ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Make Dynamic Reflecting Of A Mc
Jul 5, 2007
is there any way to flip dynamic text? When ever i rotate/flip/manipulate a dynamic text box it seems to stop displaying/ there a way to make a dynamic reflecting of a mc (containing a (unmodified) dynamic text box)?any possible solutions to see upside down dynamically loaded text!
I have a slider in my movie (depositAmount) and in the component inspecter it has Initial value for the slider. In my first frame I have an input field for depositAmount and i want the position of the slider button to reflect that. So if the min and max deposit amount are 0 and $10,000 respectively and the user inputs deposit Amount as $2000, I'd like to position the slider button 1/5th of the way across the slider. Is that possible? At the moment the slider button will just reflect the initial value position.
ListCollectionView is often promoted as a great way to daisy-chain different views of the same data. You have some source collection and then use ListCollectionView + filterFunction to wrap the source data and present a subset of that source collection. When the source collection changes (either adds or removals), the chained LCV gets updated automatically. However, if the filterFunction for the source collection changes, it does not appear to propagate to the chained LCV:
At this point, I would expect justMatts to receive a CollectionChangeEvent and rerun its filter. Since all Matts have been filtered out of the source object, justMatts would be empty as well. However if you look in ListCollectionView code, they don't handle a CollectionEventKind.REFRESH which is what gets fired when source gets a new filter applied. Am I doing something wrong here (using wrong class, etc) or does nothing in Flex support the changes to source filter.
I can get this working as I expect it to by manually dispatching a CollectionEventKind.RESET on source, but I was hoping to not have to subclass anything.
I have an arrayCollection with the following structure:
the AC is defined as follows:[Bindable] private var projectErrorsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
I'm using this AC in a repeater to display each error. After each error is shown, I've placed an "Accept" and "Deny" button. Once the user clicks either one of these buttons, I'd like to call a function that removes the particular error from the AC. Here's what I have so far:
I have a swf that is 6MB and takes for ever to load. No surprise there. It's an animated website. Now what i want to do is go through the whole thing and make it so all the images used in it are loaded dynamicly. is there some command or code i can use. None of the animation is done with actionscript it's all in the time line.
Lets say i hava category and some articles in it (one article - few photos and description). I want to make a thumbnail menu in footer each thumbnail linking to an article. The question is how to make this menu to load automatically? If i put articles in category/article1, category/article2 (and so on) folders, I want to see two thumbnails linking one to first article, second thumb to secont article. If i add one more article, i want thumbnail to be loaded to site automaticaly
I've been working in a new proyect and i came to this problem that is really getting me tired. I'm supposed to make a given number of items (constructed from an extended Sprite)[code]...
How can I make a dynamic slideshow, which works only with next/previous buttons and has over image (part of the image) hyperlinks, which are positioned each time different (the position data maybe in XML?), depending on the image?
I'm currently experimenting with a way to make flash a bit more dynamic.Is there some ways to get Flash to load or request for more information from the backend (like a load more button), that won't require a complete refresh of the page?
I'm trying to get the approach similar to youtube's leanback (, where you can search information and send it the backend to get more information of other stuff
I have a list component and I wanted to make a dynamic scroll for the list. Or change the default scroll that the as2 components have. How can I make a dynamic scroll, the ones that it moves with the mouse position?
soooo im trying to make my dynamic box, keep score at the end. like during the game i have it keeping score. and once its finished it shows up at the end, with your score. now, i dunno if im suppose to use a code or not? soo am i?
I'm running my head against a wall here and I'm not sure how to tackle this problem. Background I'm making some sort of movie player with subtitles overlayed on it. I'm using the root timeline for my movie timeline because this greatly increases development speed. The subtitles are created with the texttool, and I make them dynamic textboxes because I need to reference them in AS3. I cannot wrap them into a movieclip because they need to be in sync with the root timeline
The user should be able to enable or disable (effectively showing or hiding) the subtitles. The way I did this is by adding an event listener that listens to Event.Enter_Frame on the root timeline and a global boolean to indicate whether subs should be shown. In the enter frame event listener I search for the textfield by root.getChildByName (the name is the same each time) and show or hide the textfield accordingly.
