Professional :: Increasing Editing Stage Size?
May 30, 2011
I am creating a platform game that is 800 by 600 dimension where the camera scrolls with the player. The problem i am having is that if i want to draw a map that goes off screen the stage are that i can edit in can only go so far when i am creating the map however i drag an object further than the edge of the editing space i can see it when the camera scrolls over to it in game but when i do this i cannot easily edit the objects that are not in view in the editing window. I can slightly increase the size of the editing window by changing the dimensions of the game to 2880 by 600 editing and then changing back to 800 by 600 but still i can only enlarge it up to 2880 because that is the maximum. Is there any way i can edit very large objects like a map that are way bigger than the stage dimensions?
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var grow:Number = 10;
var shrink:Number = 10;
resiSplash_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resiClick)
resiSplash_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVE R, resiGrow)
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[Code] .....
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Lock_Water.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resizeLock_Water);
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[Code] .....
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This is where i'm up to so far:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
I think I need something like:
if (object moves up)
else if (object moves down)
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size_mc.onRelease = function(){
Stage.height += 100;
It comes always the current stage size.
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Two scenarios:-
1) resize stage and all contents down to a different size.
2) resize the animated map down but more so than the static key (sits outside the map) which should remain readable.
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Feb 10, 2012
I put a motion preset (zoom in 3D) on a movie symbol instance. It worked great--it zoomed in well, and the instance stayed at the center of the stage for the whole animation, which is what I wanted.
I realized that I needed to change the stage size, for reasons I won't go into.I converted the stage measurement from pixels to inches, and resized it.Of course, all my graphics and instances were now off-center. In realigning and resizing everything, I discovered that my instance with the motion preset was no longer staying centered on the stage. It now travels in a right diagonal down to the bottom right corner of the stage when played. In fact, now anytime I use that particular preset on anything, in this file and in new ones, the same thing happens. It's like the preset has changed permanently on my computer and won't go back to the default.
I've tried editing the path frame by frame, but that makes a mess. I've tried using the subselection tool to edit the path, but that's imprecise and not working well.As an aside, I loaded this particular file onto another laptop here at work that has Flash Pro too. Before I opened my file on this new computer, that motion preset worked fine. Now that I've opened this file in the new computer, that preset is messed up, even when I start a new file.
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Jun 16, 2010
I am inputting text from an xml file into dynamic text boxes; I have static text boxes as titles of each.
making the dynamic text boxes expand if the xml text is of a larger size & moving the static text boxes so they don't start getting over written.
The code Ive used to put the text into the dynamic boxes is very simple:
var xmlData:XML = new XML ();var theURL_ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest("xml.xml");var loader_ul:URLLoader = new URLLoader(theURL_ur);loader_ul.addEventListener("complete", fileLoaded);
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm editing a scoller and have removed a photo from it however as the scroller scrolls a gap slowly appears where the original photo was. I can't seem to stop this happening?
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Feb 15, 2011
I have one that's almost done and the stage size is 700x800 px. But I'm starting to worry if that's going to look too small? To change it, will be a lot of work - there's animation, imported Jpegs etc. As far as I can tell, in order for it to look correct in larger dimensions I will need to basically create it again from the ground up. So, I'd really like to get an idea of what the optimal pixel dimensions would be for ecards to run on multiple platforms.
I really want to do this and I don't feel like I can move ahead until I get the viewing size correct. I don't even mind redoing the card. I just want my future cards to be the correct size. I don't want to have to come back and redo them all. By the way, the cards are being made in Flash. The site itself will be created in DreamWeaver.
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May 20, 2009
You know normally when you are on a stage and then you click into on movieclip on the stage you see the other stage items faded out still and can edit the specific movieclip you are in, like soo.the normal mode for clicking on symbol on the can still see the faded stage elements in the background.screen1.jpg (30.81 KiB) Viewed 454 times
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Sep 24, 2010
I'm new to ActionScripts and was tasked to complete a project. I'm trying to split a big image so I can send them to a http server in chunks. I'm using a recursive function below and increasing the DisplayObjects X position on every iteration. The problem is I get the same image in every iteration and checking the encodeByteArray string value is always the same.
var currentTileIndex:int = 0;
function renderNextTile(e:Event):void{
if(currentTileIndex < tilesToLoad){
loader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....
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May 31, 2011
Im creating a movieclip when a button is pressed:
// This loads the photo gallery swf when button 4 is pressed
Menu.Button_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF);
var fl_Loader:Loader;
//This variable keeps track of whether you want to load or unload the SWF
now I want to specify the movie's x and y value once its loaded, but when I do it says that fl_loader does not exist.Is there a way to change the movie's parameters only after its been loaded?
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Jun 24, 2010
on Roll_over I am increasing uiLoader width and Height for Zoomed versionso when I roll Over first loader , it appears behind 2nd loader ,similarly when I rollover 2nd loader , it appears behind 3rd loader
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Feb 28, 2012
I've been trying to find a method of increasing the resolution of an executable that runs off flash. To be specific the program is a game called 'Realm of the mad god' originally a browser game but is now also a free to play steam title, Having browsed through the config files I couldnt find anything talking about resolution and I was wondering if there are any advanced flash features that allow the user to force the application to run a specific resolution.
PS: I don't have the highest hopes but I thought if anybody knew it would be someone from the flash community.
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm working on a slideshow where I'm calling in photos from an xml file. How do I tell AS to resize the stage according to photo dimensions? Would I need to list the dimensions in the xml file? If so, how would I pull that into the fla file with AS?
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