallback) that are accessible via javascript.


Actionscript source


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Javascript :: Call An External Javascript On Frame Action/change?

Aug 26, 2011

i have a flash movie with 2 frames. and i would like to call an external javasscript function on frame action.


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