I am familiar with hit test, but how do you make a ball bounce off a wall with the same angle that it bounced on it with?ex. it hits the wall at 45 degrees, and it bounces off the wall at 45 degrees
How to embed a custom SWF based audio player into facebook wall posts? I want to start posting mp3 links on my and other walls and at one point I saw someone do this and a mp3 player was embeded in facebook to play the audio. When I post a link all I get is the link people can click. How do I: 1. make a flash playable on the FB wall via the clickable play thumbnail. 2. Make a mp3 playanle on the FB wall via the mp3 player fb uses.
I found a basic example of how to create something that'll shoot an object and create an arc based on an angle. I added a power Bar to it, but I noticed something bad about it.
The way it works the higher the speed is the further it goes and the faster it moves across the screen. This doesn't give me enough control. Because essentially I want fast moving projectiles but I want to also be able to shoot both near and far.
With this current system that's an impossibility.. Can anyone shed some light on how I can do this better? Here's the current way it's being done (important parts):
I'm currently making my own shoot'em up game where the player can switch between two player types which will fire their own bullet type in this case, squares and circles. I've setup the player switch function via pressing "space" button (switching between the two player types) and the default bullet type is "squares" and I'm not sure to approach the coding with changing the bullet type to "circles".I've written 2 classes for the bullet and player setup:Player Class: Creates instance of bullet on screen and enables the switch player type function
Bullet Class: Enables bullet properies and bullet types Player Class: Code:function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {if (event.keyCode == 32) //// pressing/holding "space bar" to function
I'm trying to make my platform game character shoot a gun, my character and gun are one movieclip and the bullet is another. The bullet mc starts on a blank frame with a stop() function, when I press the space bar the bullet mc plays from frame 2 which is a motion tween of the bullet quickly moving across the page. I've set the bullet's y and x values relative to the character mc so that the bullet always comes from the gun.
My issue is that if I press the space bar a bullet will fly out of the gun (great!) but if I press the space bar again, the first bullet disappears and the bullet animation starts again. I want to be able to shoot a new bullet every time I press the space bar without effecting the bullets that have already been shot.
Basically there will be a club and a ball. You can control the power and angle to hit the ball. How do I go about implementing this? Is flash the easiest way to go? I want to implement this as a facebook game. Any game libraries specific to this I can use to quickly implement a basic version? I am comfortable with Java and PHP.
i have 2 classes, one for ship one for bullet.i was trying to set the bullet.x to ship.x in the bullet class but it keeps telling me undefined. but clearly it is in my ship class.
i have made some web pages with flash and my problem is that i want to show a thumb picture in facebook wall when i post there my website in the news tab.
i only found this to add in the index.html (?) after the head :
< link rel="image_src" href="images/logocolor1.jpg"/> (without the space after the < and the picture is inside the images folder)
I'm using Flash CS4 Pro.In Motion Editor, the way that the blur works, it allows you to blur an object on X and/or Y axis.That means you blur horizontaly or/and verticaly.I would like to make a blur motion at another angle, by example 30 degree.
is there any way to flip dynamic text? When ever i rotate/flip/manipulate a dynamic text box it seems to stop displaying/functioning.is there a way to make a dynamic reflecting of a mc (containing a (unmodified) dynamic text box)?any possible solutions to see upside down dynamically loaded text!
I have a slider in my movie (depositAmount) and in the component inspecter it has Initial value for the slider. In my first frame I have an input field for depositAmount and i want the position of the slider button to reflect that. So if the min and max deposit amount are 0 and $10,000 respectively and the user inputs deposit Amount as $2000, I'd like to position the slider button 1/5th of the way across the slider. Is that possible? At the moment the slider button will just reflect the initial value position.
ListCollectionView is often promoted as a great way to daisy-chain different views of the same data. You have some source collection and then use ListCollectionView + filterFunction to wrap the source data and present a subset of that source collection. When the source collection changes (either adds or removals), the chained LCV gets updated automatically. However, if the filterFunction for the source collection changes, it does not appear to propagate to the chained LCV:
At this point, I would expect justMatts to receive a CollectionChangeEvent and rerun its filter. Since all Matts have been filtered out of the source object, justMatts would be empty as well. However if you look in ListCollectionView code, they don't handle a CollectionEventKind.REFRESH which is what gets fired when source gets a new filter applied. Am I doing something wrong here (using wrong class, etc) or does nothing in Flex support the changes to source filter.
I can get this working as I expect it to by manually dispatching a CollectionEventKind.RESET on source, but I was hoping to not have to subclass anything.
