Professional :: Change Origins Of Stage In Flash File?
Mar 16, 2010
How would I go and change the origins of the stage in my Flash file? right now its at x:30, y:35 for some weird reason. and when this file is done playing I have the as3 code tell it to load the next .swf file but the next .swf is not in the 0,0 location but rather the 30,35 location
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Sep 4, 2011
I didn't find that my flash is larger than the browsering area on screen until I publish and preview it in my browser but I do want all the content to be displayed on the screen. All I need to do is to move everything up for about 150 px.(in other words, to shorten the stage by 150 from the top but I can only cut the stage from the bottom ) Is there a way I can change the position of the stage like what I can do to the artboard in AI?
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Jan 19, 2012
I have a completed Flash, but I need to change the stage height. Is there anyway to do this with out have to touch every cell. I have a ball that moves across the the stage, and I don't want to redo the whole thing. I've tried selecting all and moving the items, but it doesn't work.
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Nov 21, 2010
I use DW CS4. I've gone to the Library panel, as suggested (below) but cannot find the "a Text 1" text as suggested.
Instructions that came with the Flash file:
This file has downloaded from for buying this file.
This is a file for Adobe Flash version from CS3, CS4 or CS5.
For open source ".fla" file run Adobe Flash and press Ctrl+O.For viewing all movie clips open library panel (F11).Double-click mouse on any movieclip for view or edit.
For replace text - open library panel and click clips "a TEXT 1", "a TEXT 2" and "a TEXT 3" and change it.
All elements maded in vector, scalable to any size. No raster.
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Dec 6, 2011
i created a flash website but the problem is the size is to large to fit on screen i have imbeded buttons, Movies clips, masks, and about 7 different scenes in this 13 mb movie what do i do to make the physicle size of the objects on screen so i can view it on my sceen?
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Jun 23, 2011
How Do I Change Stage Frame From Inside MovieClip?
Heres my code so far:
hh.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_MouseClickHandler);
function fl_MouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop(2);}
i tried (root).gotoAndStop(2); but i got an error , #1061 ..
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Mar 2, 2011
im kind of new to flash, and i have a question. On my scene, i have buttons generated from a xml file that can be dragged. I took the code from a tutorial on the web and added the drag function. I also have a drop zone where i put the button and it do some function. Here is my question, when i drop the button on the drop zone, the button stay in the center of the drop zone. If i drop another button to the drop zone, i want the previous button to return to its original position. How ?
Is there some kind of function to retrieve the last button used ? But even with this function, the problem is that if you click a new button, but change your mind and click on another one without dropping it in the drop zone, the last button is not the one in the drop zone anymore.
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Feb 7, 2010
I'm using Flash CS4, as3 and adobe air file. I have an application with 3 scenes, first scene to login, second to set up, and third to see an video. The problem is that, when I put a component in the second or third scene, if a change any property in the component inspector, any property it gives me error. So put the component and I change property by code in as3. But I'm doing things with FLVPlayback component, and now before enter the scene gives me error, the solution will be to get the original properties, but I don't remember, I could install other time Flash CS4, but I can do that for any component, better know the solution.
For example, I have an as file who is the class named p.e. MyMainclass, and in the scene3, I put FLVPlayback, who default values it's the last I used (I don't remember default after installation), if any code in as3, it gives me this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.program::MyMainClass/__setProp___id2__scene3_myvideo1_1()
[ gram.MyMainClass::__setProp___id2__scene3_myvideo1_1:7]
I remove this component, I put another one I never used, it doesn't give me error, I change any property in the object inspector, p.e. color, it gives me error, I change to original property again, and then No Error.
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Feb 1, 2010
I have Macromedia Flash MX 2004. I need to change the images in an fla file for inclusion in a new Web site. I have inherited an fla file and am just learning the in-and-outs of using Flash. I have been trying to figure out/learn what to do. But I am now under a deadline.
How to I replace the old images with new ones?
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Mar 22, 2010
Is there is a way? ASAP
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Oct 4, 2010
Is it possible to change the swf file to an image file? I didn't create the site and don't have the Flash file to edit. [URL]
<td class="mainwindow" align="left" valign="top" width="519"></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#5a6c94" valign="middle" width="291">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="[URL]" height="180" width="285">
<param name="movie" value="window.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="window.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="[URL]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="180" width="285">
This is the image/text that shows up right of the people image.
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Apr 7, 2011
1, Is it possible to change the dimensions of a .swf/.fla file once completed?
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Oct 18, 2010
I am loading my SWF file onto stage. Later, I want to hide it. For movie clips, I am using the following code:
TAC_mc.visible =false;
But I can't do the same to my SWF file.
Countdown.swf.visible = false;
View 2 Replies
Aug 18, 2010
I have a small issue in ActionScript 2.0. I want to know the stage width and height for external SWF file. I used the following code:
var loader:MovieClip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('loader', 1);var obj:Object = new Object();var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();mcl.loadClip("external.swf",loader);mcl.addListener(obj);
obj.onLoadInit = function(mc){ trace(mc._width); trace(mc._height);};
It's showing the whole animation's width and height but I want only stage width & height?
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Feb 11, 2011
I'm making a Flash animation in Flash CS4, using motion tweens to change positions and sizes of objects on stage. I frequently open the animation file and find a motion-tweened object has been moved to a new position from the one it was in when I last saved the file. All the frames in the tween seem to be affected. If I open the file again without saving, the object is still in the wrong position. I have had to redo or substantially correct a big tween several times. It's wasting time, and I can't rely on my work being in the state that I saved it last. I think the problem happens to the files when I open them after starting up Flash.
