Professional :: Framed Based Doppler Effect?
Dec 14, 2011Is there anywhere I can get pre made frame based animations for Flash? I need to make a doppler effect with a few circles
View 1 RepliesIs there anywhere I can get pre made frame based animations for Flash? I need to make a doppler effect with a few circles
View 1 RepliesI have been trying to make an animation which illustrates a doppler effect:[URL] I am using Flash 8 and the moving ball I have drawn to stage. My problem is that I can't get the scripted wave circles scaling. My script is like this:
This is a program I wrote to attach a movie clip to a target:[code]How do I target the "child" of a movieclip in order to attach a file to it?
View 7 RepliesI am trying to understand what is going on in a SWC that I am importing from Flash CS4 into Flex Builder 3. Specifically I am using a SWC supplied by a Designer as the animation for a custom preloader (a subclassed DownloadProgressBar).The issue I am trying to understand is, once the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE is fired, I cleanup by removing the swc by running this [code]though even after I have removed this (which is successful, as I have checked by comparing this.numChildren before and after the call) the key framed animation still continues to run (not visibly). This has been detected by the Designer placing a trace in the time line of the animation (in Flash). Can anyone tell me why is it, that even after I have removed the animation from the subclassed DownloadProgressBar, it still keeps running ? Also, is it standard practice when importing SWCs to manage the cleanup of resources from the Flash side of things (much like releasing memory in obj-c). I find it counter intuitive that removing the child from the Flex side does not stop the animation.
View 1 Replieshow to implement a text search in a multi-framed flash movie similar to what flash paper does. It searches all text included frames and upon hitting "enter" movies to that frame-> text occurance.
View 1 RepliesJust fired up Flash CS5 to a surprise. My screen-based SWF from years ago will no longer load. how does one achieve the equivelant of nested screens in CS5 now? I have outer chrome that's common to all screens and switch between nested screens to show different shared form screens that get populated with content from a database. Short of duplicating the shared content over and over, how do you get the layered effect I'm after? Does everyone simply jump around on the master timeline? Or does CSS play a role here?
View 1 RepliesI want to write a chess variant into flash and would like to find chess components or an open source chess client (with no license restrictions). I don't need the engine, just the chess objects. The best thing would look very simple, 2D etc.
View 1 RepliesI need to create a web based audio recorder. I want to record and play audio in GSM format (for telephony).I created the it in JavaFX which require Java Runtime on client sideBut Flash is preferred as Flash is every where and widely used.
View 4 Repliesi am new to flash and wanted to learn so i went and bought the classroom in a book for flash cs5 to self teach my self and well in chapter 6 it has you create a navagation menu. This menu has four boxes you can hover over and click ( i completed the whole lesson so its ready to go) and well when you go to test (command + enter) the flash movie plays but it plays on a custom loop over and over.
I went to the top and went under control and deselected loop and it still does it and or it stops but then nothing is clickable.. what gives?? the lesson had me design the menu so you are able to hover over and have a box appear and then when you click it makes a sound and then after you click a new window pops up with info about that particular button and well when you test it it loops through at the blink of an eye and none of the buttons work and it just plays like a movie.
Is there a way to have a pre-loader based on a single movie clip, instead of on the entire SWF size? This movie clip may have a single graphic, but the entire movie has a slideshow with more images to display...but rather than making my visitor wait for the entire site to download before they see anything, I'd like to have it so when that graphic is loaded, it displays while the rest of the movie finishes loading. And there would be a preloader that shows the progression of the single movie clip.
View 3 RepliesI know this will inolve some trig but how exactly will it be implemented? Heres what I have for when the bullet hits the wall:
rotation *= -1;
That works based off of gun angle but not wall angle.
Is it possible for recent versions of flash to directly (or thru Php) access (& update) data from a mysql database and display results based on the data?
So if my database were like this (math scores):User 13Jerry | 20Kane | 7 the flash output would be a bar graph like this (those hyphens would be bars in flash)
Is this possible these days? Google analytics does something like similar to this.
I last used flash somewhere in 2003/4. Never after that :-) I've completely lost touch.
A few minutes after I log in several facebook flash-based applications (Cafe World, Treasure Isle, Frontier Ville) my pc shuts down. This has not always been the case, only in the couple past weeks. At first I thought my notebook was overheating...but how can a flash-based game overheat a pc in less than 5 minutes? I was a bit perplexed since ZyngaPoker (another flash-based app) causes no problems even if I play for an hour straight but then again I turned my notebook one morning after leaving it idle for 12 hours and went directly to one of the aforementioned apps. 3 mins and.. BAM. I have a good pc, always use Chrome and good software (such as CCleaner, Deffragler, SpeedFan etc).
