Professional :: Find A Method Of Increasing The Resolution Of An Executable That Runs Off Flash?

Feb 28, 2012

I've been trying to find a method of increasing the resolution of an executable that runs off flash. To be specific the program is a game called 'Realm of the mad god' originally a browser game but is now also a free to play steam title, Having browsed through the config files I couldnt find anything talking about resolution and I was wondering if there are any advanced flash features that allow the user to force the application to run a specific resolution.
PS: I don't have the highest hopes but I thought if anybody knew it would be someone from the flash community.

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<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<html lang="en"> 
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Flash :: Find The Size Of The Area In A Bitmap Which Has Been Filled Using The Bitmapdata.floodfill Method?

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I am using the floodfill method to colour-in sections of a bitmap image. That part is easy enough but the issue comes in with the way I am adding an effect to the colour fill routine.

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var currentTileIndex:int = 0;
function renderNextTile(e:Event):void{
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loader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....

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Feb 17, 2011

I'm developing a touch-screen Flash  application for a shoe store, and it runs fine initially, but slows down  toward the end of the day. I've been diligent with removing event  listeners and so on. I've now narrowed the problem to be very specific -  it's one section of the application causing the problem, and one part  of that section:
- I have a main movie clip which  contains the animation, which itself contains 5 nested movie clips, each  with their own timeline. All movie clips have a stop action on the  final frame. images are transparent PNGs with outer glow "filter" - the issue is not with performance as such, but with CPU increasing  over time. Each time you play the clip, there is a small amount of CPU  usage that 'sticks' and doesn't get freed up. What happens is that if  you play the movie clip many (MANY MANY) times, then eventually it  starts to slow down. Mac's Activity Monitor shows that the idle CPU  usage is increasing slowly, over many times of playing the clip. It's  insignificant with each play, but adds up over time.
You  may be inclined to say: oh filters effect CPU, so it will be slow - but  it isn't slow until it plays many, many times. Initially it's fast. I've uploaded a .zip with .app and .exe versions of my problem section. There are two files of each type:  (& .exe): plays the problem clip repeatedly (I've just removed the  final 'stop();' frame), so you can leave it open and come back in half  an hour to see it slowing down. (& .exe): Plays the problem  clip once when you click the 'play' button, so you can click several  times, let it return to idle, and verify that the idle CPU usage is in  fact increasing.


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Professional :: Loaded SWF Runs Code On Parent Timeline?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a parent movie that contains several buttons that load several child SWF files.The parent timeline has only 1 frame, and in that frame all the ActionScript (version 3) for the parent movie is imported with a single statement:
include ""; 

The problem is that when a child movie loads, IF the child contains ANY ActionScript calls, it also somehow runs the code in "", which accesses many elements of the parent movie which are not present in the child. This produces "NULL object reference" errors which crash the script:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.If I remove all ActionScript calls from the child's timeline, then the child doesn't run the parent's code - But if place so much as a stop(); call in the child timeline, then the child runs the parent's code after being loaded in.
I originally wrote this script for another project, which works fine, and then copied and pasted it to this one, so I don't understand why it's not working the same way. Earlier on I suspected the trouble might be from re-saving my current project as ActionScript 3, when before this upgrade was saved as ActionScript 2. So I went back and re-created each file in fresh AS3 FLAs, but it didn't solve the problem.The child SWFs are loaded with this code from "".

var ldr:Loader = new Loader();    addChild(ldr);    var url:String = "child.swf";    var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);    ldr.load(urlReq); 

Also in "" is a simple trace call at the top of the file:
trace(' is running'); 

When de-bugging the file, the message ' is running' appears in the output panel when each child SWF is loaded, which tells me that the child files are running the parent's code. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?

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Feb 16, 2009

I cannot seem to find a method for rounding my numbers in the following way:


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Professional :: Make Code Which Runs Every Time The Mouse Is Clicked Anywhere

Jan 6, 2011

How do I make code which runs every time the mouse is clicked anywhere (not on any specific object) using AS1

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Faster Method To Find An Index Than IndexOf()?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a function that finds the smallest five numbers out of an array of values and returns their index numbers. Here's a block of code from that function[code]...

The whole thing is slow, but I imagine that indexOf() is probably the worst offender. Is there any more efficient way to correlate a series of minimum values with their indexes without having to use indexOf()?

The values don't necessarily have to be stored in _elements, but they're pulled from a multidimensional array so I figure that it's the most efficient I can get at the moment.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Find HMAC Encryption Method?

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i'm need HMAC-SHA1 for doing some encryption, but so far i'm able to found SHA1 in meychi crypto library, but until now i'm still not able to found HMAC encryption method so far.i'm trying to refer to hurlant crypto library, but it's quite confuse as it's using ByteArray which only available on AS3.

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Professional :: Can Load All Images First So That Rest Of The Slide Show Runs Smoothly

Jan 22, 2010

in XML gallery , how we can load all images first so that rest of the slide show runs smoothly
For example:  I have placed 10 images in XML , when slideshow starts , all the effects not appears , because it waste time in loading each image on its turn  I want to load all images first , then want to start the slideshow how i load all  images at the start  ?

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Actionscript 3 :: Fastest Method To Find A Complex Type In A List

Apr 12, 2011

I need to know the best method to find an item inside a list (Vector, Array, Dictionary, whatever is faster) of complex type (extensions of Objects and Sprites). I've used "Needle in Haystack" method, but it seems that it isn't fast enough.

E.g. Suppose that I have a collection of Sprites (a pool, in fact). Each sprite will be added to the stage and perform some action. After that, it will die. I don't want to pay the cost to dispose it (garbage collect) and create another (new) one every time so I'll keep the dead sprites in a collection.

Sometimes times I'll call a method that will add a sprite to the stage. This sprite can be a old one, if it is already dead, or a new one, if the pool don't have any free sprite.

One of the scenarios that pushed me to this question was a Particle System. A "head" particle leaving a "trail" of particles every frame and exploding into a flashy multitude of particles... Every frame...

Some times this counts up to 50.000 PNGs with motion, rotation, alpha, event dispatching, scale, etc... But, this is JUST ONE scenario...

At the moment I'm trying to use a Object Pool with a Linked List... Hopes that it will be faster that running a whole Array/Vector or create new instances every frame an let them dye with Garbage Collection.

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CS5 :: Convert SWF File Into Flash-embedded Executable For Mac?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm using InDesign to create an interactive SWF of a document.

For normal Flash projects, I can create an executable (*.exe) file that includes the Flash codec so that the viewer doesn't need to install Flash beforehand.

Can I create something similar for the SWF file created by InDesign?

I'm using CS5 Design Premium. Intermediate knowledge in InDesign, basic in Flash, will likely need clear steps.

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Dec 3, 2010

I have a Windows app written in C++ and I need to detect if Flash is installed for IE. What's the best way to do this?

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Adobe Air - Merging Flash Site Into One Executable

Apr 21, 2011

How to merge flash site into one executable.
Site consists of:
After clicking on a merged file, index.html is needed to be opened. Adobe AIR might be useful for this, but I can only create setup executable, maybe it is possible to create just executable?

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