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a SWF file in my Dreamweaver site, that plays correctly. The problem is that the stage is white and we would like it to be transparent. Searching the archives the following advice was given:
in your html embedding code you need to set the wmode parameter to be "transparent" I'm wondering if this is the code in Dreamweaver or is this done in Flash. I'm working with CS5. Below is the code that matches the SWF file in Dreamweaver. I did change the wmode value from "opaque" to "transparent" and it didn't work.
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Apr 18, 2011
How can I load a swf from this xml file into a mc holder file? See code below.
var myxml:XML = <node label="Root Node"><node label="Chapter 1">
<node label="Intro" image="circleImage"/>
<node label="Recommended Prerequisites" image="squareImage"/>
<node label="Course Navigation and Controls" image="triangleImage"/>
<node label="Chapter 1 Completion" image="starImage"/></node></node>;
[Code] .....
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Apr 24, 2011
I am a Flash novice who was asked to do a brief training exercise on importing a simple .swf (3D animation) into Flash. However, I cannot figure out how to center the .swf on the Flash stage. Flash always places it in the top left corner of the stage, and while I can center each individual frame of the 50-frame animation by using the align feature in the properties window, I do not know how to center the entire 50-frame clip all at once. Do I have to use ActionScript to do this? And if so, what is the exact code I would need for this, and what exact procedure would I follow?
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Jun 4, 2010
Now I want to do a different test, I put two origin, you can share the same application from two origins? The idea is to have two edges, and two origins, sharing the same server-side application.
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Apr 10, 2011
Flash CS4 had been working regularly on my Macbook Pro (Intel - Tiger) for a while, and then suddenly,I opened a file and all the movie clips went from being visible "stills" to invisible and represented only by an "o". I have tried settings, preferences, even uninstall/reinstall, but somehow my settings or something got messed up and I can't view movie clips on the stage.
I have tried a variety of different .fla files and none allow movie clips to be visible on the stage.The files were created in CS4.This is true for movie clips that have 1 frame to many frames.When I Publish or Test Movie, the clip is visible and normal, but it is impossible to edit the file without being able to see the movie clips.I know that the issue is with my installation of Flash/settings being messed up, not with the file(s) because when opened on other computers (CS4 and CS5), movie clips are visible on the stage, as they should be.Example below: In Flash CS4, the stage just has "o"s where I used to be able to see my movie clip, but in the Test Movie, everything is there. To be clear, I could see the movie clips in this exact file, and then the next time I opened it I could no longer see them.
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Aug 28, 2010
how do I change the settings so that the flash file looks for as. files in a certain file.
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Oct 16, 2006
I did the flash form tutorial here on [URL]
Everyting works fine but if I add a textfield to the flash file and change the php file it still sends the original textfield but not the one I have created. I am using flash 8 and macromedia mx. I just copied the message textfield in flash and dublicted it. Than I gave the dublicated textfield a different instance name (second). After that I published the movie and adjusted the php file. I guess that the mistake is here. Would be cool if you could check the below listed php script and tell me what I am doing wrong. Honestly it's driving me nuts as it looks so simple but it just wont work. I marked the lines I added with red.
/************************************************** *
* PHP 4.1.0+ version of email script. For more
* information on the mail() function for PHP, see
View 6 Replies
Nov 20, 2009
All I'm trying to do is load an external .swf file into a precise location on the stage of my existing Flash file. I've spent an hour and a half on this site search and found nothing. What do I add to my loadMovie command to place the file at specific x,y coordinates?
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Jan 16, 2010
I think I did this before but can't find the code. Flash as many other graphical frameworks use the top-left corner as the coordinate origin (0,0) because it's how the underlying memory model is by convention. But it would be really simpler for my calculations if the origin was in the center of the stage, because all the game revolves around the center and uses a lot of trigonometry, angles, etc. Is there some built-in method like Stage::
setOrigin( uint, uint );
or something like that?
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Aug 7, 2010
I am using pure AS3 to build my project. I was wondering if there are anyways to change the stage background color through AS3...
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Jun 18, 2010
I've been working on a project that requires lots of scaling around a center point.
I always thought that stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight give you the dimensions of the stage you set in the properties panel no matter what. But when I went into fullscreen mode (with scaling), both the width and the height changed to the dimensions of the screen rather than staying the dimensions I specified.
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Oct 24, 2010
I have a moving vehicle on the stage, which should change directions according to where I click on the stage.I already made it work using this formula:var angle:Number = Math.atan2(dy,dx)*180/Math.PI+90;However, I need the car to tween to the correct angle, instead of just "jumping" to it. While this is easy enough to do, the car sometimes takes the longer turn (especially when I click in the bottom-left quarter of the stage), and it seems unnatural.
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Aug 12, 2009
I am wondering if it's posible to set the backgroundcolor of the stage through as3 code.i am also wondering if it's possible to set the stage height and stage width through the code. for the application i wish to develop, the values of the stage color and the stage dimensions are provided by an XML file.
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Oct 8, 2010
How do I change the stage quality to improve rendering performance in Flash Player AIR? StageQuality doesn't seem to have any effect at all. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong? I'm using this in the Main() app class constructor:
stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW;
Is there no other way to improve performance in AIR apps?
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Sep 23, 2010
I have created a booklet in InDesign cs4 that includes page turn transitions. I have saved it as a SWF file and it works perfectly on my PC with the ability to sweep through the page turns. My issue is now, what type of file can I export the SWF file to so that I can view it on an iPad and am still able to have the page curls?
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