View 1 RepliesI need to run a webservice from a webpage that is based on swf, the webpage is hosted localy on the same computer with the webservice, and is browsed from remote computers. I wanted to knoe thw proccess that runs on the page, if the page is run localy and localy it runs proccess of the swf or is loaded to the browser amd from there it performs opperations.
View 1 RepliesI recently came across a small business site that had a homepage with there logo and some basic nav in the center with the business logoBut there entire background had a moving flash background made up of photos in the shape of words, that when you moved your mouse to the left, the background would move to the right, up and it would go down and so on as if it followed your mouse but inverted.
View 3 RepliesI have created a movieclip that is simply asking a question and the user chooses from a list of Radio buttons.I have set this up and it works fine, but I cannot figure out how to set up a "Next" button or a "Submit" button that, depending on the radio button choice made, the user goes to a specific frame or label.I bought the Adobe Flash CS5 bible, but there seems to be little information on controlling Radio buttons, only how to set them up to test.
View 1 RepliesI have an image with seven distinct colors. I would like for each color to be linked to a separate html page if clicked. Can flash link to a page based on the color of the area clicked?
View 3 Repliesrecreate this text effect? http:[url].....Here's my version: http:[url]....
http:[url]....The trained eye can probably see that the original version looks much better. Why is that? Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong, or could this text have been made using a different technique?(whether I use Flash or Photoshop shouldn't matter as their text effects are pretty much identical)
like they did on this site: [URL] so, how to make this scrolling effect
View 3 RepliesI'm animating an atom so I have an electron circling the nucleus in the x direction. I've added a motion blur in the x direction which I like. The problem is that I'm then using AS3 to duplicate the animation and randomly rotate it. Now even though the electron is moving up and down the blur is still horizontal. Is there an easy way to fix this? I've tried making the blur a movieclip inside another movieclip but it always blurs only in the x direction.
View 3 RepliesCan you tell me how to make effect from 8 second in movie? I talking about this cicles <blue lights> [URL]
View 6 Repliesis it possible to ad a "button effect" (different state for "normal" and "hover") to an existing button without having to do it graphically but only with a script?
i ask this because i have a flash-gallery with hundrets of thumbinails in converted to buttons that recall a javascript to open the full image (lightbox) and it would be nice to add each button a nice "hover" effect (maybe they should look dark and become normal brightness when hovered) but i don't want to edit each single button ..
So I figured out how to make a zooming effect for my animation, but it isn't smooth. I have it set at 30 FPS. What can I do?
View 16 RepliesI'm trying to have a scene where it's a Flashback but I want to make it so it has a kind of effect to it.
View 7 RepliesIn this tutorial : [URL] is said about something for color effect in properties pane. I can see the property pane but I can't find Color Effect. I'm using Flash Professional CS5.5. P.S.- This was my first Flash Tutorial (and that's really first one.)
View 2 RepliesI'm currently working in Flash mx 2004 and am creating a version of 'what happened in history today'. So my final layout will have the following iobjects.
Heading: 'current date'
Title: 'On this day in History'
Text box: Which displays the right description from a text file. history.txt
Image box: which displays a pic related to the current date.
I know basic Flash but have been playing around for ages am having real trouble getting things to work correctly. The main priority is to get the text loaded based on the current date. I have an images folderwhere the pictures are stored with files names related to date i.e. 14feb.jpg and my history.txt file is set out with a line for each date. i.e., 14feb=Valentines Day etc.
I'm creating a large project with many different FLAs using symbols pulled from a shared library FLA at author time. It works great, however, the workflow could be simplified (possibly) if the shared library were saved in XFL format.I saved a copy of the shared library FLA as XFL. Then, I tried to import a symbol to another FLA from the XFL as author-time symbol references. Flash recognized the XFL document as an accepted source, but did not offer a menu giving a selection of symbols.
View 5 RepliesIs there any way in flash 8 to creat feather effect for an object? (As there is a tool in photoshop: for a selection we can apply feather effect (from select - feather) after copy that selection to another place we gt feather effect).
View 1 RepliesI am asked to prepare an interactive and dynamic presentation in the area of enterprise architecture. The source of data should store in database. The effect I want to achieve is something as the link below. Can Flash do it (I guess so but still want to confirm)? But I could not find any similar Flash samples on the internet [URL]..
View 2 Repliesi want to make flash file in which, when i click anywhere one water kind drop come from top to down and when it reach bottom it distribute in so many parts.after this one textbox will display and i am able to enter some text in that textbox.
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