I have a background image of clouds behind a mask that tweens from left to right. When the image reaches it's end, I would like to start the image over again, so that it loops indefinitely.
I am trying to seamlessly loop specific layers containing .swf or .flv movies infinitely, independent of other layers in the timeline.I have attempted to use the gotoAndPlay("x"); method, but the target layer always freezes on the last frame for about .5 seconds before executing the gotoAndPlay command. The only situation in which it doesn't freeze is when frame "x" is the first frame of the project.No other actionscript is being used anywhere else in this project
How do I infinitely loop an mp3 file in standing wave. I've tried LoopSource with SoundGenerators etc, but I've had no luck. I can find no usage examples in the documentation or online of someone looping anInfinitely mp3: var player:AudioPlayer = new AudioPlayer() const generator:SoundGenerator = new SoundGenerator(sound) source = new LoopSource(new AudioDescriptor(), generator) player.play(source)
2. the shoot at the same time and start dragging towards the edges of the screen like this: <------ (center) ------>
3. fill the centerish area with smoke from the gunfire while the guns are moving away
4. as the smoke clears my name appears in the middle
5. then a few more frames of smoke coming out of the guns (i want this part to repeat, only this part though so theres just infinite smoke coming out)
now i'm still a bit fresh to flash. here's what i have down. i got my gun pics and the tilt up when fired and got them to drag away (motion tween). i also got my name to fade in from a frame in the middle to the end. i still don't know how to make the bang, or smoke (then make the smoke vanish), and then have the last few frames repeat.
I am looking to take a single image and have it fill the screen....then I want the user to be able to pan and zoom in/out , and the image to be tiled into infinity. So eventually the screen will be filled with tons of little versions of this image. I can do the scrolling and stuff, but I don't know how to infinitely tile a background.
I converted a short (96 frame) animation from QT to FLV format and I'm able to instance this onto the stage. How do you infinitely loop the animation? It executes through one iteration, and then stops.
I load a variety of swfs using the swfLoader, but most of them just display a looping image sequence. Is there a better format to use for loading files like that? (such as flv or gif)
I have just built my first website in Flash CS4 and have come across a couple problems. When I published it online, I found that the site is not centered and has a huge white area around it. How can I center the window and spread my background out infinitely?
I have an MC that is a giant text box that contains 20 different items laid out vertically, like this for example[code]...
I want to make the list infinitely moveable/draggable on its y position, meaning the user can drag this list up and down but the list never ends.....In other words when the user drags to the last item in the list, the list, the list starts over again. And the same works in the reverse; if the user is dragging up and gets to the first item, the last item pops up after and then goes in reverse. In other words no ending. Think The Price Is Right Wheel or the alram clock on the iPhone or iPod touch.
URL...Can anyone provide me with some code on how to make the scrolling thumbnails loop infinitely? So that when you reach the last picture on the scrollbar, it will loop to the first picture?
REQS: - 3 layers of images (groups) with a parallaxe like effect, meaning: * through gaps in top layer you see the second and through that the third layer. * subsequent layers appear incrementally smaller. * top layer moves quickest, subsequent layers move incrementally slower * 'hazy' effect (gray semi transparant mask or blur) increases for 'farther' away layers.
- random keypress moves layers horizontally in one direction only. - space bar halts movement for all layers. - backspace and return keys zoom to next/prev layers. - all keystrokes are visible in a textbox. Results are possibly used/stored. - pristine quality images - quick loading
I first started working out a prototype in Javascipt using JQuery and some available plugins after which I wrote some own code. This gets me in a good direction, but there's one MAJOR problem: file size. This, among other reasons, make me consider using Flash. I haven't used Flash in years and have just started diving into Actionscript 3, which is a beauty! Let me explain a bit more and tell me how feasible my idea is.
I'm getting the geolocation data of a viewer and creating a textfield to display this data (city,state). After the data is pulled the text is measured to fit in the textbox and if the length of the city is too long, the text is adjusted in size to fill the textfield. When I trace the end result of the final text size, I keep getting the (same) trace result outputted infinitely.
It worked, but I needed the text box to be made according to what data was pulled from the geolocation xml, so I added it in the geolocation script.
I'm having a problem with a .swf file created in Flash CS3. I want it to loop, which it does when I Test Movie in Flash, or when I play the .swf file in the Flash Player. But when I upload to my web space it stops looping.
I used the follwing script in the last frame of the file to create the loop:
I have a bunch of animated type but it continues to loop and I want it to stop on the last keyframe. How do I add a "stop" action or can I just turn off "looping" somewhere?
