Professional :: Resume From Exit Frame
Feb 2, 2012
I have a Flash GUI...I need to produce a product for delivery on CD/DVD and one of the requirements is for the application to "resume" from the spot where the user quit the application.The fact is, I found a way to do it and it was working perfectly...but once I edited the FLA and republished, the SO only resumed up to a certain point...and the only thing I added to the file was AS to disable the primary navigation buttons at certain locations.[code]
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Feb 23, 2005
I would like to pause a frame for 5 seconds and resume play. My code is just not working out.
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm trying to tween two movie clips and when they are finished, make them resume to the next frame. How do I do this or make it work!?
Here is my current code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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Jan 27, 2010
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Mar 6, 2011
So I have a Flash CS5 presentation which uses ActionScript 3.0, and currently is completely finished except for the addition of background music.
One of the pages has audio files which the user can select and listen to, and another page has video files for the user to select and watch.
As a result, I will need the background music to pause/stop itself before it reaches those frames in the movie, and start itself when leaving those frames.
Alternatively, a button for the user to click and the background music will pause or resume.
I have tried multiple methods, and currently have the background music playing from frame 1 (with the "pause/resume button" event listener) to the end. The pause button will work anywhere in the movie, but the background music will not resume at all - not even from the beginning.
I assume that this is because the song isnt loaded past frame 1?
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Sep 26, 2009
Im trying to make it so that when the swf is refreshed/reloaded, it resumes on the frame that it left off on, not restart.
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Feb 8, 2008
audio of a movie playing when I exit the frame - it's probably something simple that is yet evading me ...
The FLV works just fine, auto plays when entering the frame and uses a preset skin. The frame it's playing on has AS code stop(); on it.
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Mar 29, 2010
How can I play a play a different video when exiting a frame?
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Mar 8, 2009
I'm using Flash CS4, and all the actionscript so far has been Actionscript 3. I have some videos in my project -- this is being exported as an exe for cd distribution, rather than a website thing. So each video is wrapped inside a movie clip, which is wrapped inside another movie clip that deals with playing/pausing it, which is wrapped inside another movie clip that gives scrollbox functionality, which is placed on the stage. On the main timeline is a keyframe every frame, each of which has a stop() action, so that each frame is essentially a different "page" and you can navigate between these with menu buttons which call gotoAndStop().
The problem is, if the video is playing when you click a button to navigate to another frame, it continues playing even though it's no longer on the screen. You can hear the audio in the background. In addition to this, if you navigate to a frame four frames ahead, and each of the frames in between has a video, all those videos will start playing in the background as well.
I want to make sure that when you are on a particular frame the only video which will play is the video on that frame. If there is no video on that frame, no video should play. I was hoping that I could just catch the moment when you move away from the frame and call stop() on the video there, but I can't seem to catch that point. The FRAME_EXIT event seems to catch the end of the render loop or something so that it happens every time it draws the frame, rather than when you actually leave the frame and move to another one. In addition, I'm not sure catching the point where you move past a frame would help the problem with videos from in-between frames being started, as those frames are never entered so presumably never exited either.
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Jul 13, 2010
When a button is clicked on the flash site im creating, which links to the next page, ie about/contact/portfolio etc... I need the current frame movieclip to fadeout, then advance to the next page. This is my code so far
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Dec 26, 2010
I have an external Gallery that is called within my fla file. My problem is that every time I try to go to my home page or any other page for that matter the gallery doesn't go away. I can access my other pages "frames" and everything works fine, but my gallery blocks some of the page. How can I exit out of my gallery when I go to another page??
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Sep 14, 2004
I am using the video component player and it is working fine using this code:
video.setMedia("elements/flv/episode_1.flv", "FLV");
The problem is, if someone is playing the video and goes to another part of the flash movie, the video keeps playing or loading in the background. The video image doesn't show, but i can hear the audio or see in the browser that it is still loading.
How can i kill the video from loading once the playhead moves from the frame that the video player is on (it is sitting on a single frame)?
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Nov 24, 2009
I have added 4 different sound files to 4 different frames that are navigated via buttons. The problem i have is that if you navigate to another frame while one sound file is still playing the sound file continues over the next frame and the sounds clash. What i need to do is have the sound files stop once the frame is exited so is there a simple way to do this in AS3...
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Jan 22, 2009
i am building a flash web site using the goto and stop method, with each "page" of the website being a different frame. on one page i have a music player, and it all works fine, and if you press stop before leaving that "page" or frame it all works well.the problem i've run into is if you go to another frame while the music player is still playing the music continues playing and when you go back to the frame the music player is on and press stop it doesnt do anything and if you press play it will start playing the song again with both songs playing over to stop the music from playing when you exit that frame. here's the code for the music player:
Code: Select all//Music Player
var musicReq:URLRequest;
var music:Sound = new Sound();[code]..............
