Professional :: A Question Based On Classroom In A Book Cs5?

Mar 7, 2011

i am new to flash and wanted to learn so i went and bought the classroom in a book for flash cs5 to self teach my self and well in chapter 6 it has you create a navagation menu. This menu has four boxes you can hover over and click ( i completed the whole lesson so its ready to go) and well when you go to test (command + enter) the flash movie plays but it plays on a custom loop over and over.

I went to the top and went under control and deselected loop and it still does it and or it stops but then nothing is clickable.. what gives?? the lesson had me design the menu so you are able to hover over and have a box appear and then when you click it makes a sound and then after you click a new window pops up with info about that particular button and well when you test it it loops through at the blink of an eye and none of the buttons work and it just plays like a movie.

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// Popup size
popup_width = 900;


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rotation *= -1;

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Feb 25, 2010

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Heading: 'current date'
Title: 'On this day in History'
Text box: Which displays the right description from a text file. history.txt
Image box: which displays a pic related to the current date.

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Professional :: Dynamically Display Xml Content Based Off AddEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, DisplayContent)?

Jan 13, 2010

I have been working with this script for a few days now and have gotten to a near completed point, but I can't seem to script the final step. I have an xml file that is being parsed into my .fla file. There are 3 buttons which are dynamically created based on a tag called <navItem>. The function 'displayContent' should be displaying the appropriate chunk of xml in various text boxes, but instead, it only displays the last chunk (the 3rd chunk) no matter which button I click on. I have pasted my code on pastebin here:[URL]

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Jan 25, 2010

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Example:  <param name="movie" value="flash/header_v8.swf?pic=1&button=1" />
pic variable can be 1 - 3 and button variable can be 1 - 7  depending on the each pages body element id.  So the logic would be something like this for my flash movie:
if body id =home, then pic=1 and button=1
if body id =about, then pic=current variable and button=2
if body id =page3, then pic=1 variable and button=3

What's the best way to pass these variables depending on the current page body element id?

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Flash :: Web Based Visual Programming Interface Based On Python For Data Visualization

Nov 4, 2011

I just discovered and was very impressed by what can be achieved in terms of visualizing data using their workspace. Although the platform is free to use, but not open source yet. This causes a few problems because the API section works with .com sites for eg. for ebay, so I cannot visualize ebay listings for regional sites such as because the link to is hardcoded.I searched around, but didn't find other projects that offer a similar way to work with site APIs and other data sources with the kind of user interface and detail that does in a realtime way within a browser window.This brings me to the questions:

-What technologies would be involved in creating a similar kind of project

-What are the open source tools that can help develop a fullscreen UI to render the workspace. Are there any alternatives to flash for this, and how do they compare

The goal would be to use standard python data structures, python scripts to do some processing on these data structures, scripts to gather data from csv, json and API sources such as google yahoo, wikipedia and flickr, and scripts to render graphs, tag clouds, network visualizations etc. Then bring them all together into a visual interface that supports drag drop and simple type checking.How would the python backend integrate with the UI.

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