I have an arrayCollection with the following structure:
the AC is defined as follows:[Bindable] private var projectErrorsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
I'm using this AC in a repeater to display each error. After each error is shown, I've placed an "Accept" and "Deny" button. Once the user clicks either one of these buttons, I'd like to call a function that removes the particular error from the AC. Here's what I have so far:
Just fired up Flash CS5 to a surprise. My screen-based SWF from years ago will no longer load. how does one achieve the equivelant of nested screens in CS5 now? I have outer chrome that's common to all screens and switch between nested screens to show different shared form screens that get populated with content from a database. Short of duplicating the shared content over and over, how do you get the layered effect I'm after? Does everyone simply jump around on the master timeline? Or does CSS play a role here?
I want to write a chess variant into flash and would like to find chess components or an open source chess client (with no license restrictions). I don't need the engine, just the chess objects. The best thing would look very simple, 2D etc.
I need to create a web based audio recorder. I want to record and play audio in GSM format (for telephony).I created the it in JavaFX which require Java Runtime on client sideBut Flash is preferred as Flash is every where and widely used.
i am new to flash and wanted to learn so i went and bought the classroom in a book for flash cs5 to self teach my self and well in chapter 6 it has you create a navagation menu. This menu has four boxes you can hover over and click ( i completed the whole lesson so its ready to go) and well when you go to test (command + enter) the flash movie plays but it plays on a custom loop over and over.
I went to the top and went under control and deselected loop and it still does it and or it stops but then nothing is clickable.. what gives?? the lesson had me design the menu so you are able to hover over and have a box appear and then when you click it makes a sound and then after you click a new window pops up with info about that particular button and well when you test it it loops through at the blink of an eye and none of the buttons work and it just plays like a movie.
I've been working with Flash for over 3 years, but I can't figure this one out. I've got a body of text, half of which are bulleted points designated by <li></li>. It's loaded into a html-ised dynamic textbox.
It displays fine as is. However, if I make the box selectable, and select any part of the bulleted list, the ENTIRE body of text turns into a giant bulleted list, including the non-bulleted portion at the beginning. I've managed to replicate this bug with Flash 8 and CS3, using a variety of flas made from scratch.
But the problem is that the car is moving when you controll it so the bullet stays on the same position and I want it to follow the car and start from the same position as the car whereever it goes.
I'm creating a small car game where you shoot from the car, so I've made a bullet animation with this code inside the mocieclip:
shellNo = 0; function shellEject(){ shell_holder.attachMovie("shellAnim", shellNo, shellNo); shellNo++; }
But the problem is that the car is moving when you controll it so the bullet stays on the same position and I want it to follow the car and start from the side of it whereever it goes.
I'm creating a small car game where you shoot from the car, so I've made a bullet animation with this code inside the mocieclip:
But the problem is that the car is moving when you controll it so the bullet stays on the same position and I want it to follow the car and start from the same position as the car whereever it goes.
Is there a way to have a pre-loader based on a single movie clip, instead of on the entire SWF size? This movie clip may have a single graphic, but the entire movie has a slideshow with more images to display...but rather than making my visitor wait for the entire site to download before they see anything, I'd like to have it so when that graphic is loaded, it displays while the rest of the movie finishes loading. And there would be a preloader that shows the progression of the single movie clip.
Is it possible for recent versions of flash to directly (or thru Php) access (& update) data from a mysql database and display results based on the data?
So if my database were like this (math scores):User 13Jerry | 20Kane | 7 the flash output would be a bar graph like this (those hyphens would be bars in flash)
Is this possible these days? Google analytics does something like similar to this.
I last used flash somewhere in 2003/4. Never after that :-) I've completely lost touch.
A few minutes after I log in several facebook flash-based applications (Cafe World, Treasure Isle, Frontier Ville) my pc shuts down. This has not always been the case, only in the couple past weeks. At first I thought my notebook was overheating...but how can a flash-based game overheat a pc in less than 5 minutes? I was a bit perplexed since ZyngaPoker (another flash-based app) causes no problems even if I play for an hour straight but then again I turned my notebook one morning after leaving it idle for 12 hours and went directly to one of the aforementioned apps. 3 mins and.. BAM. I have a good pc, always use Chrome and good software (such as CCleaner, Deffragler, SpeedFan etc).
I need to run a webservice from a webpage that is based on swf, the webpage is hosted localy on the same computer with the webservice, and is browsed from remote computers. I wanted to knoe thw proccess that runs on the page, if the page is run localy and localy it runs proccess of the swf or is loaded to the browser amd from there it performs opperations.