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Jan 17, 2007
i have just started to use flash and i am in the process of making a game but im stuck on putting actionscript into one part. i have a character and i want the game to go to the next level (next frame) when he hit the exit door. i know this might sound stupid but i have only just started.
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Oct 17, 2009
I frequently see the usage of ENTER_FRAME and EXIT_FRAME event types in AS3 code. I can even use the first event type just blindly to get certain things done. But I want to clear my concepts on these very fundamental things. My qeries are as below:When do the above 2 event types take place - I mean what triggers them?Does ENTER_FRAME trigger at the rate of FPS? If a MovieClip spans over 48 frames and the FPS = 24 - does this mean the ENTER_FRAME will occur 48 times for the full life-span of the MovieClip?Regarding the EXIT_FRAME, I could not find any example or description yet.
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Dec 6, 2009
tv.addEventListener(Event.EXIT_FRAME, movie);function movie(event:Event):void{stop("tv");
i have dragged a video player from another swf, when i goto the next page the video keeps playing, unless i press the pause button,
i want it to stop if i exit the current frame.
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a very simple videoplayer, made much like the reference instructs with netstream and netconnection etc. It used a ordinary http stream (progressive download) I works, but sometimes when I pause the stream for a while and resume, it doesnt resume. I use stream.pause() and stream.resume(). Most of the time it works, but sometimes it doesn't. It's like the connection is being lost. Have anybody here tried the same, or does anyone know a way to tjek if the connection have been lost?
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Feb 2, 2012
Is there a way to allow a user to move playhead to any point on the progress bar (including much ahead of the loaded portion of the movie) and resume play from there? Presently a user can skip ahead only as far as the download happened.
Just in case there is no conflict with my set up, here is the code I have:
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Jul 14, 2008
Every time I use Flash CS3, the program works with no problem, with no lags and crashes. But once my work is done and I close it, Windows prompts a dialog about a "Flash not responding" warning. It happens every time I close the program, why is that?
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May 1, 2010
I have Adobe CS5 Master Collection trial installed on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 3, 32bit operating system.Every time I try to exit Flash CS5, no matter how (File/Exit, ALT+F4...) it crashes and won't close the window.While I work in Flash, open and close documents it works fine.
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Apr 11, 2011
I create a .swf file and couldt seem to find actionscript code to exit/unload the file. I also cant find code to automatically load a file as a full screen. I have used the code below but it seems to only works in projector or .exe files but not in the .swf file.
function Exit(event:MouseEvent):void{
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Mar 30, 2010
I have a borderless video that is going to be on a website I'm designing. I can add the play, pause, stop buttons but I need to add an exit video button. The video is going to auto play when a user goes to the website. The video is placed directly over a form, so I need the user to be able to click the exit video and have the video disappear allowing users to use the text fields in the form. I have tried many methods, but to no avail.
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May 27, 2010
What I am trying to do is create a window within the flash movie.Example I have three images on a products page. When you click on one of the photos I want a window to pop up within the MC.Also I would like a exit button on the page so when you exit out of the window you're still in the products page.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have an FLV video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site. It works pretty well, even loads fast regardless its 15MB size. The video located on its labeled section which has an "X" button which closes this section and brings a user back to the page with all the video sections. However once the labeled section with the video is closed the sound is still playing.Does any one know how to make it stop if the section with the video has been exited?Then go to HOW TO section and click on the link "here" for "The Arrangement" show it will bring you to the section with the video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site.
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May 18, 2010
How about make the Flash Player remember window position after exit? So that it opens in our preferred position everytime?
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Mar 24, 2010
I have a opening movieclip that starts playing for my background and then I have two buttons that come up on moues over event, that if clicked on start one of my two longer Movie Clips that I have as progressive download through a flvplayer on Key frame 2 & 3. I have all that working but I want it to go back to the start or keyframe 1 when the clip is done playing so I can use the same opening menu to click on the second movie clip can some one give me any tips on how to get to go back to the start when the movie is done.
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Jun 15, 2010
I've been following the book "Beggining Flash Programing for Dummies" and I have come up to a part where I create a very simple game.
The script involved in the frames are FRAME here:
btnGoThere.onRelease = function(){ _root.gotoAndStop("there");
} //end event handler
Frame there
btnGoHere.onRelease = function(){ _root.gotoAndStop("here");} // end release
When I test the movie and click the button, the frames don't seem to change.
View 12 Replies
Jul 26, 2010
I am making a frame by frame animation, where I draw a character, make a new frame and use the onion skin to slightly move my character. Is there a way to make a certain part faster than others? I made a character prepare to kick someone, but since i was doing it frame by frame it looks slow. So instead of taking out frames and making it look choppy, how do I make a certain part faster or increase its FPS? I tried making a new scene and changing its FPS, but that still changes the overall FPS.
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Apr 22, 2011
Where can I find step by step instructions for creating next frame and previous frame buttons with Flash CS4?
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