I want to make a dynamic photo gallery. The layout will be a scrollable bar at the bottom with thumbnails and then when you click one, a big version of the picture in the main window. Pretty simple layout. But! I want it to be dynamic in the sense that follows;
I have a txt file that contains the number of photos in the folder (at the moment, there are 5). Flash reads that number, and inputs that into a for statement, which then gets the filename of each of the 5 files (p0, p1, p2, etc) and slaps a .jpg on the end. Its like this so that i can add files to the folder, change the number in the text file, and be done (no site maintenance required).
Now comes the problem. I want to be able to, within the for statement, load those files AND be able to resize them. What i'm doing now is putting an instance of the gallery itself on the stage (just an empty movie clip), and in the for statement I am adding a "thumb" movie clip into that gallery movie clip, and loading the image into that. Visually:
The problem is that I can't resize them. I've tried using the loadercontentinfo stuff, but when i do that, it messes up my for loop somehow. I could always make all of my thumbnail files that size anyways, but I am also hoping to maybe implement my creation here in the future so that I can give it to others who aren't tech savvy and having them be able to use it without any difficulty. Here is the code:
Code: //Create the URLLOader instance var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader() //the data will come as URL-encoded variables
I took out the loaderinfo stuff because it didnt work. As it stands, this version actually does sucessfully load the images, but doesnt do anything to resize them.
I am making a learning system where a user selects a "lesson" from a list of lessons.I currently have a lesson read from a txt file and loaded into a dynamic text box depending on what lesson the user selected. I have a problem with this though as:1) I need to have tables, math symbols, superscript and subscript which are not currently available in html tags flash understands.2) I want to put interactive elements like drag and drop etc. in the lessons.3) I need to include a search function so a user can type in a "word" and it will load lessons that the word appears in
My goal is making a navigation section that is a scrollable box. I thought the easiest solution was to make a dynamic text box and put a scroll bar on it. Worked until it came time to make the links. It is only letting me make one link for all the text. Also I think I want more control for the mouseover look.
I can't understand how I should do to make a dynamic text field in cs5. I have tried to find a solution in weeks now and there is always the same answer. (Window > Properties), select a text type from the pop‑up menu to specify the type of text field: Dynamic Text.But the thing is that I can not find where in the properties I can select the type of text field. Where can I find It?? I have my properties panel on the right side and not at the bottom of the page.
i'm new in flex.Here is my problem [code]i want to make source path dynamic.i mean i collected userName and albumName from php and i could print in flex.But when i use in source like this this way source="../../user/{userName}/{albumName}/album/{data}".
i wanna make a dynamic tree using a lazy loading ,each time i open a folder the tree sends a http request to the server, in this script i'm using just static text to test the tree but , i'm getting in the label of the root all the XML text assigned to the dataprovider, then when i open the root folder i got the childs with good labels , and openitem and closeitem events do not fire how could i make them
Is this possible at all? I have tried to use the startDrag method for dynamic text field but I still can not drag it. If I converted the dynamic textField into MovieClip symbol then it becomes draggable. But I had to keep it as dynamic textField object because I am also applying formats defined in textFormat object to that textField. If it is converted to MC symbol, then I can no longer apply textFormat. Is there any solution. Basically I want to be able to drag and change its text format for given textField.
I basically can't figure out how to make dynamic text Bold.I have a String that holds text which is passed to it from an XML file's attributes. (It is my understanding that you can't use CDATA <b> in an XML file's attributes. If I'm wrong, please show me how) I have a TextField which I want to display this string in BOLD text. I tried the following and it doesn't work.[code]
Every thing is working but the Thumbnails RollOver event. If I set ThumbnailRolledOver = i; to ThumbnailRolledOver = 1; then it works but I am trying to load in 11 items and need this to be "i" if its possible. Is this something that can be done? I have seen dynamic button names but not dynamic information inside a button like this.
I'm creating dynamic buttons, I'm using textFields to make them.I have a problem with the text on them.I want the text to wrap, autosize and be multiline - ie I want the button to be a certain width and if the text is longer for a particular button the button will be higher with the text going onto the next line.Here is the code I'm using...
c._y = 40 * i; c.createTextField("chap" + i, i, 10, 100, 150, 35); var tf = c["chap" + i];[code]....
I want to make a dynamic XML+FLASH menu, the texts (MainMENU & Sub-Menu) should be stored in a XML file & can be change anytime by just edit the XML file. it is a horizontal type, just like this : [URL] a dynamic text (MAINMENU) is under the icon <--- button , when click the button, a horizontal sub-menu appear. the number of sub-menu can be add/delete by editing the xml file.