Professional :: Creating A Scrollbar In Flash?

Mar 12, 2011

I am designing my first simple website with Adobe Flash, and I have run into a problem. When I do publish preview, I notice that no scrollbar appears in the browser; therefore, only part of my content is shown. How can I create a scrollbar in Flash so that when someone views my webpage they will be able to scroll down and view all of the content on the page?

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2. I created a MovieClip containing some graphics, and named the MovieClip "MyTestComponent" in the Library.
3. I selected the MovieClip's properties in the Library and selected "Export for Actionscript", and made the MovieClip inherit from fl.core.UIComponent.
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getURL("LODGE INVITE PAGE 2.pdf", "_blank");

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1. I would like to put audio behind my flash pages. I have 5 pages (navigation with arrow buttons). Is there code available for where the user can click an on/off audio button? Does it have to be in a certain audio format?
2. Is it possible to create quizzes in flash i.e. are there templates somewhere?

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Aug 2, 2010

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Aug 24, 2010

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Picture having two million directories, each directory has 30 photos and a sound clip. From this I want to produce two million flash movies each movie has 30 photos and the sound clip. Each movie has panning of the photos (Ken Burns, Civil War on PBS). What does Adobe have that I can call from within my Java code or Perl perhaps. I need to do this every two weeks, at least. Using a standard user interface is not going to work, even if I hired half of the planet.. I have been on the phone with Adobe for two days and have gotten nowhere.. surly Adobe has something which allows me to automate the creation of Flash movies. right?

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Professional :: Creating 'packaged' SWF File With Flash Prof?

Feb 15, 2011

Firstly, I've created with Adobe Captivate an SWF file which I have been able to reference in an aspx page and when I view the website, it runs fine (no other file is referenced to run this).  Example of the below code in the aspx page I have created:

object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"codebase=" version=8,0,0,0"width="500" height="400" id="Untitled-1" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="movie" value="progressive2.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#aaaaaa" /><embed src="MY_VIDEO.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"width="500" height="400" name="Untitled-1" align="middle"allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"pluginspage="" /></object>

My objective is this. I have a final edited FLV video file. I also have Flash Professional. What I want to do is create a single SWF file (like with the Adobe Captivate example), which will include the video and the skin for the progress bar, volume etc and then reference this in another aspx page for the website.

I want to be able to have the same 'packaged' SWF file, as in the captivate, created from this FLV video. In Flash Proffessional, I've imported the FLV into the 'stage' and added a skin through the wizard.  But trying to publish or other options, I've not been able to get this single 'packaged' SWF file to run correctly in the website, via the same apsx code as above.Am I missing a trick here?  I would presume it would be fairly simple as I don't want to edit the video, more I want to embedded it with a skin in the one SWF file.

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May 9, 2011

I have an image with seven distinct colors.  I would like for each color to be linked to a separate html page if clicked.  Can flash link to a page based on the color of the area clicked? 

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i saw a tutorial series that uses the same player for online: flash windows .exe mac: .app well the player looks the same once launched is this just a matter of creating the player in flash and then exporting to each of the 3? (flash, exe, app) ??

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Jan 28, 2010

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