I would like my video to play through the external flv once, and then loop back to the middle of the external flv.I have made 3 cue points on the stage in actionscript, labeled "beginning","middle", and "end.here is my code which seems like it should work, however, I get an invalid seek 1009 error.
i need to make one of these image scroller things, click the left arrow and all the images scroll left and the one in the middle gets bigger, scroll right and all the images scroll right and the one in the middle gets bigger, if an image reaches the either end of the stage it should re-position itself back at the end or beginning of the image line up.make sense?anyway, for the life of me i just can't seem to crack it, i've tried a few approaches but all seem a bit "in-line" i wanna use for loops and arrays and stuff.. but i'm not smart enough!
Im trying to make a horizontal scroller, that pulls images from an XML document, and scrolls them infinitely.I have 2 problems with this and I have been looking everywhere for a tutorial, or example that shows how to do this and I always find something that is close to what I want but not quite.Here is what I have so far:
Code: var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); var mcListener:Object = new Object();[code]....
What I'm wanting to do is instead of using 490 (underlined), I want to be able to get the width of each loaded image so that I can line up the next image right up against it regardless of its width (490 just happens to be the width of all of them right now).I'm trying to use the onLoadInit() function, but I know I'm doing something wrong. When I try and trace my mainLoader variable, it traces the right amount of times, but they are all the last object in the group.What do I need to do to be able to get the widths of each image as it loads, then use that variable to position the next image right after it?
also (a semi unrelated help request), what I'm doing right now is loading them ALL in creating one giant line of images, then loading in another giant line of images and just alternating between the 2 each time one is almost to the end of its length. Is there a better way to do this so that only the right amount will load, and scroll, at the beginning adding the one right before it enters stage, and as they move off stage they are removed, then when it's near the end it just adds the first one back to the end?
So I have a looping SWF file that I uploaded on my website. It played perfectly until I decided to add a preloader.
I set up the Flash file with 2 Scenes, "Preloader" and "Scene 1" .The Preloader scene will play just fine. After the preloader plays, Scene 1 then begins to play as it should. However, once the animation ends, instead of looping like it did before, it just stops on the first frame.
How can I get my SWF to play the Preloader, and then continue looping the main animation (Scene 1)?
Here is my AS:
import flash.events.ProgressEvent; function update(e:ProgressEvent):void { var percent:Number = Math.floor( (e.bytesLoaded*100)/e.bytesTotal );
I have a main movie on my site with buttons that display linked movies in the right half of that main movie. One of the movies is the kind that I only want to play through once, then stop. In the FLA file of that linked movie I've put a stop(); action in the final frame, and when played alone it stops accordingly. But when it plays as a linked movie, it continues to loop. What can I do about this? The button script on the movie doing the importing is:
on (press) {gotoAndStop("flash_dev"); flash_mc.loadMovie("cubeintro.swf"); clearInterval(_root.myInterval); }
This is probably an easy fix, but I obviously can't get it. Below is the actionscript to loop my movie clip, but once it's activated, I can't get it to stop. I thought it would stop at 3. Flash 8 (CS2). on (rollOver){ for (i=0; i<=3; ++i){ audio_mov.duplicateMovieClip("audio_mov" +ii); }}
I have a looping aquarium with looping swimming fish. I want to be able to click the fish and they make a pop-up appear with info about them. I can't figure out the code to launch the pop-up? I am using CS3 and action script 2.0.
I have a loaded .swf that has the necesary stops to just play once and stop. It works when testing the movie, but once uploaded to the server, it loops forever, any ideas, I am using ActionScript 2.0
I'm fairly new to Flash and I'm not familiar with it's functions.The animation I made in Maya is in 2 parts. For The second part of the animation I want it to be looping. The first part no.
I have a music track that I want continusuely playing and looping for until my 600 frames stop, then it stops. (by the way my frames/sec is a 1, not 24 like the default). Also it would be nice if in the last 5 seconds it could somehow fade away. How do I do this?
I am trying to create a 24 hour countdown clock that will loop and play backwards counting it self back down to 00:00:00:00, being new to flash As3 I am struggling to create this animation. The AS3 code I have put into my actions is as follows:
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000); var currentSeconds:int = 86400; var milliseconds:int = 86400000; var result:String = ""; timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countDown); function countDown(e:TimerEvent):void { [Code] .....
When I press to test the movie the numbers are still 00:00:00:00. Below I have attached a link to an image to give a better idea of where i am at with this animation: [URL]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I try to make a looping rotating circle but I have wobbling during the rotation. It seem that the problem come from Flash. I tried manually on the timeline, by the code... but no results. I would expect a PERFECT circle! Here is an example of my result: [URl] You can download the .fla here:[URL] The circle is 2000px*2000px, center is -1000px*-1000px I believe this one also displays the problem in another way: [URL]
I am trying to create some flash banner (looping animation). I have 1 stage timeline (100 frames) and several movieclips. I need to play 1 movieclip from frame 1 to frame 50. How can I do this? It plays again and again. If I add AS stop(); in the frame 50 of this mc (inside mc timeline), then this mc plays just once. When all movie is looping from the frame 1, this mc does not play.