Actionscript 3 :: Fastest Method To Find A Complex Type In A List

Apr 12, 2011

I need to know the best method to find an item inside a list (Vector, Array, Dictionary, whatever is faster) of complex type (extensions of Objects and Sprites). I've used "Needle in Haystack" method, but it seems that it isn't fast enough.

E.g. Suppose that I have a collection of Sprites (a pool, in fact). Each sprite will be added to the stage and perform some action. After that, it will die. I don't want to pay the cost to dispose it (garbage collect) and create another (new) one every time so I'll keep the dead sprites in a collection.

Sometimes times I'll call a method that will add a sprite to the stage. This sprite can be a old one, if it is already dead, or a new one, if the pool don't have any free sprite.

One of the scenarios that pushed me to this question was a Particle System. A "head" particle leaving a "trail" of particles every frame and exploding into a flashy multitude of particles... Every frame...

Some times this counts up to 50.000 PNGs with motion, rotation, alpha, event dispatching, scale, etc... But, this is JUST ONE scenario...

At the moment I'm trying to use a Object Pool with a Linked List... Hopes that it will be faster that running a whole Array/Vector or create new instances every frame an let them dye with Garbage Collection.

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I need to know the best method to find an item inside a list (Vector, Array, Dictionary, whatever is faster) of complex type (extensions of Objects and Sprites).I've used "Needle in Haystack" method, but it seems that it isn't fast enough.

E.g.Suppose that I have a collection of Sprites (a pool, in fact).Each sprite will be added to the stage and perform some action. After that, it will die.I don't want to pay the cost to dispose it (garbage collect) and create another (new) one every time so I'll keep the dead sprites in a collection.

Sometimes times I'll call a method that will add a sprite to the stage.This sprite can be a old one, if it is already dead, or a new one, if the pool don't have any free sprite.

One of the scenarios that pushed me to this question was a Particle System.A "head" particle leaving a "trail" of particles every frame and exploding into a flashy multitude of particles... Every frame...Some times this counts up to 50.000 PNGs with motion, rotation, alpha, event dispatching, scale, etc...But, this is JUST ONE scenario...At the moment I'm trying to use a Object Pool with a Linked List...Hopes that it will be faster that running a whole Array/Vector or create new instances every frame an let them dye with Garbage Collection.

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_myArray.splice(4,1) // > remove number 8 !
trace(_myArray) // > array contains now: (1,pizza,2,6,test,11,16,17,cola)

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public class ComplexType {
public var _someString:String;
public var _someInt:int;

... and using ...
_nc = new NetConnection();
_nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, _onNetStatus);
_nc.client = {};
_nc.client.echoCallback = _echoCallback;
[Code] .....

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function loadDone(evt:LoadEvent)


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actor.graphic.getChildAt( i ).stop();


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Jan 26, 2010

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for(var obj:DisplayObject in DisplayObjectContainer) {
if(typeof obj == "Pic") {

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Error: Cannot find definition for type
'' at

...when using the following code...

// This will return an array of presentations
var service:PresentationAuthoring = new PresentationAuthoring();
var token:AsyncToken = service.getAllPresentationByClientId(

[code]. ..

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Nov 6, 2010

xml stuff in action script is so... non-intuitive.. cubersome I can compare it to the xml libs that I used in playground sdk, popcap and other .. tinyxml.. ....

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<Weapon id="canon" rechargeTime="200" impulse="30">


how do I read the all "Weapon" objects listed inside Weapons.. NOTE: I dont want to use the method.. that returns "Weapon" from all over the xml... cause I probably want to list weapons in other sections for other purposes

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Actionscript 3 :: Return Different Type From Overridden Method?

Jan 13, 2010

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package {
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public class Bin extends Rectangle {


This class works, but when I use the clone() method to create a new Bin instance, I get type errors when I try to use the Bin methods on the new instance.

How do I override clone() and send an actual Bin instance?

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Actionscript 3 :: Define The Return Type For Such Method?

Mar 27, 2011

public function t()
if(xxx)return xxx;
//don't return anything

How to define the return type for such method?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference Type Method ... Weak

Dec 18, 2009

So there I was, creating a small app that allowed user to upload custom images. Everything went smooth, until......<insert horror music here> So you want to validate that its an image, and not something else. Well you restrict it with the File filter...but there are ways around that. So as a double check, you check the file type after a file is selected. <drum roll>

Awesome, the type method returns null if the image doesnt have the proper headers....what the hell....So most images are compressed for smaller file size, thus the headers are stripped out. So...Type method appears to be useless....There was a simple way around this using the name method..but what the hell...type method is weak!!

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call to a possibly undefined method through a refernce with a static type?

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Flex :: Find Out Deselected Item In Spark List With Multiple Selection

Aug 3, 2010

In a spark list I could use the change event to find out which item has been selected or deselected. The dispatched IndexChangeEvent object has the properties newIndex and oldIndex holding this information.

But with multiple selection allowed this doesn't work anymore because newIndex and oldIndex could refer to indices of still selected elements.

A solution would be to copy the selectedIndices vector to another variable and compare this variable with selectedIndices after a change in selection, but this seems to be somewhat complex.

Does anyone know if there is an easy way two get the index/item a user is deselecting while other elements are still selected?

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Flash :: Find The Size Of The Area In A Bitmap Which Has Been Filled Using The Bitmapdata.floodfill Method?

Sep 27, 2011

I am using the floodfill method to colour-in sections of a bitmap image. That part is easy enough but the issue comes in with the way I am adding an effect to the colour fill routine.

To add the effect, first a copy of the bitmap data is created and floodfill is used on that instead of the original bitmap. Then the method is used to set the alpha value of everything apart from the filled-in section to 0 and the result is saved in another bitmapdata. After that, a 1 px radius circle sprite is added to the stage and is being tweened to the image dimensions and its mask is set to the sprite which contains the result of the compare operation.

This works perfectly except for the fact that the fill sprite has to be tweened to the complete image dimensions irrespective of how small the area is being coloured-in since I am not able to find a way to get the dimensions of the fill area. I am doing an bitmap image update at the end of the tween and I have to disable user interaction till the tween is complete to avoid the errors which come in if another fill-in operation is started before the base image has been updated. If I could somehow get the dimensions of the fill area then the time during which I have to disable the user interaction will go down considerably.

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Flex :: Handling Mouse Click 4 List To Find The Selected Item (since ItemClick Is Gone)?

Dec 8, 2011

I have prepared a simplified test case for my question. It will run instantly in your Flash Builder if you put the 2 files below into a project.I'm trying to display a List of strings and a confirmation checkbox in a popup:In the real application I dispatch a custom event with the string selected in the list, but in the test code below I just call trace(str);My problem: if I use click event, then the window closes, even if I click at a scrollbar (the !str check below doesn'twhen an item had been selected in previous use). And if I use change event, then the window doesn't close, when I click on the same item as the last time.riting a custom item renderer and having a click event handler for each item seems to be overkill for this case, because I have strings in the list.Test.mxml: (please click myBtn few times - to see my problems with click and change)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Type A Word In A Textfield And Have It Search For A Match Through A List Of Words In Xml

Jun 1, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how to get this started. I'd like to type a word in a textfield and have it search for a match through a list of words in xml. There would be 26 xml files containing a list of words starting with a letter of the alphabet.

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